[Added 12-9-2008]
The purpose of the sewer bank is to allow limited expansion of sewers while decreasing the burden on an overtaxed sewer system. The Taunton sewer system currently experiences overflows during times of high groundwater and heavy rainfall, and allowing additional flow into the system without reductions in extraneous flow would worsen the problem. The sewer bank will ensure that groundwater and rainfall, or infiltration/inflow (I/I), will be removed in sufficient amounts to allow additional sanitary sewage to be discharged to the system.
The sewer bank is a method of determining the quantity of sanitary sewer (wastewater) flows that can be added to the system as a function of how much I/I has been removed from the system. The unit of measurement for the sewer bank shall be gallons per day (gpd) of maximum daily wastewater flow. Each gpd of wastewater maximum daily flow shall be considered one credit. When I/I is removed from the system, the bank will be credited in gallons of maximum daily wastewater flow. When connections are made to the sewer system, the flows will be deducted from the sewer bank.
Infiltration/inflow reduction credits to the sewer bank shall be calculated from April 15, 2005. Wastewater flow debits from the sewer bank shall be calculated from July 1, 2008.
The City will add flow to the sewer bank for work done in reducing I/I to the sewer system. For illegally connected sump pumps, the City will add 500 gpd of flow to the sewer bank for each permanently redirected sump pump. For all other reduction projects the City will add one gallon of flow to the sewer bank for every five gallons of I/I removed. Wastewater design flows shall be calculated based on the most recent version of Massachusetts Title V Regulations (310 CMR 15.203). Maximum daily wastewater flows from facilities not listed in Title V shall be calculated by a licensed professional engineer in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and submitted for approval by the Commissioner of Public Works. When the City permits/approves extensions and/or connections to the sewer system the City will reduce the sewer bank by the approved design flow. The extensions and/or connections also apply to the intermunicipal agreements.
The sewer bank shall be administered by the Commissioner of Public Works. Changes and exceptions to the administration procedures shall be at the discretion of the Commissioner, with the approval of the Municipal Council. The Commissioner shall be responsible for crediting and debiting the sewer bank and for keeping copies of all sewer bank transactions.
All construction activities resulting in additional wastewater flow to the City sewer system shall be subject to the requirements of the sewer bank. This includes, but is not limited to, new connections to the sewer system, expansion/renovation of existing buildings, and construction of additional buildings on existing lots. Expansion and/or renovation of an existing single-family residential home is exempt from this article.
The sewer bank is established for lots located inside the existing sewer area and for those lots existing within the prioritized needs area as established in the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan published July 2005. All lots existing outside the needs area shall be serviced by means of on-lot treatment and disposal systems, as required by the Title V State Environmental Code (310 CMR 15) and shall not be connected to the City's sewer system. The owner of a lot located outside of the sewer area wishing to connect to the City sewer system may file a notice of project change with MEPA per 301 CMR 11.10(1). The owner shall meet all requirements of MADEP and must also receive approval from the Taunton DPW and the Municipal Council in order to be allowed to connect to the sewer system. Any owner receiving approval to connect through this process shall be subject to the fees established in this article.
Applications for connection to the sewer system shall be reviewed on a first-come-first-served basis. If there are limited credits available in the sewer bank, existing buildings will be given first opportunity to connect.
Sewer connections may only be made when the sewer bank has a positive balance, indicating that there is available capacity in the system. If there is insufficient capacity available to accommodate the flows generated by the new connection, the connection cannot be made until sufficient capacity is achieved. If the sewer bank has insufficient capacity to accommodate a new connection, the owner may petition the Taunton DPW for a project that will satisfy the requirements of a five-to-one ratio of I/I removed to maximum daily wastewater added. The City shall identify a project of sufficient scope to satisfy the sewer bank balance. The City shall be responsible for identifying a new project that meets the requirements of the applicant for a new connection. The City shall contract the required work with an outside independent contractor. The applicant shall not be allowed to connect to the sewer system until the sewer bank has been properly replenished to accommodate the applicant's new connection.
The owner may petition the Commissioner to undertake a potable water use reduction project in lieu of contributing to the I/I fund or undertaking an individual I/I project. Water use reduction projects shall consist of the supply and replacement of existing standard water fixtures (toilets, shower heads, faucets, etc.) with low-flow equivalents, thereby reducing the amount of flow contributed to the sewer system. All low-flow fixtures must carry USEPA's WaterSense label. The City and the owner shall enter into a contract to govern the execution of a water use reduction project. The scope of the water use reduction project shall be designed to achieve a cost that is nearly equal to the cost that would be otherwise required by using the established I/I fee. This is necessary as water use reduction projects can vary significantly in cost due to the variability of the work to be performed, e.g., cost difference between a low-flow shower head versus a low-flow toilet. Every water use reduction project shall achieve at least a one-for-one reduction. No crediting or debiting of the sewer bank shall be made for a water use reduction project. Water use reduction calculations must be certified by a licensed professional engineer in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works. Owners completing eligible water use reduction projects shall be exempt from the I/I removal fee.
Any existing building within the existing sewer area or needs area with an on-site wastewater system that is deemed by the Taunton Board of Health to be a threat to public health shall be allowed to connect to the sewer system immediately, regardless of the balance of the sewer bank. Applicable permits shall be required. I/I removal fees shall still apply.
The standard I/I removal fee shall be $5 per gpd of wastewater flow removed from the sewer bank. The I/I fee shall be deposited in a revolving account to be used only for improvements to the City's sewer and stormwater systems. The City Auditor is hereby authorized to establish a revolving fund to accomplish said objectives.
Residents may request a reduced fee if they meet all of the following requirements:
Homeowner must be over 65 years of age.
Homeowner must have been a resident of Taunton for a minimum of 20 years.
Homeowner must be able to demonstrate that he/she belongs under the low-income category (i.e., low-income families are defined as families whose income does not exceed 80% of the median income for the City of Taunton).
Residents meeting all of the above requirements shall not be assessed the removal fee for wastewater flow removed from the sewer bank.
Should the elimination of the combined sewer overflow structure (located on West Water Street) occur and the hydraulic capacity of the sewer system be restored to a condition that will protect the public's health and safety and function in a manner that will convey wastewater in an efficient manner within the standard guidelines common to engineering practice as required by the regulatory agencies of appropriate jurisdiction, then this article shall be terminated as approved by order the Municipal Council.