[Adopted 7-18-1989; amended 5-23-2000 (Ch. 2, Art. XIII, of the 2010 Code)]
Effective upon passage of this article there shall be a Development Impact Review Board (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") which shall serve to review projects as stipulated under Article XV of Chapter 440, Zoning.
[Amended 9-1-2009; 4-16-2019]
The Board shall consist of seven permanent members, the members being the Planning and Conservation Director (who shall serve as Chairperson), the Department of Public Works Director or designee, the City Engineer, the Conservation Agent, the Director of the Board of Health (or designee), the Building Commissioner (or designee) and one abutter representative.
The abutter representative shall be appointed by the Municipal Council for a term to be specified at the time of appointment.
The Board shall be the review board for all site plan reviews specified in Article XV, Site Plan Review, in Chapter 440, Zoning.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B, which immediately followed this subsection, and which provided that in cases where the Municipal Council is the site plan review granting authority, said Council shall seek the Board's advice but need not wait for or abide by such advice but may act as it deems to be in the best interests of the City, was repealed 4-16-2019.