[Adopted 9-20-2010 by Ord. No. 4-2010]
Owners of properties abutting a stop-controlled road entering a through road at intersections within the Borough shall maintain a sight triangle for vehicles entering the through road as necessary and expedient for the preservation of public safety, as set forth below.
No obstruction to a sight triangle for vehicles, such as walls, fences, trees, brushes, hedges or other plant life on the properties as defined in § 185-23A above, shall be greater in height than 30 inches within 10 feet of the stop-controlled road and within 25 feet of any intersection. Further, if the Borough Engineer determines that a height of 30 inches at any given intersection because of its topology still constitutes a safety hazard to the passage of traffic, a lower maximum height will be established by resolution of the Borough Council for the properties that abut the specific stop-controlled road.
The area noted in § 185-23B above shall also be unobstructed to a height of eight feet above the ground. Trees and other similar vegetation shall be pruned and maintained at a height of eight feet above the ground.
If any property is in violation of the provisions of § 185-23 above, the property owner shall be noticed of such fact by the Borough Constable. Thereafter, such property owner shall have 10 days after notice to correct such violation.
If such property owner shall fail to correct the violation of this article within 10 days of the Borough Constable's notice of violation, it shall be the responsibility of the Borough Constable to issue a summons or complaint to the owner of the property for the violation of § 185-23. Such summons or complaint shall be heard by the Municipal Court of the Borough of Rocky Hill.
In the event that the property owner continues to violate § 185-23, the Borough Constable may issue a summons or complaint to the owner of the property 10 days after the initial notice of violation, and every seven days thereafter. Each such summons or complaint shall be considered a separate and distinct violation.
In case the property owner shall neglect or refuse to eliminate the cause of the violation within 10 days after notice to remove the same, the Borough of Rocky Hill may cause removal of the same.
In all cases where said violation is remediated by the Borough of Rocky Hill under and by virtue of the provisions of this article, the Clerk of the Borough of Rocky Hill shall certify the cost thereof to the Borough of Rocky Hill Council which shall thereupon examine the certificate and, if found correct, shall cause the cost as shown therein to be charged against the property.
The amount so charged shall forthwith become a lien upon such land and shall be added to and become and form part of the taxes next to be assessed and levied upon such lands, the same to bear interest at the same rate as taxes, and shall be collected and enforced by the same officers and in the same manner as taxes.
Any person who violates any provision of this article shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article I, General Penalty, herein. Each such summons or complaint shall be considered a separate and distinct violation.