[Ord. No. 4238 §2(604.3,A), 10-3-1988]
Conditional uses are those types of uses which are considered by the City to be essentially desirable, necessary or convenient to the community, but which by their nature or in their operation have:
A tendency to generate traffic,
A potential for attracting a number of persons to the area of the use, thus creating noise or other pollutants,
A detrimental effect upon the value or potential development of other properties in the neighborhood, or
A potential for accidents or danger to public health or safety.
It is hereby declared that certain land uses and developments present unique problems with respect to their proper location and relationship to other land uses. Therefore, analysis and judgment of the consequences of each development and use is necessary to preserve and promote the public health, safety and general welfare. Such land uses and developments are identified in each particular zoning district under conditional uses.
[Ord. No. 4238 §2(604.3,B), 10-3-1988; Ord. No. 4274 §14, 6-5-1989; Ord. No. 4313 §6, 3-5-1990; Ord. No. 4863 §1, 8-4-2003; Ord. No. 4890 §3, 3-1-2004; Ord. No. 4951 §1, 9-19-2005]
General. The granting of a conditional use permit may be initiated by a verified application of one or more of the owners of record or owners under contract of a lot or tract of land, or their authorized representatives, or by a resolution of intention by the Planning and Zoning Commission or the City Council. Procedures for application, review and approvals of a conditional use permit shall be as follows.
Application. Application for a conditional use permit for a specific tract of land shall be addressed to the Planning and Zoning Commission and filed in its public office. The application shall be filed on forms prescribed for that purpose by the Commission and shall be accompanied by the following:
Filing fee per requirements of the City.
Legal description of the property.
Outboundary plat of the property.
A site plan in conformance with the requirements of Section 405.390.
Site plan review criteria for existing buildings or structures:
Site outboundary plat of a scale to allow all necessary detail to be adequately displayed, showing existing buildings, structures, drives, parking spaces, and identifying all adjacent properties, their uses, and adjacent streets.
A plan depicting existing and proposed landscaping, fencing, parking lot lighting and location, type and nature of screening properties, their uses, and adjacent streets.
The property shall be identified by lot lines and location, including dimensions, angles and size, correlated with the legal description, include street address. It shall also include the name, address and telephone number of the property owner and/or lessee.
A brief narrative report shall be provided to include an explanation of the character of the proposed use.
Any other information deemed necessary by the Commission.
All plans, architectural drawings, renderings or other materials or visual aids, either submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission or presented at their meeting, shall become the property of the City and part of the permanent record of any decision.
Public Hearing. A public hearing on the application shall be held by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of Section 405.580 except that the public notice shall indicated that the public hearing is for conditional use permit. Owners of property within three hundred (300) feet of the property in question are to be notified by mail fifteen (15) days in advance of the public hearing.
The public hearing shall be held not later than the second (2nd) regular monthly meeting of the Commission from the date of filing after verification by the Zoning Administrator that the petition meets the minimum application requirements. The public hearing requirements shall be the same if a petition for a conditional use permit is initiated by resolution of intention by the Commission or by the City Council.
Burden Of Proof. In presenting any application for a conditional use permit to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and approval, the burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to provide any necessary evidence required by the Commission to support the required findings of fact, such as:
The effect of such proposed building, development or use does not have a detrimental effect on the:
character of the neighborhood,
traffic conditions,
public utility facilities,
public fire and Police protection;
The impact of projected vehicular ingress and egress of the use and whether it is detrimental with regard to the surrounding traffic flow, pedestrian safety and accessibility of fire fighting equipment;
Whether such building, development or use is consistent with good planning practice;
Whether such building, development or use can be operated in a manner that is not detrimental to the permitted developments and uses in the district;
Whether such building, development or use can be developed and operated in a manner that is visually compatible with the permitted uses in the surrounding area;
Whether, and in what respects, such building, development or use would adversely affect the public health, safety or general welfare of the residents of the City of Richmond Heights;
Whether such building, development or use will cause substantial injury to the value of neighboring property;
Whether such building, development or use complies with the overall neighborhood development plan and existing zoning district provisions (not required for planned development);
Whether such building, development or use complies with the standards of this Chapter in regard to
yard and setback,
parking and loading areas,
screening and buffering,
refuse, storage and service areas,
Whether such building, development or use complies with all applicable provisions of this Chapter; and
Whether such building, development or use has adequate access for fire protection and emergency vehicles.
Approval Or Denial Of Application By Findings Of Fact. After receiving and considering the evidence submitted, if any, the Planning and Zoning Commission, following its public hearing on the matter, shall vote separately on whether such building, development or use:
[Ord. No. 5538, 5-20-2024]
Will (or will not) adversely affect traffic safety;
Will (or will not) substantially increase fire hazards;
Will (or will not) substantially adversely affect the character of the neighborhood;
Will (or will not) adversely affect the general welfare of the community;
Will (or will not) overtax public utilities;
Will (or will not) adversely affect public safety and health;
Will (or will not) adversely affect stormwater runoff;
Is (or is not) consistent with good planning practice or conforms to the Master Plan;
Can (or cannot) be operated in a manner that is not substantially detrimental to the permitted developments and uses in the district; and
Can (or cannot) be developed and operated in a manner that is visually compatible with the permitted uses in the surrounding area.
If the Commission's findings be affirmative as to any of the subjects referred to in (1) through (7) or be negative as to any of the subjects referred to in (8) through (10) above, then the petition shall be denied. In approving such conditional uses, the Commission shall impose such conditions as it determines necessary. Said conditions shall include but not be limited to the following:
Permitted uses, including maximum floor area.
Performance standards.
Height limitations.
Minimum yard requirements.
Off-street parking and loading requirements.
Sign regulations.
Minimum requirements for site development plans.
Time limitations for duration of the use or subsequent review.
Architectural elevations of any proposed structures.
All proposed landscaping.
Enhanced fire protection systems or features.
These and any other conditions deemed necessary by the Commission may be made more restrictive than the minimum requirements of the respective zoning districts within which a conditional use may be located.
