The Department, pursuant to and in accordance with the authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the protection of the public health granted in MGL c. 111, § 31, and pursuant to the authority granted hereunder, is hereby empowered and authorized to establish a body art practitioner license apprenticeship program.
Any body art practitioner license apprenticeship program established under the authority of § 124-25 of this chapter shall require that all participants in such program adhere to and abide by all relevant provisions of this chapter excepting only §§ 124-13 and 124-14.
For the purposes of § 124-26 of this chapter and, where the context so requires, for purposes of the body art practitioner license apprenticeship program established by the Department pursuant to § 124-25 of this chapter, the term "body art practitioner" shall mean "body art practitioner apprentice," and the term "body art practitioner license" shall mean "body art practitioner apprentice license."
As a minimum requirement of the body art practitioner license apprenticeship program established by the Department, the Department shall require that each participant in such program shall be required to complete the requirements of § 124-13A through D inclusive and § 124-14 of this chapter prior to a participant in such program conducting any form of body art activity upon a client or the person of another.
The Department is hereby authorized is issue a body art practitioner apprentice license to participants in the body art practitioner license apprenticeship program established pursuant to § 124-25 of this chapter, provided that each such participant qualifies for the same pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and the body art practitioner license apprenticeship program.
Before a person acting under a body art practitioner apprentice license conducts any form of body art activity upon a client, that client shall be advised that the person to conduct such body art activity is in fact an apprentice and is acting only under a body art practitioner apprentice license.
Before a person acting under a body art practitioner apprentice license conducts any form of body art activity upon a client, such person must obtain the client's written consent. This written consent shall be physically affixed to the application and consent form for body art activity required pursuant to § 124-32 of this chapter and such written consent shall be maintained therewith.