[Adopted 7-9-2013 (Ch. 2, Art. XIX, of the 2010 Code)]
There is hereby established a Department of Municipal Access. This Department shall be under the general supervision of the office of the Mayor. The purpose of the Department is to recruit and compensate qualified individuals with the requisite training and experience to operate video, audio, and other equipment necessary to record and broadcast public meetings of elected and appointed boards, commissions, and other such public bodies of the City.
Subject to approval of the Municipal Council, the Mayor shall annually designate an individual to be the Supervisor of the Department who shall be qualified by training and experience. Subject to appropriation, the Supervisor shall be paid a flat-fee stipend on a monthly basis to perform such duties; provided, however, that in no event may the Supervisor work more than 19 1/2 hours per week. There shall be no full-time employees of the Department.
Subject to appropriation, the Mayor shall designate individuals, based on training and experience, to perform the duties of a video technician for one or more meetings. Nothing herein shall prevent the Supervisor from performing the duties and receiving the compensation of a video technician at any particular meeting. Both the Supervisor and any video technicians so designated shall be considered special municipal employees for all purposes under MGL c. 268A, unless disqualified from such designation by another applicable provision of law.
A video technician shall be compensated on a per-meeting basis at such rate as is determined by the Mayor after consideration of the written recommendation of the Supervisor and the total amount appropriated for said purpose. There shall be only one uniform rate of compensation for all meetings and for all video technicians.
To the fullest extent provided by law, all expenses of the Department shall be reimbursed in full from funds paid by cable television providers under contract with the City.