Permit Effective, When. Unless the City Council exercises its power of review, or a duly filed protest is received by the City Clerk, a conditional use permit, or an amendment thereto, shall become effective following the regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council at which the report of the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning the proposed conditional use permit is received. In the event that a conditional use permit application is filed in conjunction with a change of zoning, the permit shall not become effective until the date of enactment of the ordinance authorizing the zoning change. In the event that some additional approval is required by some other governmental authority or agency, the permit shall not become effective until that approval is received.
Effect Of Denial. Upon denial by the Planning and Zoning Commission of an application for a conditional use permit, the Commission shall notify the applicant of the denial. If no appeal is filed from the denial and if the City Council does not exercise its power of review, no subsequent application with reference to the same property or part thereof shall be filed by the same applicant for the same use until the expiration of twelve (12) months after the denial. No provision herein shall be construed to prevent the Planning and Zoning Commission or the City Council from initiating the procedure provided in this Section by a resolution of intention at any time.
Written Report. A written report of the vote on each issue approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be transmitted by the Chairman to the City Council within sixty (60) days of the Commission's determination.
[Ord. No. 4238 §2(604.3,C), 10-3-1988]
Appeal By Petitioner From Decision. Upon a decision having been reached by the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning an application for a conditional use permit, the applicant may file an appeal with the City Council requesting a determination from that body. The appeal shall specifically state how the application as initially filed or subsequently modified meets the applicable criteria set forth in this Chapter.
Protest By Nearby Property Owners To Decision. Owners of twenty percent (20%) (by area) of the property within one thousand (1,000) feet of the property in question may file a protest with the City Council concerning the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission, as specified herein. A Notice of Protest must be filed within twenty (20) days following the Commission's decision, be in writing, filed in duplicate with the City Clerk, and accompanied by the signatures and addresses of the property owners involved. The Notice of Protest shall include a notarized verification from the person(s) collecting the protestants' signatures that all signatures are correct and authentic. The protest shall specifically state how the application, as initially filed or subsequently modified, meets (or fails to meet) the criteria set forth in this Chapter.
City Council Review Of Decision. The City Council may exercise the power of review of any Planning and Zoning Commission decision on an application for a conditional use permit, or an amendment thereto, upon motion adopted by a majority vote at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Council at which the report of the Commission on the application is received.
Public Hearing By The City Council. Before acting on any appeal, review or protest, the City Council shall set the matter for hearing. The City Council shall give written notice of such hearing to the applicant and all other persons who appeared and spoke in opposition to the application at the public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission or to protestants in case of a protest.
City Council Decision. Following the hearing by the City Council on an appeal, review or protest, the City Council may by motion affirm, reverse or modify, in whole or in part, any determination of the Planning and Zoning Commission. An affirmative vote of the City Council shall be required to pass a motion to reverse or modify any determination of the Commission. The City Council shall vote on the findings of fact as set out in Section 405.410(E).
[Ord. No. 4238 §2(604.3,D), 10-3-1988]
In order to amend an existing conditional use permit, the application procedures, required materials, approval process, and appeal process shall be the same as for a new permit.
[Ord. No. 4238 §2(604.3,E), 10-3-1988]
Prior to the issuance of any building permit, or permit authorizing the use of the property in question, the property owner shall record a copy of the approved conditional use permit, including all attached conditions. The approved site plan, legal description of the property, and outboundary survey, along with any subsequent amendments, shall be recorded with the St. Louis County Recorder of Deeds.
[Ord. No. 4238 §2(604.3,F), 10-3-1988]
No conditional use permit granted by the Council shall be valid for a period longer than one hundred eighty (180) days from the date such permit is granted unless within such period:
A building permit is obtained and the erection or alteration of the structure is commenced; or
An occupancy permit is obtained and the use commenced. The Council may grant extensions not exceeding one hundred eighty (180) days each upon written application, without notice or hearing.
[Ord. No. 4238 §2(604.3,G), 10-3-1988]
Upon a finding that an approved conditional use permit will or has become unsuitable and/or incompatible in its location as a result of any nuisance or activity generated by the use or basic changes within the general neighborhood, or through non-compliance with any of the conditions attached to its approval, the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council reserves full authority to revoke the approval at any time.
[Ord. No. 4238 §2(604.3,H), 10-3-1988; Ord. No. 5294 §1, 6-15-2015]
All conditional use permits shall be approved for the originating applicant for a specific location.
A conditional use permit may be transferred to another applicant where the use of the property is substantially the same as the use for which the original permit was issued and no substantial changes are proposed for the property. The transfer may occur, provided that the new applicant provides a written request to the Zoning Administrator for the transfer; the applicant shall state in the request that he or she is aware of all conditions of the conditional use permit and will abide by all the conditions. The applicant shall then record the reissued conditional use permit with the St. Louis County Recorder of Deeds, and provide a copy of recording to the Zoning Administrator.
Should the business or use for which the conditional use permit was sought be transferred to a different ownership, a new conditional use permit shall be required in those instances where:
The new use of the property is substantially different from that use for which the original permit was issued.
The site which the new use will be located will be substantially changed from the standpoint of either the site improvements or the structure(s).
In all cases where the Zoning Administrator believes there is a substantial change in use or the property, or if problems have been reported regarding the property use a public hearing and new conditional use permit shall be required.
[Ord. No. 4238 §2(604.3,I), 10-3-1988; Ord. No. 5014 §1, 3-5-2007; Ord. No. 5212 §1, 10-15-2012]
A motor vehicle oriented business is a commercial business which, by design, type of operation, or nature of business, has as one (1) of its functions the provision of services to a number of motor vehicles in a short time span for each, or the provision of services to the occupants of motor vehicles while they remain in such vehicles. The list of businesses subject to this Section includes gasoline service stations, drive-in banks, drive-in restaurants, drive-in beverage sales and car wash operations, which examples are not intended as a comprehensive list of such businesses but are merely illustrative. Retail pharmacies with drive-through facilities shall not be considered motor vehicle oriented businesses.
