[Amended 9-8-1970 by FMC-32; 11-5-1971 by FMC-35; 12-3-1973 by FMC-47; 3-4-1974 by FMC-51; 4-24-1974 by FMC-54; 8-5-1974 by FMC-60; 12-2-1974 by FMC-65; 7-7-1975 by FMC-75; 12-1-1975 by FMC-84; 12-6-1976 by FMC-96; 12-6-1976 by FMC-97; 12-20-1976 by FMC-98; 11-21-1977 by FMC-104; 4-10-1978 by FMC-111; 7-2-1979 by FMC-126; 10-1-1979 by FMC-131; 10-15-1979 by FMC-134; 1-21-1980 by FMC-139; 3-17-1980 by FMC-141; 5-19-1980 by FMC-145; 8-18-1980 by FMC-152; 11-3-1980 by FMC-159; 7-7-1980 by FMC-150; 5-3-1982 by FMC-176; 11-22-1982 by FMC-181; 4-18-1983 by FMC-183; 11-7-1983 by FMC-186; 12-5-1986 by FMC-191; 5-21-1984 by FMC-195; 1-7-1985 by FMC-199; 5-6-1985 by FMC-203; 5-19-1986 by FMC-211; 6-15-1987 by FMC-217; 8-24-1987 by FMC-218; 11-2-1987 by FMC-220; 1-18-1988 by FMC-222; 7-18-1988 by FMC-227; 7-18-1988 by FMC-228; 10-17-1988 by FMC-229; 12-20-1988 by FMC-230; 6-5-1989 by FMC-233; 1-8-1990 by FMC-242; 1-22-1990 by FMC-244; 8-20-1990 by FMC-253; 9-17-1990 by FMC-255; 2-18-1991 by FMC-262; 4-9-1992 by FMC-270; 2-15-1993 by FMC-279; 8-2-1993 by FMC-282; 5-2-1994 by FMC-288; 7-18-1994 by FMC-289; 8-1-1994 by FMC-291; 8-15-1994 by FMC-293; 8-7-1995 by FMC-309; 10-16-1995 by FMC-314; 2-5-1996 by FMC-316; 8-19-1996 by FMC-321; 9-16-1996 by FMC-324; 11-18-1996 by FMC-326; 3-15-1999 by FMC-352; 4-1-2002 by FMC-377; 6-6-2005 by FMC-402; 5-19-2008 by FMC-426; 12-5-2011 by FMC-452; 6-18-2012 by FMC-455; 4-15-2013 by FMC-460; 7-7-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-1783]
[Amended 2-20-2017 by FMC-2017-1]
Parking rules shall be approved by the Board of Trustees. Approval may be by a passed and approved motion unless otherwise required by law. Upon approval such regulation, restriction or prohibition shall be effective when signs giving reasonable notice of such have been posted. Where regulations, restrictions or prohibitions are applicable to an entire subdivision, then posting at the entryways to the subdivision is sufficient posting. Where regulations, restrictions or prohibitions are Villagewide, then posting at the entryways to the Village is sufficient posting. Exceptions to Villagewide or subdivision-wide regulations, restrictions or prohibitions shall be posted by at least one sign per block face of the affected portion of the street. No person shall park or otherwise operate a motor vehicle in contravention to posted signs.
At any time it shall be unlawful to permit any vehicle to stand in any of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a policeman or traffic-control device:
In any intersection.
In a crosswalk.
Upon any bridge or viaduct, or in any subway or tunnel or the approach thereto.
Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb within 30 feet of a point of the curb immediately opposite the end of a safety zone.
Within 30 feet of a traffic-control signal, beacon, or sign on the approaching side.
Within 20 feet of any intersection or crosswalk.
Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
At any place where the vehicle would block the use of a public or private driveway.
Within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad grade crossing.
On any sidewalk or parkway.
On the roadway side of any vehicle parked at the edge of the road or curb of street.
Alleys. No person shall park a vehicle within any alley, except for the purpose of loading or unloading, and then only in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available not less than 10 feet of the width of the alley for the free movement of vehicular traffic, and no person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle within an alley in such a position as to block the driveway entrance to any abutting property or garage.
On any street after two inches or more of snowfall has occurred and until such snowfall has been plowed/removed, except on streets adjacent to places of worship, schools and parks, and each only during hours of operation and/or service provision.
[Added 8-3-2015 by FMC-2015-4]
On the fire hydrant side of any street unless otherwise permitted for the specific location by properly posted signage.
[Added 8-3-2015 by FMC-2015-4]
[Amended 9-3-2019 by FMC0-2019-11]
Five-hour parking limit between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays at the following locations: on all residential streets in residential districts except those where a more restrictive parking regulation applies under another provision of this Code.
Between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., except on Sundays and holidays, the Village Manager is authorized to designate up to 12 fifteen-minute parking spaces, in lieu of the time limits otherwise established, within the entire Central Business District from time to time.
It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle upon any street for the purpose of displaying it for sale, or to park any vehicle upon any street from which vehicle merchandise is peddled.
It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on any public street or portion thereof in the Village at any time when such street is being cleaned. Signs indicating that a street or portion thereof is being cleaned shall be posted at the approaches to such portion of street as is being cleaned, and shall be removed after the cleaning of the street is finished.
It shall be unlawful for the driver of a vehicle to stand a passenger vehicle for a period of time longer than is necessary for the loading or unloading of passengers, not to exceed three minutes, and for the driver to stand any freight-carrying vehicle for a period of time longer than is necessary to load, unload and deliver materials, not to exceed 30 minutes, in any place designed by the Board of Trustees as a loading zone and marked as such or in any of the following designated places:
At any place not to exceed 75 feet along the curb before the entrance to a public building between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. except on Sunday.
Directly in front of the entrance to any theater at any time that the theater is open for business.
No person shall park any vehicle on any street between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. of any day, except physicians on emergency calls. Postal employee's vehicles, which bear a postal decal or sign, may be parked on Village streets beginning at 5:00 a.m.
It shall be unlawful to park any motor vehicle on private property without the consent of the owner of the private property.
Parking is prohibited on any unimproved surface.
All parking spaces shall be improved with material meeting Village specifications.
Parking is prohibited in other than parking spaces which conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and as such Zoning Ordinance may be amended from time to time.
A violation of any provision of the Zoning Ordinance related to the parking, loading or storage of vehicles may, at the election of the Village law enforcement officers, be prosecuted as a violation of this § 270-5-9, whereupon the penalty provisions of this chapter shall apply, or the procedure provided in Chapter 150, Fees, Fines and Charges, Article 2, may be instituted.
At the places described below it shall be unlawful to park any motor vehicle unless such vehicle has displayed a resident or guest parking permit issued by Village, and such permit corresponds with the zone in which such vehicle is parked. Between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., no on street parking of any motor vehicles is permitted.
Zone 1.
Embassy Row.
Imperial Court
In order to enforce the parking provisions of this Code, and to provide for the public safety and convenience, members of the Police Department and ordinance enforcement officers assigned to traffic duty are hereby authorized to mark the tire of any vehicle parked on the street with a indelible mark, provided that the provisions of this section shall apply only during the hours of any day or any night that parking is restricted within the parking zone by any section of this chapter. After any vehicle is so marked, it shall be unlawful for any person to remove such mark until such vehicle is removed to a new location.
Editor’s Note: Former § 270-5-12, Driver’s license suspension; parking violations, was repealed 6-4-2018 by FMC-2018-10.
Editor's Note: Original Art. VI, Condition of Vehicles, and Art. VII, Drivers, of the 1964 Code, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 7-7-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-1783.