Original City Charter
Ch. 209
Amendment to the City Charter
Ch. 45
Amendment to the City Charter
Ch. 347
Revised City Charter
Ch. 211
Amendment to the revised Charter
Ch. 46
Amended City Charter
Ch. 448
Acts of 1909 amended
Ch. 176
Acts of 1909 amended
Ch. 47
Acts of 1909 amended
Ch. 187
Acts of 1909 amended
Ch. 253
Acts of 1909 amended
Ch. 407
Acts of 1909 amended
Ch. 211
Acts of 1909 amended
Ch. 55
Acts of 1909 amended
Ch. 102
Acts of 1909 amended
Ch. 70
Amends Charter re: method of filling Council vacancies
Ch. 228
Amends Charter re: authority of Council re: contracts, etc.
Ch. 174
Acts of 1909 amended
Ch. 110
Regulating fisheries
Ch. 401
Regulating fisheries
Ch. 73
Regulating fisheries
Ch. 54
Regulating fisheries
Ch. 258
Regulating fisheries
Ch. 71
Regulating fisheries
Ch. 208
Regulating fisheries
Ch. 83
To authorize Taunton, Fall River, Freetown, Somerset, Dighton, Berkley, Raynham and Middleboro to lease the right to artificially propagate and to take alewives and shad in and from the waters of the Taunton Great River
Concerning Weir Bridge
Ch. 188
Authorizing change of course of Mill River
Ch. 178
Relating to dams on Mill River
Ch. 230
Authorizing bridge over river near Dean Street
Ch. 92
Authorizes Department of Public Works to continue study of reconstruction of certain dams
Ch. 53 (Resolves)
Directs Department of Public Works to acquire certain portion of a park for a bridge across Taunton River
Ch. 1063
Names certain bridge to be constructed
Ch. 80
Names certain bridge
Ch. 414
Authorized to incur debt for sewer purposes
Ch. 150
Authorizing construction of system of sewerage
Ch. 219 (Accepted May 10, 1895)
Authorizing extension of system of sewerage
Ch. 268
City Engineer to be Clerk of Commissioners of sewerage construction (repealed by act of 1904)
Ch. 154
Confirming proceedings of the Municipal Council
Ch. 161
Amending Sec. 3, Ch. 219, Acts of 1895
Ch. 164
Authorizing Sewer Commissioners to establish a sewer rental system
Ch. 342
Authorized to incur additional debt for sewer purposes
Ch. 58
Sewer expenses, assessments and charges, and powers of Sewer Commissioners
Ch. 384 (Accepted July 21, 1904)
Authorized to incur additional debt for sewer purposes
Ch. 176 (Note: Ch. 380, Acts of 1893, relating to the apportionment of sewer assessments, was accepted by the Municipal Council November 1, 1893.)
Relative to a loan for a sewer disposal plant
Ch. 265
Validates certain contracts and payments for County Street Sewerage Project
Ch. 375
Amends Ch. 219, Acts of 1895, to provide for 3-year term for Superintendent of Sewers
Ch. 370
Makes certain unpaid annual sewer charges a tax lien
Ch. 586 (Accepted November 15, 1983)
An act authorizing the City of Taunton to enter into contracts for the operation and maintenance, lease or sale and modification of the wastewater treatment plant, sewers and pump stations
Ch 362
To supply the City of Taunton with pure water
Ch. 217 (Accepted September 21, 1875)
Authorized to issue additional water scrip
Ch. 70
Water loan sinking funds to be held by Commissioners of Sinking Funds
Ch. 31
Adjustment of rights with City of New Bedford
Ch. 140
Authorized to incur additional debt and to take land
Ch. 74
Authorized to increase water loan
Ch. 159
Authorized to increase water loan
Ch. 160
Authorized to increase water loan
Ch. 124
Authorized to increase water loan
Ch. 94
Ratifying authority to take water from Elder's and Assowompsett Ponds
Ch. 402
Authorized to issue additional water bonds
Ch. 211
Authorized to supply water in certain parts of Raynham
Ch. 452
Authorized to issue additional water bonds
Ch. 105
Authorized to contract with the Town of Dighton for a water supply
Ch. 494
Authorized to supply water to the inhabitants of Dighton
Ch. 455
Authorized to make additional water loan
Ch. 240 (Accepted July 23, 1909)
Authorized to supply Town of Berkley with water
Ch. 383
Relative to payment of bonds issued for an additional water loan
Ch. 94
Authorized to supply water to the inhabitants of Raynham
Ch. 336
Relative to the collection of water rates
Ch. 391 (Accepted October 13, 1926)
Authorizing the Cities of Fall River, New Bedford and Taunton to increase and protect their water supply
Ch. 400
Authorizing the Water Department to supply water to the Town of Raynham
Ch. 232
Authorizes purchase of certain land and establishment of water plant
Ch. 160
Establishing boundary line between Taunton and Berkley
Ch. 173
Authorized to construct a way over lands of the Taunton Lunatic Hospital
Ch. 254
Authorized to lay out a way over lands of the Taunton Lunatic Hospital
Ch. 267