Motor-vehicle-oriented business may only be permitted in the "MU," "C" and "PD" Districts and then only after review and report by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approval by the City Council for the specific location and treatment as shown on the approved site plan. Restriction: Motor-vehicle-oriented businesses shall be prohibited on Clayton Road west of Hanley Road and prohibited on Brentwood Boulevard, on the west side entirely, and from Clayton Road to Antler Drive on the east side of Brentwood Boulevard. The site plan shall be subject to the following conditions and procedures:
[Ord. No. 5468, 9-7-2021; Ord. No. 5538, 5-20-2024]
Permits issued, when.
A building permit shall be issued for the construction of additions to motor vehicle oriented businesses only when the plans have received a conditional use permit approved by the City Council and such plans comply with the approved site plan.
An occupancy permit shall be issued when the provisions of this Section have been met and the specified conditions of the City Council complied with.
Site plan required. A site plan and accompanying information for a motor vehicle oriented business conditional use permit shall be submitted and show the following:
Structures. The location and dimensions of all structures including buildings, pump islands, screened trash areas, fencing and lighting (show direction and level of illumination).
Parking and circulation. The location and dimensions of all off-street parking and ingress and egress locations.
Natural features. The location of all streams, rock and stone outcropping, existing trees and other natural features, and detail on the manner in which such features will be treated. Also, include site topography showing contours at an interval no greater than two (2) feet.
Landscaping. A complete plan and schedule of landscaping on the site and adjoining public rights-of-way with detail on the number, location, size and name of each plant species (both scientific and common name) together with detail on facilities required for maintenance of such landscaping.
Architectural elevations. A plan which indicates the building height and roof line together with detail on exterior materials to be used and lighting to be installed.
Location limitations. All motor vehicle oriented businesses must be a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) feet from other motor vehicle oriented businesses, which distances shall be computed as follows:
For such businesses on the same side of the street, a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) feet between the two (2) closest property lines, said minimum distance, however, being subject to the effect of the additional requirements set forth in subparagraphs (b) and (c) of this Subsection (B)(3).
For such businesses on opposite sides of the street, no such businesses shall be allowed on a lot where a line, drawn from both or either front corner of said proposed lot, across the street and perpendicular to the street right-of-way on which the proposed lot fronts, crosses the right-of-way on the opposite side of the street at a point less than one hundred fifty (150) feet from the closest property corner of an already existing or approved motor vehicle oriented business lot on said opposite side of the street.
For four-corner intersections, two (2) motor vehicle oriented businesses may be allowed at such an intersection but only on diagonally opposite corners, regardless of their distance from one another; however, no other motor vehicle oriented businesses shall be allowed within one hundred fifty (150) feet of those intersection corners that are unoccupied nor within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the property lines of those motor vehicle oriented businesses so situated on corner lots.
Site design standards. The following site design standards shall be met for all motor vehicle oriented businesses:
Minimum lot area. Twenty thousand (20,000) square feet.
Minimum lot frontage. One hundred fifty (150) feet (on corners, the frontage requirements shall apply to only one (1) side.
Lot area per pump island for gasoline service stations. Gasoline service stations shall be limited to two (2) service islands and three (3) gasoline pumps per island for the minimum size lot. One (1) service bay and three (3) pumps may be added for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of site area exceeding the minimum; however, in no case shall more than six (6) service islands be allowed at any gasoline service station nor more than three (3) pumps permitted on each island and no more than three (3) service bays shall be allowed for each such station.
Setbacks. From public streets and property lines, setbacks shall be as follows:
Front yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than thirty (30) feet. Front yards shall conform to minimum standard widths of streets and roads, and to future street and highway widenings according to the setback lines herein provided for. Front yards shall be measured from proposed right-of-way lines where setback lines are herein established, and otherwise from an actual or potential right-of-way of a fifty (50) foot wide road, street or highway.
Where a lot is located at the intersection of two (2) or more streets, the front yard requirements shall apply to each street. No accessory building, service islands, and other service or pickup facilities shall project beyond the front building setback line.
Side yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of the building of not less than five (5) feet. Side yard requirements shall be twenty-five (25) feet where abutting any residential district.
Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than twenty-five (25) feet.
Drainage. All sites shall provide for proper stormwater runoff to prevent flooding and/or ponding subject to approval of the Street Superintendent.
Trash storage area. All motor vehicle oriented businesses shall provide suitable storage of trash with areas which are so designed and constructed as to allow no view of the trash storage from the street, to prevent waste from blowing around the site or onto adjacent properties or public rights-of-way, and to permit safe, easy removal of trash by truck or hand.
Used oil storage. All used oils and other similar materials and products shall be stored only in underground or inside areas.
Vehicular areas.
The entire area used by vehicles for parking, storage and service, etc., shall be paved with bituminous concrete, Portland cement or other material approved by the Street Superintendent.
A raised Portland cement concrete curb shall be placed at the edge of all pavement except at points of ingress and egress.
All hydraulic hoists, pits, lubrication, washing, repair and service not of an emergency nature shall be conducted entirely within a building.
Ingress and egress.
The minimum width of driveways at the property line shall be twenty-four (24) feet, and not greater than thirty-six (36) feet.
The minimum distance of any driveway to property line shall be fifteen (15) feet.
Driveway openings shall be limited to one (1) drive per one hundred (100) feet of lot width.
The minimum distance of a driveway into a site from a street intersection shall be seventy-five (75) feet measured from the intersection of the street right-of-way to the nearest end of the curb radius.
The angle of driveway intersection with the street shall be based upon reasonable criteria for safe traffic movements and shall be approved by the Street Superintendent.
Motor vehicle oriented businesses adjacent to or integrated into a shopping center or cluster of commercial facilities shall use the common access with other business establishments in that center.
Screening. All motor vehicle oriented businesses shall provide for screening and buffer areas in a manner which conforms to the regulations set forth in Article VI and Section 405.390 of this Chapter relative thereto and with all other applicable ordinances of the City of Richmond Heights.
Landscaping and open space.
All areas of the site not paved shall be landscaped with a mixture of trees, shrubs, flowers, grass, or other living ground cover to retard water runoff, restrict blowing trash, and deter improper and unsafe access and site use by the public. Trees shall be no less than three (3) inch caliper measured six (6) inches from the ground level. Street areas not approved for driveways shall be planted in grass.
