[R.O. 2012 §115.390; CC 1979 §2-101; Ord. No. 761 §2, 12-2-1924]
The Treasurer shall, at the regular monthly Council meeting and at such other times as the Council shall require, report the amount of money in the Treasury and to what funds and accounts belonging.
[R.O. 2012 §115.400; CC 1979 §2-104; Ord. No. 761 §5, 12-2-1924]
It shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to have all money, books, papers, vouchers and all other property of the City in his/her hands in proper condition to deliver the same to his/her successor in office, and as soon as his/her successor shall qualify as provided by this Code or other ordinance, he/she shall turn over the same to him/her, taking duplicate receipts therefor, one of which he/she shall immediately file with the City Clerk.
[R.O. 2012 §115.410; CC 1979 §2-105]
The City Clerk shall be the City Treasurer and shall provide an additional bond as such Treasurer as may be provided by the City Council pursuant to this Code or other ordinance.
[R.O. 2012 §115.430; CC 1979 §2-111; Ord. No. 761 §6, 12-2-1924]
The City Treasurer shall perform such other duties in the line of his/her office as are provided by State law relative to Treasurers in Cities of the Third Class.