[Adopted 3-24-1998 (Ch. 2, Art. XIV, of the 2010 Code)]
The purpose of environmentally preferred procurement is to permit the City of Taunton to efficiently utilize natural resources by means of recycling, prevention of waste and toxicity, and utilization of recycled and environmentally preferred products so as to encourage private sector development of new technologies to develop such products, the creation of new business and employment opportunities associated with such technologies, and reduction of the volume and toxicity of solid and liquid waste so as to reduce the treatment and disposal cost thereof to the City.
The City of Taunton and its departments, divisions, boards, agencies and commissions, however designated, shall incorporate in their daily operations the prevention or reduction of waste and toxicity and the recycling and use of recycled products. They shall strive to increase and expand the market for recovered materials and products that minimize waste and toxicity to the environment. They shall regularly review purchasing decisions and shall purchase products which have a maximum recycled content and/or environmentally preferred impact, if such product is equivalent in quality, price and administrative requirements to a product which contains no or less recycled content or has a less preferable environmental impact. Each such entity is required to:
Meet, at a minimum, the federal recycled paper standard.
Test and evaluate at least two recycled and/or environmentally preferable products.
Record and report the purchase of recycled and environmentally preferred products and submit plans for evaluating recycled and environmentally preferred products for the coming fiscal year by June 30 of each year.
The Mayor, with the approval of the Municipal Council, may adopt rules and regulations regarding material purchasing, construction standards, waste and toxicity reduction, and related provisions necessary to implement this article.