Landscaped areas shall constitute at least thirty percent (30%) of the site area.
Pavement shall not be allowed in front or side yard street setbacks except for driveways.
All landscaping plant materials shall be kept alive and in excellent condition.
Landscaped areas shall not be used for the purpose of storing vehicles, trailers or other equipment.
All paved and landscaped areas shall, at all times, be kept in good repair and in excellent condition in accordance with this and other ordinances of the City of Richmond Heights, and the continuous maintenance of said areas is to be the responsibility of the owner(s) and/or lessee(s) of the property.
Lighting. Exterior lighting proposed for use on the site shall be planned, erected and maintained so the light is confined to the property and will not cast direct light or glare upon adjacent properties or public rights-of-way. The light source shall not be higher than twenty (20) feet and shall not be visible from adjacent properties or public rights-of-way.
Parking. All motor vehicle oriented businesses shall provide for off-street parking in a manner which conforms to the regulations set forth in Article VI of this Chapter and to all other applicable ordinances of the City of Richmond Heights.
Signs. All signs on the site shall conform to the regulations set forth in the City of Richmond Heights Sign Ordinance.
Storage of merchandise and material. All merchandise and material for sale and all vending machines shall be displayed within an enclosed building except for the following:
Oil for use in motor vehicles may be displayed or sold from an appropriate rack or compartment at the gasoline station pump islands for the convenience of the customer and station attendant.
Storage of flammable materials. Flammable materials used in the conduct of motor vehicle oriented businesses shall be stored within the building setback lines and in below ground storage tanks. Proper care shall be exercised in the design of the proposed storage containers to protect public safety.
Other conditions. The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the City Council may require, provisions for other conditions which will tend to eliminate or reduce public nuisances caused by noise, heat, odors, smoke, dust, vibration, glare, flooding and traffic congestion, and which will promote the purpose of the Zoning Ordinance.
Building and structures compatibility. All proposed motor vehicle oriented businesses' buildings and structures shall be designed and planned to take advantage of and be compatible with natural features of the site and area and shall not conflict with the character of existing structures in areas where a definite pattern or style has been established.
Vacant motor vehicle oriented businesses' buildings. When a motor vehicle oriented business's building becomes vacant for a period exceeding one (1) year, the property owner shall be required to remove or treat in a safe manner approved by the Street Superintendent or Fire Chief all flammable materials, storage tanks or areas.
Termination or lapse of conditional use permit. When a motor vehicle oriented business's conditional use permit is authorized by the City Council, the continuation of such use shall be dependent upon the conditions established under the permit and this Section; and, in the event of a change of conditions or non-compliance with such conditions, the City Council shall have the right to terminate or revoke the conditional use permit.
When a motor vehicle oriented business's building becomes vacant and its conditional use permit not utilized for a period of one (1) year, the permit shall lapse and the use of the land thereafter shall conform to the use permitted in the zoning district in which it is located.
Non-conforming motor vehicle oriented businesses. Existing motor vehicle oriented businesses which do not comply with the regulations and conditions of this Section shall be considered to be non-conforming and allowed to continue; however, all non-conforming motor vehicle oriented businesses shall comply with the following requirements within one (1) year after written notification by the Zoning Administrator of items which must be corrected:
Whenever a motor vehicle oriented business is located adjacent to a residential district or residential use on the ground floor, appropriate screening as provided for in Subsection (B)(11) hereof shall be installed.
All exterior lighting shall conform to the lighting requirements in Subsection (B)(12) of this Section.
All trash storage areas shall be made to conform to the requirements of Subsection (B)(6) of this Section.
All storage of merchandise for sale, including vending machines, shall be made to conform to the requirements of Subsection (B)(15) of this Section.
Rental vehicles. When the rental of equipment, automobiles, trucks and trailers is to be conducted on a motor vehicle oriented business site, additional land area and paved area shall be provided in addition to the driveway, parking area, and landscape areas required by this Section for a normal motor vehicle oriented business operation. An additional one thousand (1,000) square feet of site area shall be provided for each five (5) rental units. No parking of rental units shall be permitted on landscaped areas or driveways.
Underground utilities. All utility lines on the site shall be installed underground.
Procedures for application for a motor vehicle oriented business conditional use permit. The procedures for application for a motor vehicle oriented business conditional use permit shall be the same as for all other conditional use permits, as specified in Section 405.410.
The provisions set forth in this Section provide for standards and procedures to be complied with for all motor vehicle oriented businesses, as permitted by this Chapter, and said provisions are to be followed and complied with in lieu of conflicting conditional use permit and land use procedures and standards provided elsewhere in this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 4895 §1, 4-19-2004]
Certain establishments and businesses are acknowledged to have special characteristics which may affect the use and enjoyment of adjacent properties; and it is the intent of these regulations to provide for the confinement of these establishments and businesses to those areas in the City in which these special impacts are judged to be least disruptive to the use and enjoyment of adjacent properties; and these regulations are further intended to require that these establishments and businesses shall not be permitted to locate in such concentration that their operational features may establish the dominant character of any commercial area; and these regulations are further intended to protect and balance lawful rights of expression with other lawful rights to the enjoyment and use of properties; and these uses are recognized as having serious objectionable operational characteristics, particularly if several such uses are concentrated, thereby having a deleterious effect upon adjacent areas and could contribute to blight and degradation of the surrounding neighborhood; and the special regulation of these establishments and businesses is necessary to insure that the secondary effects of such uses will not contribute to the blighting of surrounding neighborhoods, whether residential or non-residential but location or concentration, and to insure the stability of such neighborhood.
The following regulations shall apply to the businesses and establishments as defined below:
An establishment having either ten percent (10%) or more of:
Its stock in trade, in books, photographs, magazines, films for sale or viewing on or off the premises by use of motion picture devices, video players, DVD players, computers or coin-operated means or other periodicals which are distinguished or characterized by their principal emphasis on matters depicting, describing or relating to sex or sexual activity or the principal purpose of which is to sexually stimulate or sexually arouse the patron viewer or reader; or
Instruments, devices or paraphernalia that are designed or marketed for use in connection with specified sexual activities. Specified sexual activities: Sexual conduct, being actual or simulated; acts of human masturbation; sexual intercourse; or physical contact, in an act of apparent sexual stimulation or gratification, with a person's clothed or unclothed genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or the breast of a female; or any sadomasochistic abuse or acts including animals or any latent objects in an act of apparent sexual stimulation or gratification.
