[Ord. No. 534 §I, 3-8-1993; Ord. No. 08-2019, 4-1-2019]
The City of Herculaneum, in a positive effort to provide a healthy and safe work environment for all of its employees and the citizens of the community, is instituting a substance abuse policy.
Employees have a right to work in a drug- and alcohol-free environment and to work with persons free from the effects of drug and alcohol use and abuse. Employees who abuse drugs or alcohol are a danger to themselves, other employees, and the public. In addition, substance abuse can inflict a terrible toll on the City's productive resources and the health and well-being of the City of Herculaneum's employees and their families.
No employee may have, while on duty, in the employee's possession, or on any property owned or controlled by the City, any illegal drug as set forth in the Drug Free Work Place Act of 1988 and the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991. No employee shall, while on duty, be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. The City makes no exception to this rule for medical marijuana in any amount as set forth in Article XIV, Section 7(1)(d) of the Missouri Constitution. Violation of this policy may result in immediate discipline, suspension or termination, or the employee may be required to participate in a substance abuse program chosen by the City.
[Ord. No. 534 §II, 3-8-1993; Ord. No. 08-2019, 4-1-2019]
Reporting to work or performing work for the City while impaired by or under the influence of illegal drugs, medical marijuana or alcohol is prohibited.
Reporting to work or performing work for the City while impaired by or under the influence of prescription drugs, including medical marijuana, which have been used in a manner, quantity, or combination other than prescribed is prohibited.
The illegal use, possession, dispensation, distribution, manufacture or sale of a controlled substance by an employee at the worksite, during work hours, or while the employee is on duty, official business or standby duty is prohibited.
Violation of such prohibitions by an employee is considered conduct detrimental to City service and will result in discipline by the Board of Aldermen at its discretion, including but not limited to dismissal.
Employees are required to notify the Mayor or Board of Aldermen within five (5) days of any criminal drug Statute conviction where such conviction was due to an occurrence at the worksite, during work hours, or while on duty, official business or standby duty.
An employee who is convicted of violating any criminal drug Statute in such workplace situations as stated above will be subject to discipline by the Board of Aldermen at its discretion, including but not limited to dismissal.
A "conviction" means a finding of guilt (including a plea or nolo contendere), or the imposition of a sentence by a judge or jury, in any Federal or State court.
[Ord. No. 534 §III, 3-8-1993]
All current and future employees of the City of Herculaneum will be notified in writing of the substance abuse policy adopted by the City. All employees will be required to sign an acknowledgement that they have read and understand the notification of the substance abuse policy. This notification shall thoroughly and clearly explain the policies of the City with regard to substance abuse. The policies set forth herein are in force immediately upon such notification of the employees of the City.
[Ord. No. 534 §IV, 3-8-1993; Ord. No. 01-008 §§1 — 3, 6-12-2001]
The Board of Aldermen shall designate the physician, health care institution, clinic and/or laboratory to carry out the provisions of such analysis, as well as the date and time of day the analysis shall be carried out. The City shall be responsible for the expenses incurred in carrying out the analysis, but not for the expenses incurred by employee challenges to the initial analysis.
Each employee to be tested shall: Cooperate fully; execute and complete truthfully such documents and releases as may be required by the physician, health care institution, clinic and/or laboratory; and authorize a written report of the results and/or relevant records and testimony to be submitted to the City.
Drugs to be tested are as follows:
Drug Class
Screening Cut-Off Limit
Confirmation Cut-Off Limit
Benzoylecgonine (Cocaine Metabolite)
Canabinoids (THC)
Phencyclidine (PCP)
Propoxyphene (Darvecet)
Will conform to State of Missouri Driving Intoxication levels
* Cut-off limits established by the Department of Health and Human Services in their mandatory guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs.
Test methodology. A preliminary screening test will be performed, and upon a positive finding with the screen test, the sample will be confirmed by the use of a more reliable testing method.
Specimen collection procedures. Collection will be unwitnessed but will be temperature tested for authenticity. The employee will observe the specimen sealed in a tamper proof sealed container, with container signed for and dated by collection site personnel.
Pre-Employment Drug Screening.
As a condition of employment, each applicant for employment with the City of Herculaneum will be required to submit to a pre-employment drug test. Either refusing to sign a consent form authorizing the test to be conducted and the results to be released to the City, or obtaining a positive drug screen will exclude an applicant from further consideration.
If the pre-employment drug test is positive in identifying the presence of illegal drugs, the applicant will be advised and any offer of employment will be withdrawn.
Drug/Alcohol Screen Of Current Employees.
Drug tests will be administered to current City employees who are applying for promotion. A positive drug test will result in the applicant being eliminated from consideration. In addition, the positive drug test will be reported to the Board of Aldermen and the employee will be subject to discipline by the Board of Aldermen.
Employees will be tested when there are reasonable grounds to believe they are impaired or incapable of performing their duties based on their job behavior. Any supervisor ordering such a test must document the specific behavior which establishes reasonable grounds to believe that the employee may have been impaired by drugs or alcohol and must document the facts surrounding the incident.
Drug/alcohol tests for current City employees are required whenever there is a pattern of on-duty accidents or an accident resulting in severe property damage or bodily injury.
Since results of drug and alcohol tests will not be available immediately, medical staff at the testing site must be relied upon for advice concerning the ability of the employee to return to work. If the medical staff indicates that it is likely the employee is under the influence of drug or alcohol, that employee will not be allowed to return to work that day.
In addition to the testing provided for in Subsection (C)(2) of Section 105.150, when an employee is employed in a position where the consequences of drug use would be particularly damaging to public safety, unscheduled or random drug testing of all employees holding such positions may be instituted. Such positions affecting public safety, include, but are not limited to, Police Officers, Firefighters, City employees operating vehicles on public streets or operating dangerous equipment, or any position requiring the employee to work with or around children in the course of their employment.
[Ord. No. 43-2020, 12-7-2020]
Any current employee who tests positive for drugs or alcohol will be placed immediately on forced leave if this action has not already been taken. Depending on the seriousness of the surrounding circumstances, the Board of Aldermen will exercise their reasonable discretion in the discipline of the employee, which may include dismissal.
Refusal by an employee to take a drug or alcohol test will result in discipline by the Board of Aldermen, which may include dismissal. Any employee who attempts to refuse a drug or alcohol test will be informed that such refusal will result in discipline by the Board of Aldermen, which may include dismissal. If the employee still refuses to take the test, the incident will be referred to the Board of Aldermen for action.
The results of all physical examinations and blood and urine tests will be treated as confidential with distribution of test results limited to Personnel Department employees having a need for the information in order to process the necessary documents, including the disciplinary actions taken by the Board of Aldermen.
The possession of illegal drugs is a crime and must be reported to the Police Department.
Self-Referral For Drug Or Alcohol Treatment.
No employee shall be made to undergo a drug or alcohol test or suffer reprisals because they have voluntarily entered into a drug or alcohol treatment program. Such treatment, however, may not be used by an employee as protection from a subsequent or prior incident necessitating drug or alcohol testing.
Rehabilitation from drug and alcohol addiction is the responsibility of the employee. An employee may use accumulated sick days or vacation days for such a purpose. When accumulated leave is exhausted, the employee may be docked or placed on a leave of absence. The City is not required to hold open positions of employment for those employees who have exhausted their accumulated sick days and/or vacation days.
Challenges To Positive Results.
An employee may challenge the results of a positive test by notifying the Board of Aldermen in writing, within twenty-four (24) hours of the employee's notice of such positive results.
Any such challenge will result in a retest of the original specimen at the employee's expense.