[Adopted 5-22-2001 (§ 21-33 of the 2010 Code)]
Notwithstanding any other ordinance to the contrary, upon petition of not less than 2/3 of the abutters to a proposed improvement, the City of Taunton may, in accordance with any state or local statute, rule or regulation which applies, upon approval of the Municipal Council, assess in accordance with MGL c. 80, § 1 et seq., a betterment of up to 100% to improve the roadway, drainage, water or sewer infrastructure or any appurtenances thereto. Such petition shall state the nature and extent to which repairs and/or improvements are requested and shall identify whether drainage is requested or, if drainage is not requested, whether, in the opinion of the City Engineer, any alterations, repairs or improvements to existing drainage are necessary as a result of the petition.
Repairs under this article shall be undertaken only if the Municipal Council shall conclude that said repairs are either required by public necessity or may inure to the benefit of any members of the general public.
The City liability for defects in a private way shall be to the extent provided for in the General Laws, including but not limited to MGL c. 84, § 15, and MGL c. 258, § 1 et seq. Liability for damage to property during said repairs, including temporary or permanent easements or takings, shall be as otherwise prescribed by law.
Private ways which receive any form of improvement, alteration and repair under this article shall be open for public use, easement access and passage for a period of 20 years from the date of completion of the project.
Construction under this article shall be a public work. The petitioners, prior to the preliminary design and estimate, shall post a cash deposit of $2 per linear foot. Prior to construction, all rights of entry and easements shall have been granted at no cost to the City. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the deposit shall not be required for projects with approval before the effective date of this article.