Editor's Note — Ord. no. 945 §1, passed December 18, 1995, adopts the alcohol and controlled substance testing policy on file in City Hall.
[CC 1996 §105.830]
The City seeks to provide a healthy and safe working environment for all employees and the citizens of the community. Illegal drugs and drug activities will not be tolerated in the City work areas or by the City work force. The City has an obligation to identify problem employees and to protect employees and citizens from alcohol- or drug-related accidents. It is the policy of the City not to hire or continue the employment of any individual whose job performance is impaired by the use of any drugs or alcohol.
[CC 1996 §105.840]
In the construction of this Code and of all other ordinances of the City, the following definitions shall be observed, unless it shall be otherwise expressly provided in any Section or ordinance or unless inconsistent with the manifest intent of the City Council or unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
Shall have the same meaning as "Intoxicating Liquor" as defined in Section 600.010 of this Code.
Any substance (other than alcohol) capable of altering the mood, perception, pain level or judgment of the individual consuming it.
Any drug or controlled substance including, but not limited to, substance controlled or prohibited by Federal or State law, the sale or possession of which is illegal.
Positive identification of a drug or metabolic which has been confirmed by scientific laboratory tests.
Any substance prescribed for the individual consuming it by a licensed medical practitioner.
Any articulate belief based on scientific facts and reasonable inferences drawn from those facts that an employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
[CC 1996 §105.850]
No alcoholic beverage shall be brought into or consumed on City premises.
Drinking or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages while on duty is cause for discipline, including termination as provided in Article IX of this Chapter.
Any employee whose use of alcohol results in an act or acts to the determent of the City, including, but not limited to, on-duty accidents, poor work or excessive absenteeism or tardiness and the act does not warrant termination, may be referred to an Employee Assistant Program for evaluation and possible referral to a treatment program.
[CC 1996 §105.860]
Prescription drugs shall be used on duty only in the manner, combination and quantity prescribed.
Any employee whose use of prescription drugs results in an act or acts to the detriment of the City, including, but not limited to, excessive absenteeism, tardiness, on-duty accidents or poor work and the act does not warrant termination, may be referred for a screening examination and/or back to their private physician and/or they may be referred to an Employee Assistance Program for counseling, where in turn they may be referred to a treatment program. Appropriate disciplinary action may also be administered.
[CC 1996 §105.870]
The use of an illegal drug while on duty, being under the influence of an illegal drug while on duty or the wrong possession of an illegal drug while on duty is cause for termination or other appropriate discipline as provided in Article IX of this Chapter.
The sale, trade or delivery of illegal drugs by an employee to another person is cause for termination and referral to law enforcement authorities.
It is the intent of the drug testing program to screen all employees and conduct confirmatory tests for illegal drugs. These screenings and tests may be made at the time of employment and at random intervals. All testing will be at the City's expense.
[CC 1996 §105.890]
As a condition of employment, each applicant for employment as a Police Officer or equipment operator may be required to submit to a pre-employment drug and alcohol test. Either refusing to sign a consent form or obtaining a positive drug test will exclude an applicant from further consideration. A pre-employment drug and/or alcohol test shall be at the expense of the applicant.
[CC 1996 §105.900]
The City may require a current employee to undergo drug and alcohol testing if there is a reasonable suspicion that the employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol during working hours. Circumstances which constitute a basis for "reasonable suspicion" may include, but are not limited to:
A pattern of abnormal or erratic behavior;
Information provided by a reliable and credible source;
A work-related accident;
Direct observation of drug or alcohol use; or
Presence of the physical symptoms of drug or alcohol use (i.e., glassy or bloodshot eyes, liquor odor on breath, slurred speech, poor coordination and/or reflexes).
[CC 1996 §105.910]
Before a drug and alcohol test is administered, employees and job applicants will be asked to sign a consent form authorizing the test and permitting release of test results to those City Officials with a need to know. The consent form shall provide space for employees and applicants to acknowledge that they have been notified of the City's drug testing policy and to indicate current or recent use of prescription or over the counter medication.
The consent form shall also set forth the following information:
The procedure for confirming an initial positive test result;
The consequences of a confirmed positive test result;
The right to explain a confirmed positive test result and the appeal procedures available; and
The consequences of refusing to undergo a drug and alcohol test.
[CC 1996 §105.920]
Applicants. A job applicant who refuses to consent to a drug and alcohol test will be denied employment with the City.
