The City of Taunton is divided into the zoning districts designated below:
Rural Residential District
Suburban Residential District
Urban Residential District
Business District
Central Business District
Office District
Highway Business District
Industrial District
Open Space and Conservancy District
Floodplain District
Special Flood Hazard District
Water and Aquifer Resource Protection District
Roadway Improvement Overlay District
Airport District
Transit-Oriented Development District
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
The location and boundaries of zoning districts are shown on a map titled "Zoning Map of the City of Taunton, Massachusetts" dated October 2008. Said map, together with such amendments thereto and such other maps as may be adopted from time to time, shall be part of this chapter.
Special Flood Hazard District and Floodplain Zoning District boundaries may in some instances overlie parts of other zoning districts in order that floodplain provisions shall prevail.
Roadway Improvement Overlay District may in some cases overlie parts of other zoning districts in order that the provisions contained in the Roadway Improvement Overlay District shall prevail.
Water and Aquifer Resource Protection District may in some cases overlie parts of other zoning districts in order that the provisions contained in the Water and Aquifer Resource Protection District shall prevail.
On a landownership transected by a zoning district boundary, the zoning regulations applying to the larger part by area of such ownership may also be deemed to govern in the small part beyond such zoning district boundary but not more than 30 linear feet in depth beyond such zoning boundary.
In cases where the zoning regulations of the larger part govern 30 feet into the smaller part and leave less than 10,000 square feet in area governed by the zoning regulations of the smaller part, the zoning regulations of the larger part shall be deemed to govern the entire lot.
In the event of a discrepancy or ambiguity between the boundaries of zoning districts as shown on the Zoning Map, extrinsic evidence shall be utilized to pinpoint the boundary location. The extrinsic evidence that shall be utilized in order of priority shall include the map and description of the zoning amendments from each public hearing that created the current district configurations, the GIS maps which include the Zoning Map overlaid onto the Assessors' maps, and the written descriptions of each district which are on file with the Department of Planning and Conservation.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).