[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chittenango 3-19-2013 by L.L. No. 2-2013.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This local law was originally adopted as Ch. 130 but was renumbered in order to place it in Part 1 of the Code.
There shall be created Chapter 130 of the Code of the Village of Chittenango, titled "Administrative Laws," within which to locate local laws pertaining to municipal operations, and local laws which address or modify Village policies and procedures.
Legislative findings. The Board of Trustees of the Village of Chittenango hereby determines that:
From time to time there are statutes enacted or amended by the State Legislature that allow municipalities, such as the Village of Chittenango, to vary their administrative policies and procedures to achieve a particular result, but only if the municipality provides for such change by means of local law.
Such changes often do not involve more than a singular administrative activity or policy, for which there is no existing Village Code provision.
It is the determination of the Board of Trustees that it is in the best interests of the Village to provide a chapter of the Code where such administrative local laws can be consolidated and where municipal officers, employees and residents of the Village will commonly find local laws upon which changes in administrative policies and practices are based.
The creation of this chapter of the Code will avoid the necessity to create new chapters of the Code each time a local law is passed for which there is no existing chapter and such changes are addressed to a singular administrative purpose.
[Added 3-19-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013]
Procurement officers are hereby authorized to establish standards, criteria and policies which will reasonably enable such officers to determine the best value to be achieved in the awarding of contracts for the procurement of goods and services related to such goods, but not for municipal public works.
Procurement officers shall solicit the input as to criteria, standards and policies for determining best value from all department heads whose operations will be directly affected by the award of the procurement contract for specific machinery, services, equipment, supplies and materials.
Following consideration of input from department heads, standards, criteria and policies to be utilized by procurement officers for determining best value shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees for review.
Upon approval by the Board of Trustees, procurement officers will utilize the standards, criteria and policies pertaining to the specified supplies, materials, services, machinery and equipment in determining the best value of bids submitted in response to request for bids, and in the procurement of goods and services which fall below the public bidding requirements of § 103 of the General Municipal Law.
In soliciting proposals for goods and services, or bids where public bidding is required, except for municipal public works, procurement officers shall advise the prospective vendors of this policy, when the procurement officer reasonably believes that a purchase based upon best value is in the Village's best interest.
Procurement officers shall make purchases based upon best value on every occasion where vendors have been advised that purchase contracts will be awarded based upon best value.
In the event a procurement officer intends to deviate from the standards, criteria and policies approved by the Board of Trustees, in awarding a purchase contract on the basis of best value, the procurement officer shall document in writing the reasons for such deviation in advance to the Board of Trustees, if time permits. In the event that such purchases are of exigent nature, such that the Board of Trustees would not have adequate time to review the reasons for such deviation, the procurement officer shall provide reasons for such deviation in writing to the Board of Trustees as soon as possible.
An individual who willfully and intentionally deviates from the standards, criteria and policies approved by the Board of Trustees, without reasonable justification and for personal benefit, will be subject to administrative disciplinary proceedings and/or will be guilty of a violation, with applicable Penal Law sanctions.
[Added 4-27-2023 by L.L. No. 2-2023]
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Chittenango does hereby authorize all members of the public bodies of the Village of Chittenango to participate in meetings using videoconferencing technology in a manner consistent with Public Officers Law § 103-a and the Village's videoconferencing policy, titled "Policy and Procedures for Village of Chittenango Public Body Member Videoconferencing Pursuant to Public Officers Law § 103-a," as adopted by resolution of the Village Board of Trustees.