[Ord. No. 08152022B, 8-15-2022]
It shall be unlawful for any owner, occupant, or other person or legal entity with a lawful right to the use and enjoyment of any property to knowingly fail to abate any illegal activity upon, or nuisance related to, the property so owned, occupied or to which such a legal right exists.
[Ord. No. 03202023, 3-20-2023]
Any medical marijuana facility or comprehensive marijuana facility authorized by Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution which generates marijuana smoke or odor that is capable of being detected by a person of ordinary senses (including, but not limited to, any Police Officer) beyond the property line of the facility is hereby declared to be a nuisance. In addition to any other remedy provided for the abatement of nuisances, the City may revoke the business license of any such facility for violation of this Section after notice and the opportunity for a hearing.