[R.O. 2012 §115.150; CC 1979 §2-75; Ord. No. 777 §2, 12-9-1924]
It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to keep the journal of the proceedings of the City Council. He/she shall safely keep all records and papers belonging to the City which may be entrusted to his/her care. He/she shall be the general accountant for the City and shall be empowered to administer oaths to persons certifying to claims against the City. He/she is hereby empowered to administer official oaths and attest the same with the Seal of the City.
In addition to the duties imposed upon him/her by State law, the following special duties are imposed upon the City Clerk:
To permit no records, public papers or other documents of the City kept and preserved in his/her office to be taken therefrom, except by such officers of the City as may be entitled to the use thereof, and then only upon their receipt thereof.
To attest all ordinances, resolutions and all signatures of the Mayor, when necessary, to affix the Seal of the City to all documents requiring the same and to sign all resolutions adopted by the Council.
To prepare all commissions for officers, which the Mayor is required to sign, and countersign the same and affix the Seal of the City thereto.
To keep a record of all Commissions and the official oaths and bonds of officers.
To cause all ordinances and all resolutions to be published, as required by this Code or other ordinance or ordered by the Council, and to examine and correct the proof thereof.
[R.O. 2012 §115.160; CC 1979 §2-76; Ord. No. 777 §1, 12-9-1924]
The City Clerk shall be the official custodian of the Seal of the City and the proper officer to attest all official acts of the Mayor and City Council.
[R.O. 2012 §115.170; CC 1979 §2-77; Ord. No. 777 §3, 12-9-1924]
The City Clerk shall carefully keep and preserve all books and papers belonging to his/her office, file, index and arrange the same in convenient form and keep in the safe of the City all deeds and papers showing title of the City to any property and all bonds given by officers and contractors of the City.
[R.O. 2012 §115.180; CC 1979 §2-78; Ord. No. 777 §6, 12-9-1924]
Upon every document or paper filed in the office of the City Clerk, he/she shall endorse the date of filing, together with an abstract of the contents of such paper or document.
[R.O. 2012 §115.190; CC 1979 §2-79; Ord. No. 777 §4, 12-9-1924]
The City Clerk shall balance the ledger of the City quarterly, on the first (1st) days of July, October, January and April of each year, and make therefrom a complete statement of all business and financial transactions of the City for the quarter of the year ending, and have the same ready to present to the Council at its first (1st) regular meeting held thereafter. Such statement must contain an explicit and concise summary of the total receipts for the quarter year and for what purpose, the total debts of the City and the total amount then remaining in the Treasury.
[R.O. 2012 §115.200; CC 1979 §2-80; Ord. No. 777 §5, 12-9-1924]
The City Clerk shall keep an accurate register in his/her office of all checks issued, which shall represent in due and appropriate form the number of each check, in consecutive order, the name of the person in whose favor issued, the amount and for what purpose.
[R.O. 2012 §115.210; CC 1979 §2-81; Ord. No. 777 §7, 12-9-1924]
In addition to all other qualifications required for the office of City Clerk by this Code, by other City ordinances and by State law, no person shall be eligible to the office of City Clerk who does not possess a practical knowledge of bookkeeping.
[R.O. 2012 §115.230; CC 1979 §2-83; Ord. No. 777 §10, 12-9-1924; Ord. No. 7593 §1, 8-22-2005]
The City Clerk shall countersign each license issued for and on behalf of the City to any person engaged in any business in the City for which a license is required and the City has received payment for such license.
[R.O. 2012 §115.240; CC 1979 §2-84; Ord. No. 777 §11, 12-9-1924; Ord. No. A-6392 §§1 — 2, 11-15-1996]
There is hereby created the office of Deputy City Clerk for the City of Monett, Missouri. He/she shall assist the City Clerk to perform the various duties as described in the Monett City Code and job description.
In the absence of the City Clerk, the Deputy City Clerk shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of the regular City Clerk.
[Ord. No. 8912, 5-20-2022]
[R.O. 2012 §115.250; CC 1979 §2-85; Ord. No. 777 §13, 12-9-1924; Ord. No. 7593 §1, 8-22-2005]
All the fees and charges made and received by the City Clerk for any service performed or that may be authorized by law or ordinance shall be turned in to the General Revenue Fund of the City.