[Ord. No. 603 §1, 11-10-1997]
When and if District, acting within its statutory authority, desires that City terminate water service to any premises, district shall deliver to City an "Instruction to Terminate Service". Such "Instruction to Terminate Service" shall be on a form approved by District and City for such purposes and shall include the date of issue, a specific address where water service is to be terminated including street, City and unit number if appropriate, and the signature of an agent specifically authorized by District to execute such instruction. District shall provide to City a written list of agents so authorized. Because District's customer and City's customer at a specific address may be different individuals or entities, District's customer name at the address shall be included for information purposes only. District shall not issue an "Instruction to Terminate Service" until all prerequisites, including those for notice, have been satisfied. Upon receipt of an "Instruction to Terminate Service" City shall make a reasonable attempt to terminate water service to the affected address within thirty (30) days. District and City shall establish operating procedures from time to time to further facilitate administration of the terms herein.
[Ord. No. 603 §2, 11-10-1997]
Upon instruction from District to reinstitute service to an address (which may be by informal methods acceptable to District and City, to be followed in writing), City shall make a reasonable attempt to reinstitute such service as hereinafter provided. Reinstitution shall be attempted but not guaranteed during normal working hours on Monday through Saturday provided someone is at the premises to assure internal plumbing facilities are not open (hereinafter "Standard Reinstitution"). Unless otherwise specified by District, service reinstitution will be attempted but not guaranteed on the same day for instructions received from District prior to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and on a next day basis for instructions received later in the day than that. No instructions will be accepted on Saturday, Sunday, City holidays, the day before any City holiday, or during the Christmas holidays when the City normally suspends all turn-offs. If an instruction after 3:00 P.M. requires that service be reinstituted on that same day (hereinafter "Special Reinstitution"), an extra charge as specified herein shall apply.
[Ord. No. 603 §3, 11-10-1997]
The price to be charged to District by City for termination or reinstitution attempts shall be as set forth in Appendix A to this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 603 §4, 11-10-1997]
To enable City to efficiently manage its work force, under no circumstances will District send to City in excess of ten (10) "Instructions to Terminate Service" at metered connections in any calendar month.
[Ord. No. 603 §5, 11-10-1997]
If City makes a reasonable attempt to terminate or reinstitute water service and is unsuccessful because of address inadequacies, inoperable or damaged facilities, danger to an employee or any other reason beyond City's reasonable control, the above charges will be charged for the attempt, City will attempt to notify District no later than the end of the next regular working day of such unsuccessful attempt, City shall be absolved from its time requirements for action, and District and City shall attempt to determine an alternative course of action acceptable to both parties which shall be reduced to written instruction from District to City.
[Ord. No. 603 §6, 11-10-1997]
Except to the extent limited herein, District agrees to indemnify, defend and hold City harmless from and against any and all claims, complaints or causes of action arising out of actions taken by City pursuant to any District "Instruction to Terminate Service". Because City is providing a service to District at its cost and has no incentive whatsoever to take the risk of claims, complaints or causes of action arising out of actions taken pursuant to this agreement, if District at any time asserts that it is not permitted by law to indemnify City under the provisions of this paragraph, or is limited in the extent of its indemnification, or for any other reason takes the position that City must defend itself or be responsible for some or all costs arising from such claims, all City's obligations under this agreement shall terminate as of that date.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the agreement by the District to indemnify the City is qualified as follows:
The indemnification shall not extend to damages intentionally caused by employees of City;
With respect to claims involving motor vehicles, the indemnification by District of the City shall only apply to the extent City is not covered by insurance for such claims.
[Ord. No. 603 §7, 11-10-1997]
Because of the age of many customer-owned valves ("stop cocks") and service line components, it is not uncommon to discover them to be inoperable or for them to break or begin to leak when operation is attempted. In the event of such an occurrence, City shall notify District if and when it becomes aware of such an occurrence, and District shall thereafter resolve such matter with the owner of the facilities and shall indemnify and defend City from claims by any party whatsoever associated with such occurrences, as hereinbefore specified in the paragraph regarding indemnification. If an emergency excavation becomes necessary due to escaping water, actual costs incurred to stop the discharge, including facility repair if necessary, will be paid by District without District's preapproval.
[Ord. No. 603 §8, 11-10-1997]
District shall handle all customer communications regarding service terminations implemented pursuant to this agreement. Communications from customers to City will be referred and directed to District.
[Ord. No. 603 §9, 11-10-1997]
City's actions required under this agreement shall be excused if due to matters beyond its control, including but not limited to employee work stoppages, strikes, inclement weather, or emergencies requiring utilization of manpower or resources elsewhere. Termination will not be completed if a local Board of Health, municipality, fire district, court of competent jurisdiction or other governmental entity having jurisdiction issues an instruction to the City so stating. At such time, City will relay such conflicting instructions to District, and City will not knowingly take further actions toward termination until District notifies City in writing that it has resolved the conflicting instructions. Thereafter, District shall indemnify, defend and hold City harmless for actions taken by City based on District's notifications.
In no event shall City be required to disconnect a fire line service without authorization from the governmental authority responsible for fire protection to the affected property, even in cases of combined fire and domestic service lines.
[Ord. No. 603 §10, 11-10-1997]
This agreement shall be for a term of one (1) year from November 10, 1997, and from year to year thereafter subject to termination by either party at any time on sixty (60) days' notice.