[CC 1999 §§11-1, 11-50; Ord. No. 2002-04 §§2 — 6, 1-2-2002]
Ward Boundaries. The City is hereby divided into four (4) wards (named First Ward, Second Ward, Third Ward and Fourth Ward), named and bounded as shown on a map on file in the City Clerk's office.
Wards, How Established. The basic election district shall be the ward, which shall be established in accordance with State law respecting precincts, as currently set forth under Section 115.113, RSMo.
State Law Reference — For state law provisions, §115.113, RSMo.
[CC 1999 §11-2; Ord. No. 90-40, 11-13-1990]
When any new ward shall be created or set off and such new ward shall include the residence of any member of the City Council whose term of office shall not at the time of the formation of such new ward have expired, the office of such member shall not be considered vacant, but he/she shall be entitled to serve as Councilman for the remainder of the term for which he/she was elected.
[CC 1999 §11-3]
Chapter 115, RSMo., shall govern all aspects, procedures and practices not specifically addressed by this Article.
State Law Reference — For state law provisions, ch. 115, RSMo.
[CC 1999 §11-20]
As used in this Chapter, unless context clearly implies otherwise, the terms used therein shall have a meaning as defined under State law, as currently set forth under Section 115.013, RSMo.
[CC 1999 §§11-30 — 11-32]
Election Authority Established And Defined. The Livingston County Clerk shall be the election authority for the City of Chillicothe.
Election Authority To Conduct All Elections. The election authority shall conduct all public elections within the City of Chillicothe. The conduct of elections by the election authority shall be in accordance with State law as currently set forth under Chapter 115, RSMo.
Peace Officers To Assist Election Authority. It shall be the duty of the City Police to give assistance or protection required by the election authority, any employee of the election authority, any election judge, any registration officer or any canvasser in the performance of his/her duties.
State Law References — For state law provisions, §§115.015, 115.023, 115.059, RSMo.
[CC 1999 §11-40]
The Chairman of the City committee of each political party named on the ballot shall have the right to designate a challenger for each polling place and challenges may be made when the challenger believes the election laws of this City and State have been violated, all in accordance with State law, as currently set forth under Section 115.105, RSMo.
The Chairman of the City committee of each political party named on the ballot shall have the right to designate a watcher each place votes are counted and said watchers are to observe the counting of the votes and present any complaint of irregularity or law violation to the election judges or election, all in accordance with State law, as currently set forth under Section 115.107, RSMo.
Before entering upon his/her duties, each challenger and watcher shall take the following oath:
"I do solemnly swear that I will make no statement nor give any information of any kind tending in any way to show the state of the count prior to the close of the polls on election day."
Sworn and subscribed before me
this ____ day of ____________, 20____
Challenger or Watcher
Judge of Election
Any misconduct of any watcher or challenger which may constitute an ordinance violation punishable under Section 100.340 of the Code of City Ordinances, and in addition may be an election offense under State law, shall be classified in accordance with and punishable under the terms of State law as currently set forth under Sections 115.629 — 115.641, RSMo.
State Law References — For state law provisions, §§115.105, 115.107, 115.109, 115.111, 115.629 — 115.641, RSMo.
[CC 1999 §§11-51 — 11-52; Ord. No. 95-5, 1-1995]
Designation. Polling places shall be designated and provided for in the manner required under State law as currently set forth under Sections 115.115 — 115.119, RSMo.
State Law References — For state law provisions, §§115.115 — 115.119, RSMo.