[R.O. 2008 § 700.420; R.O. 2007 § 700.420; Ord. No. 3089 Art. IV § 1, 12-21-1993]
Fire Hydrant Use Procedure.
Hydrants shall be operated only by Fire Protection Districts, the City, personnel authorized by the City or those persons and/or companies granted a temporary permit to operate hydrants owned by the City in accordance with these hydrants regulations. The operation of a hydrant by any unauthorized person and/or company shall result in impoundment of any hoses, wrenches and/or nozzles City personnel deemed used in the hydrant operation and/or charges levied and/or subject to prosecution by the City of O'Fallon.
The authorized hydrant user shall provide all equipment necessary for hydrant use, including hoses, control valves and an approved Department of Natural Resources Backflow Prevention device, plus and other equipment the City deems necessary for the safe operation of the hydrant.
The City reserves the right to deny any request for hydrant use for any reason the City believes necessary to protect the property and/or the best interests of the City.
Hydrant Use Permits.
[Ord. No. 6145 § 5, 9-24-2015]
Upon approval, a hydrant user may purchase a one-day, a fifteen-day or a thirty-day permit.
Purchasers of one-day permit(s) may purchase multiple quantities of one-day use permits, as approved by City staff.
Fifteen- and thirty-day use permits are intended for use on construction projects or developments, as approved by City staff and shall only be used on hydrants within the area specified on the permit.
Use of a hydrant without a valid permit shall result in the impoundment of the equipment connected to the hydrant and subject the unauthorized user to the penalties set forth in Section 700.250.
Use of a hydrant without an appropriate backflow prevention device will result in the immediate revocation of the hydrant permit, impoundment of all equipment used in the improper operation of the hydrant, and subject the unauthorized user to the penalties set forth in Section 700.250.
Hydrant Use Fees And Charges.
[Ord. No. 6145 § 5, 9-24-2015; Ord. No. 6879, 2-10-2022]
The fee schedule for unmetered fire hydrant usage will be as reflected in the City's annual budget under fees and charges.
For government funded construction projects only and during warm weather months, a temporary metered rate may be established by temporarily installing a privately rented/maintained meter with the following requirements:
A customer account will have to be set up with the City.
A five hundred dollar ($500.00) deposit shall be provided.
The meter sizes allowed will be 1, 1.5 and 2 inch meters only.
The monthly base rate for this temporary setup will be two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) regardless of the size of meter utilized.
The rate for water usage shall be 1.25 times the current ordinance established rates per one thousand (1,000) gallons.
The minimum period for metered fire hydrant usage is two (2) months.
At the City's option a fire hydrant meter set up may be provided instead of allowing the privately rented meter.
No connection fee will be assessed with this option.
If a hydrant or any other City infrastructure is damaged by improper use, the user shall be responsible for all costs related to the repair of the hydrant or other infrastructure.
Unauthorized or improper use of a hydrant shall subject the equipment used to impoundment and subject the unauthorized user to the penalties set forth in Section 700.250.
The City may waive or reduce hydrant use permit fees for City maintenance, improvements, or construction projects.
The City reserves the right to develop and implement policies, permits, and procedures for hydrant operation and amend hydrant use procedures whenever the City deems necessary.
All hydrant users shall follow the permit and use procedures and pay the applicable fees as adopted by the City and as may be amended from time to time.
[Ord. No. 6145 § 5, 9-24-2015]
To set up a hydrant use account, a hydrant permit form shall be filled out and approved by personnel in the City's Utility Billing Section.
Persons requesting a hydrant use permit must sign an acknowledgement verifying that all Department of Natural Resources regulations pertaining to backflow prevention will be followed when hydrants are used.
Once the account has been established, hydrant use permits may be obtained by calling the Utility Billing Section, during regular working hours, stating the location of the hydrant and the date(s) requested. The permit use fee will be billed to the account holder.
Requests for fifteen- or thirty-day permits must specify the purpose and the specific area for the permit (e.g., project limits, subdivision, etc.). Once fees have been paid, and the permit issued, any hydrant within the specified area may be used during the permit period. At the end of the permit period, the permits become invalid. Another permit must be purchased for continued use of hydrants in the specified area.
City personnel will randomly inspect for proper use and damages to hydrants.