[HISTORY: Adopted by the Municipal Council of the City of Taunton as Rev. Ords. 1964, § 12-18.1; amended 9-19-1967; 7-11-2000 (§ 14-12 of the 2010 Code). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Parks and recreation — See Ch. 325.
No owner, lessee, tenant, mortgagee in possession or other occupant of real estate shall permit thereon any artificial pool having a depth of 24 inches or more at any point (whether or not in existence upon the effective date of this chapter) unless the same shall be enclosed by a protective fence at least four feet high, whose design, materials and construction shall have been approved by the Superintendent of Public Buildings, or by such other artificial or natural barrier as shall have been so approved. No such fence or barrier shall be approved unless every gate therein shall be of a self-closing and self-latching design, with the latch located at least 54 inches above the ground. In addition, all fencing shall comply with the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code, and all public and semi-public pools shall also conform to the requirements of the Board of Health.