In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 2010 Code have been included in the 2015 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. II.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 2010 Code
Location in 2015 Code
Related Acts and Acceptances
Ch. A500
Ch. 1, General Provisions
§§ 1-1 to 1-5.1 (construction and penalties)
Ch. 1, Art. I
§§ 1-6 to 1-10 (ordinances)
Ch. 100
§ 1-10.1 (home rule petitions)
Ch. 53
§§ 1-11 and 1-12 (Seal)
Ch. 134
§ 1-13 (wards)
Ch. 28, Art. I
Ch. 2, Administration
Art. I, In General
§ 2-1, Chief of Police to supervise the delivery of messages and papers
Ch. 19, Art. I
§ 2-2, Assistant City Clerk
Ch. 96, Art. I
§ 2-3, Clerical assistance authorized
Ch. 96, Art. I
§ 2-4, Intra-city, state and out of state travel allowances
Ch. 105
§§ 2-5 to 2-7 (numbers not used)
§ 2-8, Marking of automobiles owned by City
Ch. 157
§ 2-9, Restriction on use of automobiles owned by City
Ch. 157
§ 2-10, Department of Human Resources
Ch. 19, Art. V
§ 2-11, Division of Vehicular Maintenance
Ch. 19, Art. III
§ 2-12, Secretary to the Board of License Commissioners
Ch. 10, Art. VIII
§ 2-13, Use of POW/MIA decals on City vehicles
Ch. 157
§ 2-14, Regulations for the sale of City-owned property
Ch. 118, Art. I
§ 2-15, City policy regarding AIDS
Ch. 111, Art. I
Art. II, Municipal Council
Ch. 85
Art. III, Officers
Div. 1, Generally
§ 2-56, Automation Office Manager
§ 2-57, Workmen's Compensation Agent and Representative
Ch. 96, Art. XVI
§ 2-58, Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator
Ch. 96, Art. XVIII
§ 2-59, Animal Control Officer
Ch. 96, Art. XVII
§ 2-60, Animal Shelter Advisory Committee
Ch. 10, Art. XIV
Div. 2, Clerk of Committees
Ch. 96, Art. II
Div. 3, City Solicitor
Ch. 96, Art. XIV
Div. 4, City Engineer
§§ 2-98 to 2-104 and 2-105
Ch. 96, Art. IX
§§ 2-104.1 to 2-104.4 (foreclosed tax title property)
Ch. 118, Art. II
Div. 5, Budget Director
Ch. 96, Art. XIX
Div. 6, Superintendent of Public Buildings
Ch. 96, Art. X
Div. 7, Inspector of Weights and Measures
§§ 2-151 to 2-153
Ch. 96, Art. XII
§ 2-153.1 (fee schedule)
Ch. 250, Art. IV
Div. 8, Parking Clerk
Ch. 96, Art. XV
Div. 9, Labor Services Office (cross-reference only)
Div. 10, Registrar of Voters
Ch. 28, Art. II
Div. 11, City Clerk
Ch. 250, Art. VI
Art. IV, Personnel
Ch. 105
Art. V (number not used)
Art. VI, Department of Human Services
Ch. 19, Art. VII
Art. VII (number not used)
Art. VIII, Cable Television Advisory Commission
Ch. 10, Art. VI
Art. IX, Commission for Individuals with Disabilities
Ch. 10, Art. VII
Art. X, Administrative Organization on Automation
Repealed 5-23-2000
Art. XI, Hiring Policy for Public Works Projects
Ch. 123, Art. I
Art. XII, Golf Course Commission
§§ 2-322 to 2-327
Ch. 10, Art. IX
§ 2-328 (Mapping Commission)
Ch. 10, Art. XIII
Art. XIII, Development Impact Review Board
Ch. 10, Art. X
Art. XIV, Environmentally Preferable Procurement
Ch. 115, Art. II
Art. XV, Capital Improvement Budget Ordinance
Repealed 7-12-2012
Art. XVI, Water Enterprise
Ch. 40, Art. V
Art. XVII, ADA/AAB Compliance
Ch. 123, Art. II
Art. XVIII, Parking Commission
Ch. 10, Art. XVI
Art. XIX, Designer Selection Procedures
Ch. 115, Art. III
Art. XIX, Municipal Access
Ch. 19, Art. X
Ch. 3, Animals and Fowl
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
Art. II, Dogs
Ch. 191, Art. I
Ch. 4, Buildings
Art. I, In General
§ 4-1, House numbering