Any of the establishments, businesses, buildings, structures or facilities which fit within the definition of adult bookstore, adult entertainment facility, bathhouse, massage shop and/or modeling studio.
Any building, structure or facility which contains or is used entirely or partially for commercial entertainment, including theaters used for presenting live presentations, video tapes, DVDs or films predominantly distinguished or characterized by their principal emphasis on matters depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities and exotic dance facilities (regardless of whether the theater or facility provides a live presentation, video tape, DVD or film presentation), where the patrons either:
Engage in personal contact with or allow personal contact by employees, devices or equipment, or by personnel provided by the establishment which appeals to the prurient interest of the patrons; or
Observe any live presentation, video tape, DVD or film presentation of persons wholly or partially nude, unless otherwise prohibited by ordinance, with their genitals or pubic region exposed or covered only with transparent or opaque covering, or in the case of female persons with the areola and nipple of the breast exposed or covered only with transparent or opaque covering or to observe specified sexual activities. Specified sexual activities: Sexual conduct, being actual or simulated; acts of human masturbation; sexual intercourse; or physical contact, in an act of apparent sexual stimulation or gratification, with a person's clothed or unclothed genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or the breast of a female; or any sadomasochistic abuse or acts including animals or any latent objects in an act of apparent sexual stimulation or gratification.
An establishment or business which provides the services of baths of all kinds, including all forms and methods of hydrotherapy, unless operated or supervised by a medical or chiropractic practitioner or professional physical therapist or healing arts practitioner licensed by the State of Missouri.
A business engaged in check cashing operations for a fee as a primary or substantial element of its business and which is not licensed by the appropriate State or Federal agency as a banking or savings and loan facility.
An establishment which has a fixed place of business having a source of income or compensation which is derived from the practice of any method of pressure on or friction against or stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping, pounding, vibrating or stimulation of external parts of the human body with the hands or with the aid of any mechanical electric apparatus or appliances with or without such supplementary aids as rubbing alcohol, liniments, antiseptics, oils, powders, creams, lotion, ointment or other similar preparations commonly used in the practice of massage under such circumstances that is reasonably expected that the person to whom the treatment is provided or some person on his or her behalf will pay money or give any other consideration or gratuity; provided that this term shall not include any establishment defined in this Code or operated or supervised by a medical or chiropractic practitioner or professional physical or massage therapist licensed by the State of Missouri.
Any place or facility where body piercing, including piercing any part of the body or head, is performed as a primary or substantial element of its business.
A business engaged in providing short-term loans to the public as a primary or substantial element of its business and which is not licensed by the appropriate State or Federal agency as a bank or savings and loan facility. A licensed pawnbroker operating in conformity with the provision of this City Code relating to pawnbrokers shall not be considered to be a "short-term loan establishment" within the meaning of this definition and prohibition, but only as to such licensee's pawn brokerage activities. Pawnbrokers are not permitted to engage in any short-term lending other than by a pawn transaction.
Any place or facility where tattooing is performed.
Any method of placing designs, letters, scrolls, figures or symbols upon or under the skin with ink or colors by the aid of needles or instruments. The provision of cosmetic micro-pigmentation services by a licensed doctor, nurse or healing arts practitioner licensed by the State of Missouri shall not be considered "tattooing" as that term is used in this Chapter.
In the case of any establishment or business described in this Section, the following special conditions shall apply:
No adult bookstore or novelty store, adult entertainment facility or establishment, bathhouse, check cashing establishment, massage parlor or shop, pawnshop, piercing, tattoo parlor or establishment or short-term loan establishment shall be permitted within seven hundred fifty (750) feet of any religious institution, school, public park or any property zoned for residential use or any City boundary. Such distance shall be measured in a straight line without regard to intervening properties from the closest exterior structural wall of the establishment to the closest point on any property line of the religious institution, school or public park, or the property zoned for residential use, or to the closest point of the City boundary. These uses are only permitted in a "PDC" or "C" Zoning District.
[Ord. No. 5538, 5-20-2024]
No such establishment shall be allowed to locate or expand within one thousand (1,000) feet of any other described establishment or of any business licensed to sell or serve alcoholic beverages whether or not such business is also an establishment as defined in this Section. The distance between any two (2) establishments or between a herein described establishment and a business selling or serving alcoholic beverages shall be measured in a straight line without regard to intervening structures from the closest exterior structural wall of each business.
All access to and from the herein described establishment shall be provided from a street classified as a public right-of-way.
The property on which such use is located shall have a minimum of one hundred (100) feet of frontage on a public right-of-way.
The facility on which the use is located and the parking for such facility shall have a minimum front yard setback of thirty (30) feet, a side yard setback of six (6) feet and a rear yard setback of ten (10) feet.
Off-street parking shall be provided pursuant to the City Code.
All landscaping and screening requirements otherwise required by the Richmond Heights Municipal City Code shall be observed.
The facility in which the use is located shall be designed in such a fashion that all openings, entries and windows prevent view into such facilities from any pedestrian, sidewalk, walkway, street or other public area. No activity shall take place partially or totally outside the herein described establishment.
The facility in which such a use is located shall be limited to one (1) wall-mounted sign no greater than one (1) square foot of sign per one (1) foot of wall length, not to exceed a total of fifty (50) square feet; said sign shall not flash, blink or move by mechanical means and shall not extend above the roof line of the building. Said sign shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height from ground level. Further, no merchandise, symbol or pictures of products or entertainment on the premises shall be displayed in window areas or on any sign or any area where such merchandise or pictures can be viewed from the exterior of the building. No flashing lights and/or lighting which leave the impression of motion or movement shall be permitted. No temporary signs shall be allowed. All signage shall conform to the Richmond Heights Sign Ordinance.
