[R.O. 1996 § C-8.1; Ord. No. 4812, 4-15-2019, adopting amendments approved at election 4-2-2019]
Regular Elections. The regular municipal election shall be held on the first (1st) Tuesday after the first (1st) Monday in April in each year.
Special Elections. The City Council may by ordinance order special elections, fix the time for such elections, and provide for holding such elections.
Conduct Of Elections. All City elections shall be governed by the provisions of this Charter and of applicable State law. The City Council by ordinance may further regulate elections, subject to the provisions of this Charter and applicable State law.
[R.O. 1996 § C-8.2; Ord. No. 4812, 4-15-2019, adopting amendments approved at election 4-2-2019]
Declaration Of Candidacy. Nomination of candidates for election to elective City Offices shall be made by declaration of candidacy filed with the City Clerk in the form and manner prescribed by ordinance. No person who filed as a candidate for nomination or election to an office may, without withdrawing as provided by State Statutes, file as a write-in candidate for election to the same office for the same term. This shall not apply to elections wherein candidates are being elected to an office for which no candidate has filed.
Filing And Acceptance. The declaration of candidacy shall be filed with the City Clerk within the filing time as set forth by State Statutes. The City Clerk shall make a record of the exact date and time when each declaration of candidacy is filed.
Certification To Election Authority. The City Clerk shall certify to the election authority within the time required by State Statutes, the names of candidates who have filed a declaration of candidacy and shall indicate the order in which such declaration of candidacy was filed as determined according to Section C-8.3.
[R.O. 1996 § C-8.3; Ord. No. 4503 § 1 (Charter Amendment No. 2014-03), 8-18-2014, approved at election 11-4-2014; Ord. No. 4812, 4-15-2019, adopting amendments approved at election 4-2-2019]
The names of candidates for elective offices shall be printed on the ballot without party designation. The City Clerk shall clearly designate where candidates shall form a line and determine the order of filings; except that, in the case of candidates who file a declaration of candidacy with the City Clerk prior to 5:00 p.m. on the first day for filing, the random drawing determines the order in which candidates' names appear on the ballot. The drawing shall be conducted so that each candidate, or candidate's representative as provided by State Statutes, shall draw a number at random at the time of filing. The City Clerk shall record the number drawn with the candidate's declaration of candidacy. The names of candidates filing on the first day of filing for each office on each ballot shall be listed in ascending order of the numbers drawn. Any candidate filing after the first day shall be placed on the ballot in the order received by the City Clerk. At least one (1) notice of election shall be published in one (1) or more newspapers of general circulation in the City or prominently displayed on the City of Blue Springs website, which notice shall contain the names of candidates to be elected.
[R.O. 1996 § C-8.4; Ord. No. 4502 § 1 (Charter Amendment No. 2014-01), 8-18-2014, approved at election 11-4-2014; Ord. No. 4812, 4-15-2019, adopting amendments approved at election 4-2-2019]
Number Of Votes. In an election for Mayor, every registered, qualified voter shall be entitled to vote for only one (1) candidate. In an election for City Councilmember, every registered qualified voter shall be entitled to vote for only one (1) candidate to represent their district in which the voter resides, except as otherwise provided in this Charter.
Returns. The City Council shall declare the results of any municipal election, regular or special, at the first regular meeting to be held following such election. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes for each office in the general or special election shall be declared elected and inducted into office at that time.
General And Special Elections Tie Vote. If at any general or special election there shall be two (2) or more candidates receiving an equal number of votes, and if that number of votes would otherwise qualify each such tied candidate for election to office, then the City Council shall call a special election at which said candidates shall be the only candidates. The incumbent stays in office until a successor has been elected and duly qualified.