[HISTORY: Adopted by the Municipal Council of the City of Taunton as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Food-handling establishments — See Ch. 258.
[Adopted 2-20-2001 (§ 12-2 of the 2010 Code); amended in its entirety 3-23-2021]
No shops, stores, or other places of trade or entertainment shall be kept open between 1:00 a.m. and 4:00 a. m., except as hereinafter provided.
Licensed taverns, drugstores, hotels, motels, gasoline stations, self-service laundries, restaurants, and such other similar businesses as may be approved by the Municipal Council may keep open between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m., provided that a permit therefor has been obtained from the Municipal Council, and further provided that the operation of said businesses between said hours shall not cause or create a nuisance or disturb or cause the disturbance of the peace and quiet of the neighborhood in which said businesses are located.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to any non-retail business that is established pursuant to a decision issued by the City of Taunton Zoning Board of Appeals; the City of Taunton Planning Board/Special Permit or Site Plan Review and/ or the Municipal Council of the City of Taunton when said decision directly details hours of operation. After payment of the initial permit fee no annual fees will be required for such business.
The fee for permission to operate any one of the aforesaid businesses referenced in § 221-2A between the aforesaid hours shall be $30 per annum payable to the Municipal Council on or before the issuance thereof and annually thereafter.
The Municipal Council may establish rules and regulations governing nighttime operations of businesses permitted pursuant to § 221-2A by it as aforesaid in order to avoid nuisances and disturbances of the peace.
The Municipal Council may, for good cause and after reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard, suspend or revoke any permit issued pursuant to § 221-2A by it as aforesaid.
Every keeper of any shop, store or place of trade or entertainment which shall be opened, or in which any article shall be sold, and every person opening any shop, store or place of trade or entertainment or selling any article contrary to the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this article.
To the extent that any other section of the Revised Ordinances conflicts with this article or any license granted under the authority of the City of Taunton acting through any board, commission, agency, or authority conflicts with the requirements of this article, the requirements of this article shall apply.