Lighting of the parking area shall conform to the requirements of the City Code.
The regulations contained in this Section shall be in addition to any and all regulations contained elsewhere in the Municipal Code or the Zoning Ordinance.
All uses described in this Section shall be permitted only by a conditional use permit in accordance with the procedures set out in the City's Zoning Ordinance.
[Ord. No. 4657 1, 12-16-1996; Ord. No. 5261 §1, 9-22-2014]
Purposes. The purposes of this Section are to:
Provide for the appropriate location and deployment of wireless communications infrastructure to better serve the citizens and businesses of the City of Richmond Heights and the metropolitan St. Louis area;
Minimize adverse visual impacts of wireless facilities and support structures through the careful design, siting, landscape screening and innovative camouflaging techniques;
Encourage the use of disguised support structures so as to protect the architectural and scenic quality of the City;
Comply with applicable law, including the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, 47 U.S.C. § 332, and the Missouri Uniform Wireless Communications Deployment Act, Section 67.5090 et seq., RSMo.
Definitions. As used in this Section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Any equipment serving or being used in conjunction with a wireless communications facility or wireless support structure. The term includes utility or transmission equipment, power supplies, generators, batteries, cables, equipment buildings, cabinets and storage sheds, shelters, or similar structures.
Communications equipment that transmits or receives electromagnetic radio signals used in the provision of any type of wireless communications services.
Any person engaged in the business of providing wireless communications services or the wireless communications infrastructure required for wireless communications services who submits an application.
A request submitted by an applicant to the City to construct a new wireless support structure, for the substantial modification of a wireless support structure, or for collocation of a wireless facility or replacement of a wireless facility on an existing structure.
A permit issued by the City prior to commencement of work on the collocation of wireless facilities on an existing structure, the substantial modification of a wireless support structure, or the commencement of construction of any new wireless support structure, solely to ensure that the work to be performed by the applicant satisfies the applicable building code.
The placement or installation of a new wireless facility on a structure that already has an existing wireless facility, including electrical transmission towers, water towers, buildings, and other structures capable of structurally supporting the attachment of wireless facilities in compliance with applicable codes.
The Director of Zoning of the City of Richmond Heights, Missouri, or his/her designee.
Any freestanding, man-made structure designed for the support of wireless facilities, the presence of which is camouflaged or concealed as an architectural or natural feature. Such structures may include but are not limited to clock towers, campaniles, observation towers, pylon sign structures, water towers, artificial trees, flagpoles and light standards.
An electrical transmission structure used to support high-voltage overhead power lines. The term shall not include any utility pole.
An area surrounding or near a wireless support structure within which are located wireless facilities.
A structure that exists at the time a request to place wireless facilities on a structure is filed with an authority. The term includes any structure that is capable of supporting the attachment of wireless facilities in compliance with applicable building codes, National Electric Safety Codes, and recognized industry standards for structural safety, capacity, reliability, and engineering, including, but not limited to, towers, buildings, and water towers. The term shall not include any utility pole.
The Federal Aviation Administration.
The Federal Communications Commission.
The vertical distance measured from the base of a structure at ground level to its highest point, including the main structure and all attachments thereto.
Includes constructing a new wireless support structure of equal proportions and of equal height or such other height that would not constitute a substantial modification to an existing structure in order to support wireless facilities or to accommodate collocation and includes the associated removal of the preexisting wireless facilities or wireless support structure.
All signs which advertise products, services or businesses which are not located on the same premises as the sign, including billboards, detached pole signs on separate parcels, wall signs and signs otherwise attached to buildings and/or supported by uprights or braces on the ground.
The mounting of a proposed wireless facility on a wireless support structure which, as applied to the structure as it was originally constructed:
Increases the existing vertical height of the structure by:
More than ten percent (10%); or
The height of one (1) additional antenna array with separation from the nearest existing antenna not to exceed twenty (20) feet, whichever is greater; or
Involves adding an appurtenance to the body of a wireless support structure that protrudes horizontally from the edge of the wireless support structure more than twenty (20) feet or more than the width of the wireless support structure at the level of the appurtenance, whichever is greater (except where necessary to shelter the antenna from inclement weather or to connect the antenna to the tower via cable);
Involves the installation of more than the standard number of new outdoor equipment cabinets for the technology involved, not to exceed four (4) new equipment cabinets; or
Increases the square footage of the existing equipment compound by more than one thousand two hundred fifty (50) square feet;
Any person, corporation, County, municipality acting in its capacity as a utility, municipal utility board, or other entity, or department thereof or entity related thereto, providing retail or wholesale electric, natural gas, water, wastewater, data, cable television, or telecommunications or Internet protocol-related services.
A structure owned or operated by a utility that is designed specifically for and used to carry lines, cables, or wires for telephony, cable television, or electricity, or to provide lighting.
A water storage tank, or a standpipe or an elevated tank situated on a support structure, originally constructed for use as a reservoir or facility to store or deliver water.
Includes the wireless facilities of all services licensed to use radio communications pursuant to Section 301 of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. § 301.
The set of equipment and network components, exclusive of the underlying wireless support structure, including, but not limited to, antennas, accessory equipment, transmitters, receivers, power supplies, cabling and associated equipment necessary to provide wireless communications services;
A structure, such as a monopole, tower, or building capable of supporting wireless facilities. This definition does not include utility poles.
Accessory Uses. Satellite earth stations less than six (6) feet in diameter and that receive only home television antenna.
Permitted Uses.
Wireless facilities and support structures which meet any of the following criteria may be constructed, repaired or modified upon receipt of a building permit issued by the Director of Zoning:
Collocation and replacement applications, provided that no permit may be issued for collocation to a certified historic structure as defined in Section 253.545, RSMo., until at least one (1) public hearing has been held by the Director within thirty (30) days prior to issuance. Such applications are subject to the general condition in Subsection (G)(1) of this Section, but no other zoning or land use requirements, including design or placement requirements, or public hearing review.