Authorized to cede land to the United States for a post office building
Ch. 197
Park Commissioners to have custody of shade trees in streets and public places
Ch. 86
Park Commissioners to have custody of public cemeteries
Ch. 153
Authorized to incur debt and give land for the Robert Treat Paine memorial
Ch. 53
Relative to the grade crossing at Chace's station
Ch. 205
Authorizing payment to widow of John Carr
Ch. 148
Relative to promotion of call firemen to the permanent force
Ch. 570
Authorizing payment to the widow of Thomas Murphy
Ch. 655
Authorized to maintain a dental clinic under supervision of School Committee
Ch. 87 (Repealed by Acts of 1932, Ch. 133)
Authorized to employ school nurses
Ch. 113 (Accepted May 2, 1917)
Authorized to pay sum of money to J. Joseph Hoye
Accepted April 7, 1917
Authorized to reimburse George B. Hayes for license found to be void
Accepted March 7, 1917
Authorized with Attleboro, Norton and Mansfield to operate Norton, Taunton and Attleboro Street Railway
Ch. 208
Authorized to place matron of Police Department under civil service
Ch. 39 (Accepted March 11, 1919)
Establishing a Municipal Lighting Commission for the City of Taunton
Ch. 150
Relating to removal of overhead wires on certain streets
Ch. 350
Authorized to discontinue a part of the Caswell Burial Ground
Ch. 4
Authorized to pension members of Taunton Fire Department
Ch. 241 (Accepted April 17, 1924)
Authorizing payment to Agnes Winston for injuries sustained
Ch. 289 (Accepted June 5, 1928)
Authorized, through Municipal Lighting Commission, to sell steam
Ch. 196
Authorizes payment of certain sum to widow of former Mayor (Bernard F. Cleary)
Ch. 539
Amends Ch. 150, Acts of 1919, to increase membership of Municipal Light Commission
Ch. 289
Authorizes formation of vocational regional school district by Taunton and certain towns
Ch. 751
Provides for payment to City of certain sum as additional reimbursement for veterans' benefits granted in 1963
Establishes initiative and referendum provisions in the City (provides that MGL c. 43, §§ 37 to 44, are to be applicable as though City had adopted one of the plans); provides that it will take effect upon acceptance by the City
Ch. 250
Office of Veterans Agent and Director of Veterans' Services placed under Civil Service Law
Ch. 580
City authorized to reach rents and other income of certain tax-delinquent real estate
Ch. 198
Validates acts, with respect to zoning, of Building Code Board of Appeals on or prior to July 7, 1964
Ch. 697
Authorizes City to borrow money for new electric-generating unit and to make long-term contracts for sale of electricity
Ch. 857
Authorizes appropriation of specific amount from previous bond issue for another purpose
Ch. 255
Names certain highway overpass
Ch. 482
Authorizes City to pay medical bill for certain employee for injury sustained in course of employment
Ch. 736
Authorizes City to pay certain firemen certain awards granted them by an arbitrator
Ch. 761
Authorizes granting of pay raises to employees retroactive to January 1, 1971
Ch. 815
Authorizes payment of hospital bill for an injury sustained by certain employee in course of employment
Ch. 104
Authorizes retroactive pay raises for school employees for period from January 1, 1971, to June 27, 1971
Ch. 171
Authorizes granting retroactive pay raises for certain employees
Ch. 439
Authorizes payment of medical bills for injury of certain employee sustained in course of employment
Ch. 560
Authorizes payments to certain individuals for increases in pensions for years 1970 and 1971
Ch. 688
Designates Department of Natural Resources rink in Taunton as Taunton Memorial Park
Ch. 29
Authorizes payment of certain medical bills of certain employee for injury sustained in course of employment
Ch. 119
Authorizes payment to certain former policeman for vacation pay for 1970 and 1971
Authorizes granting pension to certain former high school instructor
Ch. 755
Amends Ch. 857, Acts of 1969
Ch. 1035
Authorizes payment of certain medical bill for certain former policeman injured in line of duty
Ch. 124
Directs Commissioner of Mental Health to convey certain land to the City
Ch. 406
Establishes salary of Mayor
Ch. 523
Orders election on issue of election of members of Light Commission
Ch. 98
Authorizes Department of Public Works to acquire certain land in City for highway purposes
Ch. 172
Amends Ch. 857, Acts of 1969
Ch. 252
Authorizes police mutual benefit association to pay certain sums to members upon retirement
Ch. 627
Validates certain proceedings to acquire certain land for school purposes
Ch. 762
Authorizes payment to certain policeman for expenses incurred by him
