[Adopted 7-17-2007 (Ch. 2, Art. III, Div. 5, of the 2010 Code)]
There shall be created within the Executive Office of the Mayor the position of Budget Director. The Director shall be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Municipal Council for a period of three years and may be removed by the Mayor with Council approval after hearing and for cause.
Under the direction of the Mayor, the Director shall prepare the annual, supplemental and interim budgets of the City, coordinate with department heads during the budget preparation, and monitor departmental spending. He shall advise the Mayor on budgetary matters, monitor revenue and expenses and adjust and amend the City budget as necessary. The Director will provide all necessary periodic reporting to the Mayor and Municipal Council. The Director shall advise the Mayor's office on cost of collective bargaining items. The Director shall be a member of the financial team which meets periodically to advise the Mayor on fiscal matters.
This is a nonexempt union position. The Budget Director shall receive a contract pursuant to MGL c. 41, § 108N, with terms to be mutually agreed upon with the Mayor and subject to Municipal Council approval.