The mounting of wireless facilities in or on the roof of any existing building other than a single-family residence, provided that the building was not constructed primarily for the support of antennas and provided that the height of the facilities does not exceed twenty (20) feet from its mounting and that such use is not otherwise prohibited by ordinance.
Wireless facilities or support structures for the operations of a commercial or public radio or television station licensed by the Federal Communications Commission or a local, State or Federal Law Enforcement or emergency agency may be installed as permitted by law.
The installation or mounting of antennas on any electrical transmission towers located in any commercial zoning district of the City.
The installation of a disguised support structure and related wireless facilities as part of a building or structure that is otherwise allowed in the district in which located.
Wireless facilities or support structures for the operation of a licensed amateur radio facility within the City. The permit application must be accompanied by proof that the applicant or an occupant of the property is a licensed amateur radio operator.
The Director shall issue an amateur radio antenna/structure permit if it is determined that any antenna(s) mounted on a roof shall not extend more than sixty-eight (68) feet above grade; any tower-mounted antenna(s) shall not extend more than sixty-two (62) feet above grade when fully extended; and the requirements of this Section regarding location, structural components and wiring are complied with. Permits for ground-mounted antennas and supports intended exclusively for the support of wire antennas which are so erected as to be readily capable of being relocated from time to time shall describe the area within which such an antenna or support may be positioned.
Any person desiring to install, erect or maintain an amateur radio antenna at any height greater than set forth in the preceding Subsection shall file an application therefor with the Board of Adjustment. No fee shall be required for this application. The Board of Adjustment may grant a permit to allow construction to such height as it shall determine if it finds that topographical circumstances or other operational parameters of the antenna(s) and the associated radio equipment so require and that there are adequate provisions to protect adjoining properties.
Wireless facilities or support structures for licensed amateur radio uses that are ground mounted shall be located in the rear of the lot between the rear line of the principal building on the lot and six (6) feet from the rear lot line. No such antenna, nor any portion of any base or support therefor, may be closer than six (6) feet to any lot line; provided, further, that on corner lots no antenna may be closer to any street than the principal building.
The placement of dual polar panel antennas on wooden or steel utility poles not to exceed a total height of forty (40) feet, provided that all related equipment is contained within a cabinet which is not placed within the right-of-way of any street or highway.
In the event the Director shall refuse to issue a permit hereunder due to non-compliance with the provisions of this Code, said decision is subject to review by the Planning and Zoning Commission, in accordance with this Section and the City Zoning Code.
Conditional Uses. All wireless facilities and support structures to be installed, built or otherwise modified that are not expressly permitted by Subsection (D) herein, and not prohibited by Subsection (F), shall require a conditional use permit issued in accordance with the procedures for conditional use permits in the Municipal Code, as well as a building permit.
Prohibited Uses. Except as otherwise expressly provided in Subsection (D):
No wireless facilities or support structures shall be permitted in residentially zoned districts, other than for licensed amateur radio uses.
No wireless facilities or support structures shall be permitted to have a total height in excess of one hundred (100) feet.
Wireless facilities installed on a building shall not exceed twenty (20) feet from the highest point of the building, other than for licensed amateur radio uses.
Unless a disguised support structure is in the form of a standard outdoor advertising structure, the placement of advertising or signs on wireless support structures is prohibited.
General Conditions. The general criteria and preferences for approving wireless facilities and support structures under this Section shall be as follows:
Building codes and safety standards. All wireless facilities and support structures shall meet or exceed the standards and regulations contained in applicable State and local building codes, National Electric Safety Codes, and recognized industry standards for structural safety, capacity, reliability, and engineering.
Regulatory compliance. All wireless facilities and support structures shall meet or exceed current standards and regulations of the FAA, FCC and any other Federal or State agency with the authority to regulate such facilities and support structures. Should such standards or regulations be amended, then the owner shall bring such facilities and support structure into compliance with the revised standards or regulations within six (6) months of the effective date of the revision unless a different date is established by the controlling agency.
Number. No more than one (1) antenna tower may be erected on any lot in the City; provided, however, that a support used exclusively for the support of a wire antenna for a licensed amateur radio facility and being no wider than six (6) inches at grade and having a height no greater than fifty (50) feet above grade shall not be considered as an antenna tower for purposes of calculating the permitted number of such towers under this Subsection.
Lighting. Wireless facilities and support structures shall not be illuminated at night unless required by the FAA or other Federal or State agencies, in which case, a description of the required lighting scheme will be made a part of the application.
Wireless facilities and support structures should, to the extent reasonably possible, be architecturally and visually compatible with surrounding buildings, structures, vegetation and/or uses already in the area or likely to exist under the regulations of the underlying zoning district.
Wireless support structures, except disguised support structures, shall maintain a galvanized steel finish or, subject to the requirements of the FAA, FCC or any other applicable Federal or State agency, be painted a neutral color consistent with the natural or built environment of the site.
Wireless facilities other than antennas shall have an exterior finish compatible with the natural or built environment of the site, and shall also comply with such other reasonable design guidelines as may be required by the City.
Wireless facilities mounted on buildings should be made to appear as unobtrusive as possible by location as far away as feasible from the edge of the building and by making them a color consistent with the natural or building backdrop.
Wireless facilities shall be screened by appropriate landscaping and/or fencing. Wireless support structures shall be surrounded by a landscape strip of not less than ten (10) feet in width and planted with materials which will provide a visual barrier to a minimum height of six (6) feet. Evergreen trees shall be a minimum of six (6) feet tall and deciduous trees not less than two and one-half (2 1/2) inches in caliper at time of planting. Said landscape strip shall be exterior to any security fencing. In lieu of the required landscape strip, a minimum six-foot-high decorative masonry fence or wall may be approved by the City upon demonstration by the applicant that an equivalent degree of visual screening is achieved.
All wiring to or from ground-mounted antennas or antenna towers located more than five (5) feet from the nearest building wall shall be underground; provided, however, that feed lines to and from antennas for licensed amateur radio facilities which must be open to the air in order to operate as designed (so called "open wire feed lines") need not be enclosed or located underground.
Location and setback.
Wireless support structures, except disguised support structures, shall not be located within two hundred (200) feet of any residential structure.