Ch. 185
Relating to amount of retirement benefits which may be paid by police mutual benefit association
Ch. 211
Exempts position of Sealer of Weights and Measures from Civil Service Law, MGL c. 31
Ch. 452
Authorizes City to appropriate money to pay certain individuals rewards for information re: individual who damaged electric plant
Ch. 456
Provides for certain individual to be considered resident for purposes of employment as firefighter
Ch. 500
Authorizes appointment of certain individual to police force
Ch. 138
Exempts position of Deputy Sealer of Weights and Measures from Civil Service Law, MGL c. 31
Ch. 162
Orders submission to voters of issue of three-step pay raise for Mayor
Ch. 299
Exempts position of clerk in Police Department from Civil Service Law, MGL c. 31
Ch. 517
Orders submission to voters of issues re: composition of Municipal Light Commission
Ch. 558
Exempting the offices of Superintendent of Cemeteries and Superintendent of Parks and Playgrounds of the City of Taunton from the provisions of the Civil Service Law
Ch. 269
Authorizing the City of Taunton to submit to the state secretary the plan redividing certain wards in said City
Ch. 139
Establishing a Park and Recreation Commission in the City of Taunton
Ch. 569
Authorizing and directing the State Treasurer to pay a certain sum of money to the City of Taunton to enable said City to satisfy an outstanding judgment
Ch. 311
Authorizing the City of Taunton to sell certain park land (School Street Mini Park)
Ch. 166
Designating the bridge over Interstate Highway Route 495 in the City of Taunton as the Honorable Rudolph H. DeSilva Memorial Bridge
Ch. 271
Relative to granting and renewing certain licenses and permits in cities and towns
Ch. 640
Authorizes transfer of certain City-owned land to the Taunton Housing Authority
Ch. 219
Exempts the positions of Housing and Code Enforcement Inspector and Food Inspector in the City of Taunton from the provisions of Civil Service Law
Ch. 133
Authorizes the City of Taunton to furnish water to the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Bridgewater
Ch. 375
Relates to reduction in rank for certain public employees
Ch. 457
Authorizes the City of Taunton to lease a certain parcel of land
Ch. 53
Designates a certain skating rink as the Theodore J. Aleixo, Jr., Skating Rink
Ch. 190
Authorizes the Division of Capital Planning and Operations to transfer a certain parcel of land on the grounds of the Taunton State Hospital to the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Environmental Law Enforcement
Ch. 528
Providing civil service status for certain employees of the Municipal Lighting Plant
Ch. 117
Establishing a funding schedule for the retirement system of the City of Taunton
Ch. 185
City of Taunton Mobile Home Parks Eviction and Discontinuance Review Board
Ch. 207
Relative to mitigating the effects of Internal Revenue Service regulations concerning social security coverage for part-time employees of the commonwealth and its political subdivisions
Ch. 494
Providing for election of Planning Board
Ch. 108
Providing for election of Zoning Board of Appeals
Ch 109
Act, Statute or General Law
Date of Acceptance/Approval
GS c. 45, §§ 7 and 8
Relating to sidewalks
March 29, 1865
GS c. 19, §§ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12
Relating to City and ward officers
August 30, 1865
GS c. 88, §§ 33 and 40, inclusive
Relating to steam engines, furnaces and boilers
February 27, 1867
Acts of 1862, Ch. 74
Relating to stationary engines
February 27, 1867
GS c. 83, § 2
Relating to pickerel and trout
December 23, 1868
GS c. 87, §§ 1 to 5, inclusive
Relating to the abatement of nuisances
November 3, 1869
Acts of 1872, Ch. 243
Relating to the prevention of fires
May 1, 1872
Acts of 1872, Ch. 303
Relating to sidewalks
June 12, 1872
Acts of 1888, Ch. 331
Relating to pickerel
June 23, 1890
Acts of 1893, Ch. 380
Relating to apportionment of sewer assessments
November 1, 1893
Acts of 1882, Ch. 154
Relating to laying out public parks
December 5, 1893
Acts of 1890, Ch. 74
Relating to the preservation of health in cities
June 15, 1894
PS c. 27, §§ 13 and 14
Relating to public baths
March 13, 1896
Acts of 1891, Ch. 370
Relating to establishing a municipal lighting plant
December 8, 1896
Acts of 1894, Ch. 481, §§ 14 to 22, inclusive
Relating to inspection of buildings
November 24, 1899
RL c. 103
Relating to plumbing
See Acts of 1909, Ch. 536, § 8
Acts of 1901, Ch. 332
Relating to the term of office of the City Clerk
December 3, 1901
RL c. 106, § 20
Relating to the number of hours for a day's work for City laborers, etc.
