The application procedures and fee schedules set forth below
shall be established for use by groups or individuals for the use
of the showmobile and portable bleachers.
Each applicant group shall complete an application, along with
a $10 application fee, setting forth the name of applicant group;
contract person; address of applicant group; phone number day/evening;
date equipment requested; main date; time of event; description of
event; and specific location for setup. Each applicant shall further
specify the type of equipment requested: showmobile, public address
system, chairs, tables, portable bleachers and/or portable restrooms.
The fee schedule for City of Camden based organizations shall
be as follows:
A. Weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.: $50 per hour.
B. Weekdays 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.: $50 per hour.
C. Saturdays 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.: $50 per hour for first four hours,
$75 per hour after four hours.
D. Sundays and holidays 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.: $75 per hour.
Each applicant no later than one week prior to the event shall
submit to the City of Camden Department of Public Works a certificate
of insurance. Said certificate shall:
B. Name the City of Camden as the additional insured.
C. Have limits set at no less than $1,000,000 general liability, $500,000
bodily injury and $300,000 property damage.
D. List all insured, the insurance company and the insurance broker.
E. Provide coverage on the date and rain date if used.
The general regulations and restrictions set forth herein shall
be incorporated as part of application procedures for use of the City
of Camden showmobile, bleachers and/or portable restroom equipment:
A. Requests to use any equipment are accepted on a January-through-December
basis only and will be honored on a first-come-first-served basis.
All requests must be submitted at least two weeks in advance of events.
The City of Camden Department of Public Works will have preference
when scheduling use of equipment.
B. Activities must begin and end within the approved time frame.
C. All payments are to be made at least one week prior to scheduled
events. Payments are accepted via check or money order payable to
"City of Camden Department of Public Works."
D. In all cases, the showmobile shall be manned only by the Department
of Public Works staff.
E. The City reserves the right to cancel or postpone the use of all
equipment because of adverse weather conditions, equipment failure
and/or if it is determined that there is a clear and present health
or safety danger to the public.
F. Alcoholic beverages are not to be dispensed and/or consumed on the
G. The City may require the applicant to secure police approval and sufficient police protection depending on the type of activity and the anticipated number of participants and spectators. If deemed necessary, the applicant will be required to hire one City of Camden police officer and/or a security guard for the duration of the applicant's use of the facility. The police officer must be hired in accordance with the terms of §
110-15, Off-duty employment, of the Code of the City of Camden.
H. The affixing of posters, flyers, signs, etc., to any equipment requires
advance permission from the City of Camden Department of Public Works.
I. The City will require the applicant to provide remuneration to the
City for damages to the equipment.
J. Violations of any of the above may result in the cancellation of
the application and/or the denial of future requests.
[Added 2-9-2016 by Ord. No. MC-4951]
Refer to Chapter
562, Parks and Recreation, Article
V, Concession Stands, for rules and regulations regarding concession stand use.