[Ord. No. 2118 §§1 — 3, 8-18-2008]
No non-residential use in any commercial or industrial district may generate noise that tends to have an annoying or disruptive effect upon:
Another adjacent or adjoining use which is located outside the immediate space occupied by the enterprise generating the noise and is one (1) of several located on the same lot; or
Other residential uses which are located on adjacent lots.
Noise resulting from temporary construction activity that occurs between 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. shall be exempt from the requirements of this Section.
[Ord. No. 2118 §§1 — 3, 8-18-2008]
No non-residential use in any commercial or industrial district may generate any ground-transmitted vibration that is perceptible to the human sense of touch measured at:
The outside boundary of the immediate space occupied by the enterprise generating the vibration if the enterprise is one (1) of several located on a lot; or
The lot line if the enterprise generating the vibration is the only enterprise located on a lot.
Vibrations resulting from temporary construction activity that occurs between 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. shall be exempt from the requirements of this Section.
[Ord. No. 2118 §§1 — 3, 8-18-2008]
For purposes of this Section, the "odor threshold" is defined as the minimum concentration in air of a gas, vapor or particle matter that can be detected by the olfactory systems of a panel of healthy observers.
No commercial or industrial use may generate any odor that reaches the odor threshold measured at:
The outside boundary of the immediate space occupied by the enterprise generating the odor.
The lot line if the enterprise generating the odor is the only enterprise located on a lot.
[Ord. No. 2118 §§1 — 3, 8-18-2008]
Any commercial or industrial use that emits any "air contaminant" as defined by Missouri Statute shall comply with applicable State standards concerning air pollution as set forth in the Missouri Air Pollution Control Law.
No zoning or conditional use permit may be issued with respect to any development covered by Subsection (A) until the Missouri Department of Natural Resources has certified to the permit issuing authority that the appropriate State permits have been received by the developer or that the developer will be eligible to receive such permits and that the development is otherwise in compliance with applicable air pollution laws.
[Ord. No. 2118 §§1 — 3, 8-18-2008]
No commercial or industrial use may discharge any waste contrary to the provisions of Missouri Statute governing discharges of radiological, chemical or biological wastes into surface or subsurface waters. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources may require the developer to obtain permits prior to the disposal of certain liquid wastes.
No commercial or industrial use may discharge into the City sewage treatment facilities any waste that is contrary to other City of St. Robert sewer ordinances or any waste that cannot be adequately treated by biological means.
[Ord. No. 2118 §§1 — 3, 8-18-2008]
No commercial or industrial use may:
Create any electrical disturbance that adversely affects any operations or equipment other than those of the creator of such disturbance; or
Otherwise cause, create or contribute to the interference with electronic signals (including television and radio broadcasting transmissions) to the extent that the operation of any equipment not owned by the creator of such disturbance is adversely affected.