[Adopted 8-15-2000 (§ 16-26 of the 2010 Code)]
There is hereby established under MGL c. 40, § 8A, an Industrial Development Commission consisting of 15 members appointed by the Mayor.
When the Commission is first established, the members shall be appointed as follows: three members for a one-year term, three members for a two-year term, three members for a three-year term, three members for a four-year term, and three members for a five-year term. All successive terms after the first term by all members shall be five-year terms. Vacancies shall be filled by the Mayor by appointment for the unexpired term.
The Commission shall perform the duties prescribed by MGL c. 40, § 8A.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
All members shall serve without compensation.