[Ord. No. 90-38 §20-130, 4-18-1990; Ord. No. 93-23 §1, 4-7-1993]
The City of Bridgeton is hereby authorized to obtain, take and receive all money and property authorized by any State or Federal law, to be forfeited to or for the benefit of the City of Bridgeton.
The Mayor is hereby empowered to authorize the initiation of or participation in any legal proceedings by the City necessary or appropriate to effectuate the City's rights with respect to any forfeiture of any property.
The Administrative Assistant is hereby authorized and empowered to receive any funds or property forfeited to or for the benefit of the City and to take, manage and dispose of such money or property as provided by law.
The Administrative Assistant is hereby authorized and empowered to sell, on behalf of the City, any forfeited property which may be received by the City, at public auction, advertised at least one (1) week prior to such auction. The Administrative Assistant shall obtain from each person purchasing any item at such auction, a receipt for each item purchased, containing a description of the item or items, the amount paid for each item and the name and address of the purchaser.
The Administrative Assistant shall place all funds received by the City as forfeited property, or from the sale of forfeited property, in appropriate accounts of the City.
All forfeited funds or funds from forfeited property received by the City shall be paid into the general revenues of the City, unless the applicable law or court order relating to such forfeited funds or property requires the use thereof for a specified purpose. Any forfeited funds, property, or proceeds thereof required by law to be used for a specified purpose are herein called Special Purpose Property or Funds. The City shall use Special Purpose Property or Funds only for the purposes specified in the law authorizing the City to receive such forfeited funds or property.
The Administrative Assistant, with the approval of the Mayor, may approve the use or expenditure of any Special Purpose Property or Funds for the purpose specified by law, in an amount or value not to exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). Authorization of the use or expenditure of Special Purpose Property or Funds in an amount or value of more than three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) shall be made by the City Council by resolution or ordinance.
The Administrative Assistant and all other appropriate Officers of the City are authorized and empowered to sign any applications, documents, or other papers and to do any and all things necessary or appropriate to obtain any forfeited funds or property on behalf of the City.
In the event the Bridgeton Police Force shall participate in any multi-jurisdictional law enforcement activity, unit or agency, and the operations of such multi-jurisdictional force shall result in the forfeiture of any money or other property, and if the governing law providing for such forfeiture authorizes the transfer of such forfeited property to the agency which participated in the seizure or forfeiture of the property, and if there is a governing body of such multi-jurisdictional agency to administer the use and expenditure of such forfeited property in accordance with the law, then such forfeited property may be transferred to such multi-jurisdictional agency for its use and disposition. The Bridgeton Mayor, Administrative Assistant, Chief of Police and City Attorney are authorized to execute any and all documents and do any and all things necessary or appropriate to effect the transfer of such property to such multi-jurisdictional force, unit or agency.
State Law Reference — RSMo. §§195.140, 513.600.