December 2, 1902
Acts of 1903, Ch. 454
Relating to joint caucuses for all political parties
November 3, 1903; revoked December 6, 1904
Acts of 1908, Ch. 513
Relating to public playgrounds
December 8, 1908
Acts of 1910, Ch. 520
Relating to nomination by plurality vote of candidates for representative in the Fifth Bristol District
November 8, 1910 (accepted by the District)
Acts of 1909, Ch. 423
Relating to the sale of ice cream, etc., on the Lord's Day
March 19, 1911
RL c. 108, §§ 26, 27 and 28
Relating to a reserve police force
April 13, 1911
Acts of 1911, Ch. 367
Relating to the temporary use of school buildings
February 21, 1912
Acts of 1907, Ch. 576, §§ 102 to 105, inclusive
Relating to insurance of public buildings by a municipal insurance fund
February 19, 1913
Acts of 1913, Ch. 807
Relating to the compensation of laborers
December 2, 1913
Acts of 1909, Ch. 514, § 42
Relating to an 8-hour law for laborers
December 2, 1913
Acts of 1914, Ch. 217
Relating to vacations for laborers
November 3, 1914
Acts of 1913, Ch. 572
Relating to building lines in cities and towns
September 29, 1915
Acts of 1915, Ch. 97
Relating to 1 day off in 5 for members of the Fire Department
December 7, 1915
Acts of 1916, Ch. 293
Relating to the licensing of motor vehicles carrying passengers for hire
June 21, 1916
RL c. 108, § 29, as amended by Acts of 1909, Ch. 188
Relating to pensions for police disabled for useful service
October 4, 1916
Acts of 1912, Ch. 447
Relating to the retirement of certain veterans in the service of cities and towns
February 2, 1917
Acts of 1908, Ch. 216
Relating to apportionment of sidewalk assessments
June 1, 1917
Acts of 1917, Ch. 254
Relating to the payment of employees who enlist in the service of the United States the difference between their military and municipal compensation
October 31, 1917
Acts of 1913, Ch. 835, § 24
Relating to establishing Board of Registrars of Voters consisting of 4 persons
March 11, 1919
Acts of 1919, Ch. 312
Relating to establishment of continuation school in Taunton
November 4, 1919
Acts of 1919, Ch. 132
Providing for 2 platoon system for members of the Fire Department
November 4, 1919
Acts of 1920, Ch. 240
Relating to certain sports and games on the Lord's Day
December 7, 1920
MGL c. 73, § 41
Relating to the establishing of a Board of Survey
January 2, 1925
MGL c. 41, § 34A
Relating to change of name of Overseers of Poor to Public Welfare Department
December 21, 1926
Acts of 1928, Ch. 136, §§ 21 to 25, inclusive
Relating to certain sports and games on the Lord's Day
December 11, 1928
Acts of 1924, Ch. 504
Relating to payment of hospital, medical and surgical expenses of police officers in certain cases
May 28, 1929
Acts of 1936, Ch. 318
Relating to a contributory retirement system for City employees
November 3, 1936
Acts of 1938, Ch. 426, § 16B
Providing for 1 day off in 6 for police officers
October 7, 1941
Acts of 1941, Ch. 48, § 58A
Relative to hours of duty for permanent firemen
August 31, 1943
MGL c. 32, § 90A
Relative to increase in retirement allowance
October 5, 1943
Acts of 1943, Ch. 522
Relative to changing term of office of Superintendent of Streets
December 7, 1943
Acts of 1941, Ch. 414
Relative to placing City Clerk under civil service
December 7, 1943
MGL c. 31, § 47
Relative to all labor service being classified by civil service
February 8, 1944
Acts of 1936, Ch. 211
Relative to improved method of municipal planning
May 9, 1944
Acts of 1945, Ch. 447
Relative to vacation for returning veterans
July 9, 1946
Acts of 1946, Ch. 200
An act to authorize the placing of the office of Chief of Police under Civil Service Laws
Acts of 1946, Ch. 559
Relative to increase in pensions for public employees
October 15, 1946
Acts of 1946, Ch. 576
Relative to retirement of certain members of Police and Fire Departments
October 14, 1947
Acts of 1948, Ch. 330
Relative to vacations
August 3, 1948
Acts of 1948, Ch. 588
Relative to increase in pensions to certain former public employees
April 20, 1949
Acts of 1935, Ch. 205
Relative to reserves annual tour of duty
March 28, 1950
Acts of 1950, Ch. 820
Relative to increase in annual amount of certain pensions
January 3, 1951
Acts of 1951, Ch. 49
Relative to signing of bonds or notes of the City of Taunton