All wireless support structures, except disguised support structures, shall be separated from any residential structure at least a distance equal to the height of the support structure plus ten (10) feet. Support structures on parcels adjacent to residentially zoned property shall, at a minimum, meet the setbacks of the applicable zoning district as required for the principal structure along the adjoining property lines. No support structure may be placed on residentially zoned property closer to any residential structures on adjoining properties than the distance from the support structure to the principal structure located on the lot on which the support structure is located.
For any guyed wireless support structure, ground anchors shall be located on the same parcel as the structure, and such anchors shall meet the setbacks required for accessory buildings within the zoning district.
Vehicle or outdoor storage on the site of any wireless facilities or support structure is prohibited.
On-site parking for periodic maintenance and service shall be provided at all locations of wireless facilities and support structures.
Any wireless facility or support structure no longer used for its original communications purpose shall be removed at the owner's expense. The owner and applicable co-users shall provide the City with a copy of any notice to the FCC of intent to cease operations and shall have ninety (90) days from the date of ceasing operations to remove the facility and/or support structure. In the case of co-use, this provision shall not become effective until all users cease operations. Any wireless support structure not in use for a period of one (1) year shall be deemed a public nuisance and may be removed by the City at the owner's expense. Removal of facilities shall not be a condition of approval of any application.
Prior to the issuance of a building or conditional use permit, other than for a collocation or replacement application, the City may require submittal of easement documents, lease agreements or other documentation of evidence of the right to utilize the property for location of wireless facilities and/or support structures.
Time Limits. All applications regarding wireless facilities and support structures shall be processed in accordance with the time limits established by Sections 67.5090 to 67.5103, RSMo.
Fees. Fees for applications regarding wireless facilities and support structures shall be at the limits established by Sections 67.5090 to 67.5103, RSMo.
[Ord. No. 5413, 6-3-2019; Ord. No. 5507, 2-12-2023]
An establishment or business that cultivates, tests, manufactures or dispenses marijuana, comprehensive marijuana, medical marijuana or marijuana-infused products.
Includes any "medical marijuana cultivation facility" and "comprehensive marijuana cultivation facility," as those terms are defined in Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution and licensed by the State of Missouri.
Includes any "medical marijuana dispensary facility," "comprehensive marijuana dispensary facility" and "microbusiness dispensary facility," as those terms are defined in Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution and licensed by the State of Missouri.
Any "medical marijuana cultivation facility"; medical marijuana dispensary facility"; "medical marijuana-infused products manufacturing facility"; "comprehensive marijuana cultivation facility"; "comprehensive marijuana dispensary facility"; "marijuana testing facility"; "comprehensive marijuana-infused products manufacturing facility"; "microbusiness wholesale facility"; "microbusiness dispensary facility," as those terms are defined in Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution, and any other type of marijuana-related facility or business licensed or certified by the State of Missouri.
Products that are infused, dipped, coated, sprayed or mixed with marijuana or an extract thereof, including, but not limited to, products that are able to be vaporized or smoked, edible products, ingestible products, suppositories, and infused prerolls.
Includes any "medical marijuana-infused products manufacturing facility" and "comprehensive marijuana-infused products manufacturing facility," as those terms are defined in Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution, and licensed or certified by the State of Missouri.
Cannabis indica, Cannabis saliva and Cannabis ruderalis, hybrids of such species, and any other strains commonly understood within the scientific community to constitute marijuana or marihuana, as well as the seed thereof and resin extracted from the plant and marijuana-infused products. Marijuana or Marihuana does not include industrial hemp as defined by Missouri Statute, or commodities or products manufactured from industrial hemp.
A facility certified by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to acquire, test, certify, and transport marijuana.
An institution, place, building or agency that furnishes, conducts, and operates health services for the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or physical condition; excluding assisted living facilities, nursing homes, substance abuse treatment facilities, health resorts, spas and facilities similar in nature.
In the case of any establishment or business described in this Section, the following special conditions shall apply:
No marijuana business or establishment shall be permitted within one thousand (1,000) feet of any church or similar religious institution, elementary or secondary school, child day care or public library.
Distances shall be measured in a straight line without regard to intervening properties from the closest exterior structural wall of the establishment to the closest point on any property line of the church or similar religious institutions, elementary or secondary school, child day care or public library.
Such uses are only permitted in a "C," "PDC" or "PDM" Zoning Districts and a comprehensive or medical marijuana dispensary facility shall only be permitted within a medical facility building. Such a building shall contain a minimum one-third (1/3) of its gross floor area dedicated and used for the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or physical condition.
[Ord. No. 5538, 5-20-2024]
No such business or establishment shall be allowed to locate or expand within one thousand (1,000) feet of any other such business or establishment.
All access to and from the herein described establishment shall be provided from a public right-of-way.
The property on which such use is located shall have a minimum of one hundred (100) feet of frontage on a public right-of-way.
The facility shall observe all setback requirements as established by the Zoning Regulations.
Off-street parking shall be provided pursuant to the Municipal Code.
All landscaping and screening requirements otherwise required by the Richmond Heights Municipal Code shall be observed.
All signage shall comply with the Municipal Code.
Lighting of the parking area shall conform to the requirements of the Municipal Code.
No marijuana business or establishment shall emit an odor or in any way cause a public nuisance. Appropriate ventilation systems must prevent any odor of marijuana or fumes from leaving the premises.
Comprehensive or medical marijuana dispensaries shall not open to the public or make any sales between the hours of 8: 00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M.
No person under the age of eighteen (18) years old shall be allowed into a comprehensive or medical marijuana dispensary except a medical patient when accompanied by a parent or guardian.
No marijuana, of any type, may be consumed on the premises or property of any marijuana business or establishment, nor shall the licensee permit such consumption.
The regulations contained in this Section shall be in addition to any and all regulations contained elsewhere in the Municipal Code or the Zoning Ordinance.
All uses described in this Section shall be permitted only by a conditional use permit in accordance with the procedures set out in the City's Zoning Ordinance.
No marijuana business or establishment may operate without a business license, a merchants license and an occupancy permit and a license has been issued by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.