Employees. An employee who refuses to consent to a drug and alcohol test, when reasonable suspicion of drug or alcohol use has been identified, is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. The reason(s) for the refusal shall be considered in determining the appropriate disciplinary action.
[CC 1996 §105.930]
An employee or job applicant whose drug test yields a positive result shall be given a second (2nd) test using a gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) test. The second (2nd) test shall use a portion of the same test sample withdrawn from the employee or applicant for use in the first (1st) test.
If the second (2nd) test confirms the positive test result, the employee or applicant shall be notified of the results in writing by the appropriate department head or designee. The letter of notification shall identify the particular substance found and its concentration level.
An employee or applicant whose second (2nd) test confirms the original positive test result may, at the employee's or applicant's own expense, have a third (3rd) test conducted on the same sample at a laboratory mutually selected by the City and the employee.
[CC 1996 §105.940]
Applicants. Job applicants will be denied employment with the City if their initial positive test results have been confirmed. Applicants shall be informed in writing if they are rejected on the basis of a confirmed positive drug test result.
Employees. If an employee's positive test result has been confirmed, the employee is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Factors to be considered in determining the appropriate disciplinary response include the employee's work history, length of employment, current job performance and the existence of past disciplinary actions.
No disciplinary action may be taken against employees who voluntarily identify themselves as drug users, obtain counseling and rehabilitation through the City's Employee Assistance Program and thereafter refrain from violating the City's policy on drug and alcohol abuse.
[CC 1996 §105.950]
If an employee's positive test result has been confirmed, the employee is entitled to a hearing before any disciplinary action may be taken by the City. The employee must make a written request for a hearing to his/her department head within three (3) days of receipt by the employee of the confirmation test results. The hearing shall be conducted by the Mayor. Employees may be represented by legal counsel, present evidence and witnesses on their behalf and confront and cross- examine the evidence and witnesses used against them.
No adverse personnel action may be taken against an employee based on confirmed positive drug test results unless the Mayor finds by a preponderance of the evidence that:
The employee's supervisor had reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee was under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on the job; and
The employee's positive drug test results are accurate.
Within ten (10) days following the close of the hearing, the Mayor shall issue a written decision and a brief summary of the facts and evidence supporting that decision.
[CC 1996 §105.960]
All information from an employee's or applicant's drug and alcohol test is confidential and only those with a need to know are to be informed of test results. Disclosure of test results to any other person, agency or organization is prohibited unless written authorization is obtained from the employee or applicant. The results of a positive drug test shall not be released until the results are confirmed.
[CC 1996 §105.970]
An employee who has developed an addiction to, dependence upon or problem with alcohol or drugs is encouraged to voluntarily contact the Employee Assistance Program for assistance. The EAP is confidential in nature. No reprisal will be taken against any employee who chooses to correct a drug or alcohol problem through self-referral.
Self-referral to a treatment program may not be used as a defense against a subsequent supervisory referral for a drug or alcohol test or from disciplinary action resulting from unacceptable job performance.
[CC 1996 §105.980]
All drug and alcohol testing of employees and applicants shall be conducted at medical facilities or laboratories selected by the City. Factors to be considered by the City Council in selecting a testing facility include:
Testing procedures which ensure privacy to employees and applicants consistent with prevention or tampering;
Methods of analysis which ensure reliable test results including the use of gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry to confirm positive test results;
Chain of custody procedures which ensure proper identification, labeling and handling of test samples; and
Retention and storage procedure which ensure reliable results of confirmatory test of original samples.
[CC 1996 §105.990]
All City facilities and vehicles and all containers therein are subject to inspection by supervisory personnel at any time.
Any personal items contained within City facilities or vehicles may be inspected by a supervisor if there exists a reasonable suspicion that they contain contraband items.
Contraband items include the following:
Abused drugs
City property
Controlled substances
Prisoner's property
Stolen property
Any other items that would substantiate an alleged violation of the rules and regulations of the City or a violation of any law.
The employee who has control over the area to be searched is to be notified prior to or at the time of the search and shall be given the opportunity to be present during the search.
The searching supervisor shall have as a witness at least one (1) other supervisory employee.
Employees who obstruct or attempt to prevent a search for contraband or who refuses to allow an inspection as covered by this Section shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Employees may use personally owned locks or container to secure private property under their control. However, the placement or use of such devices does not extend to the employee any expectation of privacy over the item if said item or area is within any City facility or vehicle.