February 28, 1951
Acts of 1951, Ch. 102
Relative to vacancies in the School Committee
March 14, 1951
MGL c. 48, §§ 59B to 59D
Relative to reserve fire force
October 17, 1951
Acts of 1950, Ch. 614
Relative to unpaid bills
July 25, 1952
Acts of 1952, Ch. 442
Relative to certain employees in the Water Department
July 29, 1952
Acts of 1951, Ch. 781, and Acts of 1952, Ch. 624
Relative to increase in retirement
January 27, 1953
Acts of 1953, Ch. 387
Relative to annuities
June 23, 1953
Acts of 1951, Ch. 346
Relative to 5-day week for the Police Department
March 9, 1954
Acts of 1954, Ch. 139
Relative to renewal of certain licenses
April 6, 1954
MGL c. 41, § 100B
Relative to indemnification of retired police and firefighters for hospital, etc.
October 19, 1955
MGL c. 41, § 100A
Relative to indemnification of officers and employees
November 23, 1955
Acts of 1956, Ch. 291
Relative to membership in the Board of Health
May 8, 1956
MGL c. 140, §§ 194, 195 and 196
Relative to renting boats, etc.
July 25, 1956
Acts of 1955, Ch. 670, and Acts of 1956, Ch. 605
Relative to increases in pensions, etc., for former public employees
February 27, 1957
Acts of 1957, Ch. 58
Relative to facsimile signatures on bonds, etc.
May 22, 1957
MGL c. 90, § 51E
Relative to Airport Commission
November 26, 1957
MGL c. 40, §§ 8A and 5
Relative to Industrial Development Commission
January 20, 1959
MGL c. 40, § 6B
Relative to uniforms for Police and Fire Departments
June 12, 1959
MGL c. 44, § 65
Relative to advances in pay to employees, etc.
July 29, 1959
MGL c. 41, § 111G
Relative to additional vacation
March 22, 1960
Acts of 1959, Ch. 141
Relative to changing title of Welfare Agent
March 22, 1960
MGL c. 32B, § 10
Relative to group insurance
May 15, 1962, effective January 1, 1963
Acts of 1960, Ch. 561, and MGL c. 40, § 4C
Relative to collective bargaining for the lighting plant
July 11, 1962
Acts of 1962, Ch. 735
Relative to pay for Thomas McCarthy
August 9, 1962
MGL c. 32B, § 9A
Relative to premium retired employees
January 30, 1963
MGL c. 32B, § 11B
Relative to MGL c. 32A, § 10B, group insurance
January 30, 1963
Acts of 1959, Ch. 228
Relative to minimum annual compensation for police officers
February 14, 1963
MGL c. 140, § 185A
Relative to licenses for dancing schools
March 5, 1963
MGL c. 90, § 18A, as amended by Acts of 1962, Ch. 409
Relative to pedestrian control standards
July 30, 1963
MGL c. 40, § 8A
Relative to establishing a Development and Industrial Commission
December 10, 1963
Acts of 1964, Ch. 228
Relative to filling vacancies for Municipal Council
April 14, 1964
Acts of 1964, Ch. 539
Relative to paying a sum of money to widow of late Mayor, Bernard F. Cleary
June 23, 1964
Acts of 1962, Ch. 646
An act increasing the amounts of pensions and retirement allowances payable to certain former public employees
July 21, 1964
Acts of 1963, Ch. 478
An act increasing the amounts of pensions and retirement allowances payable to certain former public employees
July 21, 1964
Acts of 1953, Ch. 374
An act relative to providing pensions for widows of policemen and firefighters under the noncontributory retirement law
November 17, 1964
Acts of 1964, Ch. 780
An act relative to the establishment in Taunton of a permanent branch of Registry of Motor Vehicles
November 17, 1964
MGL c. 40, § 8C
Relative to the establishment of a Municipal Conservation Commission
February 2, 1965
Acts of 1965, Ch. 289
An act increasing the membership of the Municipal Light Commission of the City of Taunton
November 1965
Acts of 1966, Ch. 174
Relative to orders
April 26, 1966
Acts of 1969, Ch. 6978
An act validating certain acts of the Board of Appeals
August 19, 1969
MGL c. 32B, §§ 7A and 9E, as amended, as inserted by Acts of 1968, Ch. 100
Relative to Blue Cross - Blue Shield
August 19, 1969
Chapter 255, Acts of 1970
Appropriation of funds previously raised by bond issue
July 14, 1970
Acts of 1966, Chapter 250
Initiative referendum procedures
November 10, 1970
MGL c. 41, § 108L
Career incentive pay program
July 27, 1971
MGL c. 40, § 8D
Creating Historical Commission
March 28, 1972
MGL c. 90, § 20C
Violations of parking regulations
May 2, 1972
Chapter 617, Acts of 1970
Increase pensions for certain retired veterans
May 30, 1972
Chapter 763, Acts of 1972
