[Ord. No. 453 §1, 9-22-1997; Ord. No. 2520 §3, 5-7-2012]
A general election for the elective officers of this City shall be held on the first (1st) Tuesday after the first (1st) Monday in April of each year.
On the first (1st) Tuesday after the first (1st) Monday in April of odd-numbered years an election shall be held by the qualified voters of each Ward in the City for the Mayor, and for one (1) Alderman for each Ward, who shall hold their respective offices for the term of two (2) years and until their successors shall be elected and qualified.
On the first (1st) Tuesday after the first (1st) Monday in April of even-numbered years an election shall be held by the qualified voters of each Ward of this City for one (1) Alderman for each Ward, who shall hold their respective offices for the term of two (2) years and until their successor shall be elected and qualified.
[Ord. No. 3790, 12-7-2021]
Any person who desires to become a candidate for an elective City office at the general City election shall file with the City Clerk, not prior to the hour of 8:00 A.M. on the seventeenth (17th) Tuesday prior to, nor later than 5:00 P.M. on the fourteenth (14th) Tuesday prior to the next City municipal election, a written declaration of his/her intent to become a candidate at said election. The City Clerk shall keep a permanent record of the names of the candidates, the offices for which they seek election, and the date of their filing, and their names shall appear on the ballots in that order.
[Ord. No. 453 §3, 9-22-1997]
Any person who is not qualified for his/her office as provided by State law or other ordinances shall not be entitled to have his/her name printed on the ballot. The qualifications of a candidate for office shall be determined by the Board of Aldermen upon hearing given, and upon its own motion, or upon written affidavit by some person that a named candidate is not qualified as such for the office sought.
[Ord. No. 453 §4, 9-22-1997]
All City elections shall be conducted and held in conformance with the provisions of the State election laws.
[Ord. No. 453 §5, 9-22-1997]
The County Clerk (or, if appropriate, the County Election Board), as the designated election authority, shall conduct City elections.
[Ord. No. 453 §6, 9-22-1997]
The City Clerk shall notify the County Clerk prior to 5:00 P.M. on the tenth (10th) Tuesday prior to any City election of the forthcoming City election. The notice shall be in writing and shall specify that the City is calling the election, the purpose of the election, the date of the election, and it shall include a certified copy of the legal notice to be published and the sample ballot.
[Ord. No. 453 §10, 9-22-1997]
Authorized dates for special City elections are the first (1st) Tuesday after the first (1st) Monday in February or March, August and November of each year.
[Ord. No. 453 §11, 9-22-1997]
As soon as practicable after each City election, the election authority shall convene a verification board to verify the count and certify the results of the election. Not later than the second (2nd) Tuesday after the election, the verification board shall issue a statement announcing the results of each election and shall certify the returns to the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall issue to each person elected a certificate of election.