[CC 1999 §14-41; Ord. No. 91-2 §3, 1-14-1991]
Any person desiring to move any structure over, along or through the public streets or thoroughfares of the City shall obtain a permit from the City Engineer to move such structure and pay the required fee.
If any structure sought to be moved exceeds seventeen (17) feet in height and fourteen (14) feet in width, the City Engineer shall designate the route to be used in the moving of the structure and if, in the opinion of the City Engineer, the structure cannot be safely moved to its new location without creating traffic hazards or damaging property of the City or others, then the City Engineer shall refuse to issue such permit.
[CC 1999 §14-42; Ord. No. 91-2 §3, 1-14-1991]
Permission and authorization may be granted to the owners of any business establishment, business property or residential property within the City to install and maintain an electrical burglar or fire alarm system with alarm signal at the Police Station or Fire Station of the City.
The electrical alarm system authorized shall be installed and maintained by such person at his/her expense; and the City shall not, in any manner whatsoever, be responsible for the installation or maintenance of such alarm system and the City shall not be liable to any person for any damages or injuries which may arise from the installation or maintenance of such alarm system.
That portion of the equipment of the electrical system placed on or within any premises which are the property of the City shall be installed and maintained under the supervision, direction and approval of the City Engineer or his/her representative.
For the privilege of having the electrical signal located at the Police Station or Fire Station, there shall be paid a service charge to the City in the amount determined by the Council. Such service charge shall be payable in advance and such service change shall be paid for each installation, that is to say, a service charge for an installation at the Police Station and a separate service charge for an installation at the Fire Station.
In the event the service charge shall not be paid within a period of thirty (30) days after such charge shall become due and payable, the City Engineer is authorized and directed to disconnect and make inoperative the signal for such electrical alarm system.