Increasing group life insurance benefits for retired employees
November 21, 1972
MGL c. 147, § 10F
Appointment of parking control officers
August 3, 1973
MGL c. 85, §§ 11A, 11B and 11C
Bicycle safety
November 5, 1973
Chapter 347, Acts of 1973
Noncontributory retirement system
December 11, 1973
Chapter 634, Acts of 1971
Responsibility of bridges by Department of Public Works
February 10, 1976
MGL c. 44, § 64
Removing a restriction for unpaid bills by certain cities
June 29, 1976
MGL c. 40, § 8G
Agreements for mutual police aid program
March 15, 1977
Chapter 712, Acts of 1979
An act requiring the installation of smoke detectors in certain residential building and structures
February 5, 1980
MGL c. 90, § 20A 1/2
Issuing and collection of parking fines
October 13, 1981
Chapter 339, Acts of 1981
An act authorizing cities and towns to allocate certain anticipated receipts
November 2, 1981
MGL c. 164A
Titled "The New England Power Pool"
December 8, 1981
MGL c. 32B, § 17(a)
Group insurance, etc.
February 23, 1982
Chapter 487, Acts of 1980
An act to assist the cities and towns to finance the construction of off-street parking facilities in commercial area revitalization districts
November 16, 1982
Chapter 296, Acts of 1982
An act authorizing cities and towns to compensate their school committee members
March 22, 1983
Chapter 597, Acts of 1982
An act providing for the issuance without payment of a fee of distinctive license plates to former prisoners of war
June 7, 1983
MGL c. 148, §§ 26, 26A, 26B, 26C, 26D, 26E, 26F, and 26G
Regulating sprinklers, fire detection devices, and smoke detectors, etc.
October 18, 1983
Chapter 317, Acts of 1984
An act relative to certain land in the City of Taunton
December 6, 1984
Chapter 477, Acts of 1984
An act regarding bids and bidding, municipal purchases, and exemptions
April 2, 1985
Chapter 143, Acts of 1985
An act authorizing the City of Taunton to convey a certain parcel of land to the commonwealth
July 11, 1985
Chapter 225, Acts of 1985
An act exempting all aide and clerical positions in the Taunton School Districts in the City of Taunton from the provisions of the Civil Service Law
August 1, 1985
Chapter 226, Acts of 1985
An act exempting the position of Supervisor of Vehicular Maintenance in the City of Taunton from the provisions of the Civil Service Law
August 1, 1985
Chapter 227, Acts of 1985
An act exempting the positions of Municipal Health Safety Agent and Zoning Code Enforcement Officer in the City of Taunton from the provisions of the Civil Service Law
August 1, 1985
Chapter 352, Acts of 1985
An act authorizing the City of Taunton to receive and administer the property of the Taunton Cemetery
October 4, 1985
Chapter 459, Acts of 1985
An act placing the office of the Chief of the Fire Department of the City of Taunton under Civil Service Law
October 31, 1985
Chapter 188, § 13, Acts of 1985
An act improving the public schools of the commonwealth
December 10, 1985
Chapter 221, Acts of 1986
An act exempting the position of office clerk in the office of the Zoning Board of Appeals in the City of Taunton from the provisions of the Civil Service Law
July 15, 1986
MGL c. 32, § 20, Subsection 4, paragraphs (d 1/2) and (h)
Relative to retirement systems and pensions
June 9, 1987
Chapter 308, Acts of 1985
An act authorizing cities and towns to assume responsibility and liability for dog licensing, control and regulation
June 12, 1987
MGL c. 40, § 39K
Authorizes cities and towns to establish an enterprise fund
January 12, 1988
Chapter 404, Acts of 1987
An act relative to the payment of property taxes
February 9, 1988
MGL c. 59, § 5, clause 41-I3
Assessment of local taxes
May 3, 1988
MGL c. 71, § 40
A resolution accepting, subject to state financing, provisions to pay all teachers, except trainees and substitutes, at the rate of not less than $20,000 for school years commencing after July 1, 1987
June 21, 1988
Chapter 64G, Section 3A, Acts of 1989
4% local option hotel/motel excise tax
March 28, 1989
Chapter 254, Acts of 1990
Public employees' compensation for service beyond age 70
June 18, 1991
Chapter 653, Section 40, Acts of 1989
Amends MGL c. 59, § 2A(a)
March 17, 1992
MGL c. 148, §§ 26H and 26I
Regulating sprinklers, fire detection devices and smoke detectors, etc.
