[R.O. 2012 §405.200; Ord. No. A-6473 §405.200, 3-13-1997; Ord. No. A-6952 §1, 5-10-2000; Ord. No. 7208 §1, 8-20-2002]
Applicability And Intent. The intent of this Article is to provide for the subdivision of a tract or lot into not more than five (5) lots, including any remainder proposed to be retained by the owner, provided that public improvements are not required and the resulting lots shall not again be divided without replatting. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve or disapprove minor subdivisions in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
Minor Subdivision Procedure And Approval.
An application for minor subdivision approval shall be submitted to the Building and Zoning Department no less than fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The application shall be accompanied by four (4) paper copies and one (1) mylar copy of the following.
[Ord. No. 8479, 10-20-2016]
A certified survey, signed and sealed by a registered land surveyor, of the lot(s) and the location of any structure(s) thereon, together with the exact nature, location and dimension of the proposed minor subdivision.
The minor plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn. The size of the map shall not be less than eighteen (18) inches by twenty-four (24) inches and shall be drawn to a scale of one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet, and showing:
Tract boundaries.
Proposed general lot layout.
Streets on and adjacent to the tract.
Location of any easements.
North point and approximate scale.
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review applications for minor subdivisions based on the following guidelines:
No minor subdivisions shall be approved if:
More than five (5) lots will be created.
New streets or alleys are needed or proposed.
A vacation of streets, alleys, easements, setback lines or access control is needed or proposed.
There is less street right-of-way than required by the City Code, unless such dedication can be made by separate instrument.
A substandard sized lot will be created.
The subdivision will result in a lot or tract without direct sixty (60) foot frontage on a City street.
The extension of a public water or sewer system is needed or proposed.
The installation of drainage improvements through one (1) or more lots to serve one (1) or more other lots is needed or proposed.
The subdivision will result in significant increases in utilities and services levels or will interfere with maintaining existing utilities and services (e.g., traffic control, street maintenance, etc.).
The tract or lot to be subdivided has been previously created through the minor subdivision procedures of this Article.
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall make a determination within thirty (30) working days of the meeting at which the minor subdivision is considered. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve the proposed subdivision unless the proposed subdivision fails to comply with Section 450.200 or any other applicable requirement of this Article. If the subdivision is disapproved, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall provide the applicant with a written statement of the reasons for denial within ten (10) days of action by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Approval of the minor subdivision is contingent upon the survey being recorded within sixty (60) days after the date the Certificate of Approval is signed by the Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary.
Certifications For Minor Subdivision. The following certificates shall be signed and affixed to the minor subdivision survey and a certified copy shall be recorded in the Barry County Registry:
Certificate of Ownership
I hereby certify that I am the owner of property described hereon, which property is within the jurisdiction of the City of Monett, Missouri and that I freely adopt this plan of subdivision.
My Commission Expires:
Certificate of Approval
I hereby certify that the minor subdivision shown on this survey does not involve the creation of new public streets or any change in existing public streets, that the subdivision shown is in compliance with the City of Monett Subdivision Ordinance and that therefore this subdivision has been approved by the Monett Planning and Zoning Commission, subject to its being recorded in the Barry County Registry within sixty (60) days of the date below.
Date _______________
  Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission
Certificate of Survey and Accuracy
I, ________________, hereby state that the survey of the land herein described was prepared under my supervision and that the corner monuments and lot corner pins shown herein were placed under personal supervision of ________________, in accordance with the Minimum Standards for Property Boundary Surveys, for the City of Monett, Missouri.
Date _______________
Registration No.
Legal description of subdivision and lots (to be entered on certification sheet).