Ch. 208, Art. II
§ 4-2, Moving buildings through streets
Ch. 208, Art. III
§ 4-3, Electrical inspections – fee schedule (cross-reference only)
§ 4-4, Hazardous waste facilities
Ch. 420, Art. III
§ 4-5, Construction, excavation, drainage and similar activities
Ch. 208, Art. I
§ 4-6, Broken windows, doors and walls in business districts
Ch. 350, Art. III
Art. II, Building Commissioner/Building Inspector/Assistant Building Inspector
Ch. 96, Art. V
Art. III, Building Code
§ 4-38, State Building Code
Ch. 208, Art. I
§ 4-39, Fire Districts
Repealed 5-23-2000
§§ 4-41 to 4-41.3 (fee schedules)
Ch. 250, Art. I
§ 4-42, Penalty for work done without building permit
Ch. 250, Art. I
§ 4-43, Tax status form
Repealed 3-5-2013
§ 4-44, Technology fee surcharge
Ch. 250, Art. VII
Art. IV, Demolition
Ch. 208, Art. IV
Art. V, Inspection of Plumbing
§§ 4-76 and 4-77
Ch. 96, Art. VI
§ 4-78, Inspector of Gas Piping and Gas Appliances
Ch. 96, Art. VII
Ch. 5, Civil Defense
Ch. 32
Ch. 6, Finance
Art. I, In General
Ch. 40, Art. I
Art. II, Committee on Finance and Salaries
Ch. 10, Art. III
Art. III, City Auditor
Ch. 96, Art. III
Art. IV, City Treasurer/Collector
Ch. 96, Art. IV
Art. V, Contracts and Purchases
§§ 6-91 to 6-95
Ch. 115, Art. I
§ 6-96
Ch. 40, Art. VII
Art. VI, Bills and Accounts
Ch. 40, Art. II
Art. VII, Claims
Ch. 40, Art. III
Art. VIII, Collection of Bills
Ch. 40, Art. IV
Art. IX, Economic Opportunity Areas; Economic Development Incentive Board
Ch. 239, Art. I
Art. X, Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund
Ch. 40, Art. VI
Ch. 7, Fire Prevention and Protection
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
Art. II, Fire Department
§§ 7-17 to 7-31.1, 7-32 to 7-45 and 7-48
Ch. 19, Art. II
§ 7-31.2, Alarm telephone devices
Ch. 183, Art. I
§ 7-46, Fees for inspections, permits, etc.
Ch. 250, Art. V
§ 7-47, Fire alarm system malfunctions
Ch. 183, Art. II
Ch. 8, Garbage, Trash and Refuse
Art. I, In General
Ch. 420, Art. I
Art. II, City Landfill Site
§§ 8-19 to 8-27
Ch. 420, Art. II
§ 8-28, Duty of property owners to keep premises free of litter and weeds
Ch. 350, Art. I
Ch. 9, Health and Sanitation
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
Art. II, Board of Health
Ch. 10, Art. I
Art. III, Sanitary/Housing/Code Enforcement Inspector
Ch. 96, Art. VIII
Art. IV, Milk
Ch. 227
Art. V, Substance Abuse Commission
Repealed 10-12-1982
Art. VI, Taunton Nursing Home
Ch. 91
Art. VII, Maintenance of Vacant and Foreclosing Residential Properties
Ch. 350, Art. II
Ch. 10, Historic Districts and Commission
Art. I, In General
Ch. 10, Art. IV
Art. II, Historic District
Ch. 273
Ch. 11, Library
Ch. 74
Ch. 12, Licenses and Miscellaneous Business Regulations
Art. I, In General
§ 12-1, Licenses and permits; denial, revocation or suspension
Ch. 298
§ 12-2, Closing hours for commercial establishments
Ch. 221, Art. I
§ 12-3, Rooming house inspections
Ch. 364
Art. II, Billiard Rooms, Poolrooms and Bowling Alleys
Ch. 187, Art. I
Art. III, Jukeboxes
Ch. 187, Art. II
Art. IV, Storage, etc., of Flammables
Ch. 250, Art. II
Art. V, Hawkers and Peddlers
Ch. 337
Art. VI, Junk, Old Metal, Antiques and Secondhand Articles
Ch. 287
Art. VII, Lunch Carts (Reserved)
Art. VIII, Newsboys (Reserved)
Art. IX, Pawnbrokers
Ch. 329
Art. X, Public Service Vehicles
§§ 12-179 to 12-198
Ch. 409
§§ 12-199 and 12-200 (exhibitions, shows, amusements, etc.)