December 8, 1992
Chapter 156, Acts of 1993
Providing for recall of elected officials
Chapter 373, Acts of 1990
An act exempting a certain position in the School Department of the City of Taunton from the provisions of the Civil Service Law
MGL c. 32, § 20(6)a
An amendment to the contributory retirement laws; compensation of board members
August 11, 1995
Chapter 71, Acts of 1996
An act authorizing certain public employees creditable retirement service time for active service in the armed forces
September 13, 1996
MGL c. 32B, § 9D1/2
Survivor's health insurance
November 8, 1996
Chapter 16, Acts of 1998
An act exempting the position of School Custodian in the School Department in the City of Taunton from the provisions of the Civil Service Law
Chapter 17, Acts of 1998
An act relative to the annual cost of living adjustments for retirees under MGL c. 32, § 103
May 19, 1998
MGL c. 59, § 5K
Establishing a senior citizen property tax work-off program
May 24, 2000
Chapter 653, § 41, Acts of 1989 as amended by Acts of 1996, Ch. 284, §§ 5 to 8 and Acts of 1997, Ch. 237, § 1
An act relative to quarterly tax payments
Chapter 242, Acts of 2000, MGL c. 31, § 58A
An act relative to application age for a public safety position
Chapter 411, Acts of 2000
An act relative to the noncontributory retirement pop-up act
MGL c. 59, § 5, Clause 54, as inserted by §§ 114 and 488 of Ch. 159, Acts of 2000
Chapter 116, Acts of 2002, § 6 (amendment to Military Service Credit), MGL c. 32, § 4(1)h
Allows veterans who did not previously elect (Ch. 71, Acts of 1996) to purchase military service another 180-day opportunity to purchase that service
July 29, 2002
Chapter 73, Acts of 1986, § 4, amended by Chapter 126, MGL c. 59, § 5, Clause 22
Gives authority for the local town or city to grant an additional real estate tax exemption up to 100% of the amount listed in Clause 22 and 22A-22E
October 9, 2002
Chapter 116, Acts of 2002, §§ 1 and 2
By vote of the Taunton Municipal Council the following limits were set: 6 for group 1 and 0 for groups 2 and 4. Application deadline: November 8, 2002. Retirement date: December 6, 2002.
October 31, 2002
MGL c. 59, § 5, Clause 54 as inserted by §§ 114 and 488 of Chapter 159, Acts of 2000
Regarding personal property taxation, is effective for FY 2003, and allows the City of Taunton to establish a minimum fair cash value of less than $10,000
November 12, 2002
Pursuant to MGL c. 4, § 4B, the Municipal Council hereby repeals, revokes and rescinds any prior local acceptance of MGL c. 44, § 53F1/2, with respect to establishing a landfill enterprise account
June 30, 2003
MGL c. 258, § 13
Regarding the indemnification of municipal officials
June 15, 2004
Chapter 235, Acts of 2004, § 2
Adopt the provisions titled "An Act Authorizing an Early Retirement Program"
August 31, 2004
Chapter 137, Acts of 2003
Relative to public employees serving in the Armed Forces of the United States
November 30, 2004
Chapter 157, Acts of 2005
Relative to disability retirement benefits for veterans
February 13, 2006
Chapter 491, Acts of 2004
Relative to the establishment of the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust
February 27, 2006
Chapter 55, Acts of 2006
Relative to an act increasing the accidental death benefit payable to surviving children
September 15, 2006
MGL c. 32B, § 18
Relative to the transfer of retirees, spouses and dependants enrolled in Medicare Part A to Medicare Extension Care
November 22, 2006
MGL c. 40, § 8E
Relative to the establishment of a Youth Commission
January 16, 2007
MGL c. 41, § 108P
Relative to the City Treasurer/City Collector position
March 25, 2008
Chapter 260, Acts of 2006, § 12 (MGL c. 59, § 5L)
Relative to An Act Establishing the Massachusetts Military Enhanced Relief Individual Tax (Merit) Plan
May 20, 2008
MGL c. 43D
Relative to the establishment of a local expedited permitting program
May 20, 2008
MGL c. 64L, § 2(a)
Relative to the local meals tax
June 30, 2009
MGL c. 64G, § 3A
Relative to the local room occupancy excise rate
July 21, 2009
MGL c. 31, § 28A
Appointment of apprentice lineman; age restrictions
February 23, 2010
MGL c. 138, § 12
Authorizing licensees to sell alcoholic beverages at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays
December 14, 2010
MGL c. 44, § 53F1/2
Enterprise fund for operation of municipal sanitary sewer system
May 3, 2011
MGL c. 40U, §§ 2 and 4
Municipal fines
June 7, 2011
Chapter 182, Acts of 2008, §§ 16, 17 and 117 (MGL c. 60A, §§ 1 and 9)
Automobile excise tax
February 7, 2012
MGL c. 41, § 19F
Additional compensation for City Clerk
June 26, 2012
MGL c. 40, § 57
Local licenses and permits; denial, revocation or suspension for failure to pay municipal taxes or charges
February 12, 2013
MGL c. 39, § 23D
Adjudicatory hearings; attendance by municipal board, committee and commission members; voting disqualification
September 10, 2013
MGL c. 41, § 91
Allows Mayor to appoint Constable for any period of time up to 3 years
January 28, 2014
MGL c. 40, § 8J
Handicapped parking violation funds in separate account
March 18, 2014
MGL c. 200A, § 9A
To update office procedures dealing with the disposition of abandoned property
January 20, 2015
Chapter 165, Acts of 2014, § 260
Inclusion of retired teacher health insurance costs in determining net school spending compliance for the Taunton School District
April 28, 2015
MGL c. 64N, § 3
3% local sales tax upon the sale or transfer of marijuana products by a marijuana retailer
May 22, 2018
MGL c. 140, § 139
Fees; certificate or statement that dog has been spayed; service dogs defined by Americans with Disabilities Act; dogs owned by persons aged 70 or over; refunds
March 26, 2019
MGL c. 40, §  5B, fourth paragraph
Dedication, without further appropriation, of all, or a percentage not less than 25%, of particular fees, charges or receipts to a stabilization fund established under MGL c. 40, § 5B, to be effective for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2021
September 29, 2020
MGL c. 51, § 16A
Board of Election Commissioners; powers and duties; members; appointment; term of office
January 19, 2021
MGL c. 59, § 5, clause 22H
Brave Act: veterans benefits, rights, appreciation, validation and enforcement, which will go into effect in Fiscal Year 2022
January 19, 2021
MGL c. 59, § 21A
Additional compensation of assessors for courses of study
September 6, 2022
MGL c. 41, § 108P
Additional compensation for collectors or treasurers
September 27, 2022
Chapter 368, Acts of 2022
Authorizing the City to establish an age limit for original appointment to the position of police officer
January 4, 2023
Chapter 269, Acts of 2022
Cost-of-living adjustments for retirees
January 24, 2023
MGL c. 41, § 110A
Office hours on Saturday
July 11, 2023
MGL c. 138, § 12, paragraph 14
Allowing a common victualler who holds a license to sell wines and malt beverages to also sell liqueurs and cordials pursuant to said license
July 25, 2023
MGL c. 60, § 3F
Voluntary donation to municipal veterans assistance fund by designation on municipal property tax or motor vehicle excise bills
September 19, 2023
MGL c. 60, § 3C
City scholarship or education fund
September 26, 2023
MGL c. 60, § 3D
Voluntary donation for the purpose of establishing an elderly or disabled taxation fund to defray real estate taxes of elderly and disabled persons of low income
September 26, 2023