Ch. 187, Art. III
§ 12-201, Skating rinks
Ch. 187, Art. IV
Art. XI, Sale of Secondhand Motor Vehicles
Ch. 413
Art. XII, Uniform Commercial Code Filings
Ch. 250, Art. III
Art. XIII, Sidewalk Cafes
§§ 12-240 to 12-250
Ch. 258, Art. I
§ 12-251, Sale and use of air rifles, air guns, BB guns or pellet guns
Ch. 254, Art. II
Ch. 12.1, Manufactured Homes and Manufactured Home Parks
Ch. 306
Ch. 13, Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 405
Ch. 14, Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions
Art. I, In General
§§ 14-1 and 14-2 (advertising and bill posting)
Ch. 176
§ 14-3, Bathing and swimming
Ch. 325
§ 14-4, Children; admission to certain athletic events
Ch. 325
§§ 14-5, 14-14 and 14-15 (numbers not used)
§§ 14-6 to 14-11 and 14-16 to 14-20 (orderly conduct)
Ch. 334
§ 14-12, Pools; approved fence required for certain artificial pools
Ch. 387
§ 14-13, Power boats
Ch. 202, Art. I
§ 14-21, Hazardous waste facilities
Ch. 420, Art. III
§ 14-22, Facilities for the treatment, storage or disposal of solid waste, sewage, garbage or trash
Ch. 420, Art. IV
§ 14-23, Certain physical objects on school property
Ch. 254, Art. I
§ 14-24, Synthetic drugs
Ch. 334
§ 14-25, Smoking at Hopewell Pool and splash pad prohibited
Ch. 325
§ 14-26, Nuisance properties because of documented criminal activity
Ch. 334
Art. II, Earth Materials Removal
Ch. 236
Ch. 15, Parks, Recreation and Public Grounds
Art. I, In General
§ 15-1 (moths)
Repealed 12-20-1983
§ 15-2 (Assistant Superintendent of Parks, Playgrounds, Cemetery and Moths)
Repealed 12-18-1979
§§ 15-3 to 15-9 (numbers not used)
§ 15-10, Parks, Cemeteries and Public Grounds Department
Ch. 19, Art. VIII
Art. II, Cemetery Department and Commission
§ 15-20 (Cemetery Commission)
Ch. 10, Art. V
§§ 15-21 and 15-22 (Commissioner of Parks, Cemeteries and Public Grounds)
Ch. 19, Art. VIII
§§ 15-23 to 15-26 (cemeteries)
Ch. 215
Art. III, Park and Recreation Department and Commission
Ch. 19, Art. IV
Art. IV (Reserved)
Ch. 16, Planning and Development
Art. I, In General
Ch. 342, Art. I
Art. II, Office of Community and Economic Development
Ch. 19, Art. VI
Art. III, Community Development Citizens' Advisory Committee
Ch. 10, Art. XI
Art. IV, Economic Development Partnership Committee
§ 16-25
Ch. 10, Art. XII
§ 16-26
Ch. 10, Art. XV
§§ 16-27 to 16-29 (numbers not used)
§§ 16-30 to 16-38 (conservation ordinance)
Ch. 432
Art. V, Abatement of Taxes, Interest and Penalties
Ch. 239, Art. II
Art. VI, Planning and Conservation Department
Ch. 19, Art. IX
Ch. 17, Poles and Conduits
Art. I, In General
§ 17-1, Inspector of Wires
Ch. 96, Art. XIII
§§ 17-2 to 17-13
Ch. 346
Art. II, Street Excavations for Conduits
Ch. 346
Ch. 18, Police
Art. I, In General
Ch. 19, Art. I
Art. II, Chief
Ch. 19, Art. I
Art. II, Department
§§ 18-45 to 18-61, 18-71 and 18-72
Ch. 19, Art. I
§§ 18-62 to 18-69 (numbers not used)
§ 18-70, Police alarm system malfunctions
Ch. 183, Art. III
Ch. 19, Sewers and Drains
Ch. 375; Ch. 381
Ch. 20, Streets and Sidewalks
Art. I, In General
§ 20-1, Traffic Division set up within Department of Public Works
Ch. 19, Art. III
§§ 20-2 to 20-23
Ch. 383, Art. I
Art. II, Supervisor of Streets
Ch. 96, Art. XI
Art. III, Excavations and Obstructions
Ch. 383, Art. II
Art. IV, Parade, etc., Permits
Ch. 383, Art. III
Art. V, Laying out Streets
Ch. 383, Art. IV
Art. VI, Sidewalks
Ch. 383, Art. V
Ch. 21, Taxation
Art. I, In General
Ch. 40, Art. I
Art. II, Board of Assessors
§§ 21-18 to 21-32
Ch. 10, Art. II
§ 21-33, Betterments
Ch. 383, Art. VI
Ch. 22, Water
Ch. 426
Appendix A, Rules and Orders of the Municipal Council
Ch. A501