Every client shall complete an application and consent form approved by the Department prior to having any body art activity performed upon or to his or her body.
Every application and consent form required by § 124-31 of this chapter shall contain a minimum of the following:
General information regarding body art, including, at a minimum, the following statements:
Tattoos should be considered permanent; and
The removal of tattoos and scars would require surgery or other medical procedure that may result in scarring or additional scarring of the skin;
Information as to the side effects of body art, including but not limited to hypertrophic scarring, possible adverse reaction to ink/dye/pigment, possible change in color of ink/dye/pigment over time, a decreased ability of physician to locate skin melanoma in regions concealed by tattoos, brands, scars and other forms of body art, possible nerve damage, febrile illness, tetanus, systemic infection, and keloid formation;
Client information, including:
Age and valid identification;
In the case of a minor client, the parent's or legal guardian's name, proof of parentage or legal guardianship through a copy of a birth certificate or court order of guardianship respectively, or a notarized document signed by the parent or legal guardian attesting to the parent's or legal guardian's relationship to the minor client, and the consent to the conduct of the contemplated body art activity upon the minor client; and
The type of the body art activity to be performed;
Instructions requiring the client to adhere to the exposure control plan as such plan relates to the client's conduct in the body art establishment;
The address and phone number of the Department and instructions for the client or, in the case of a minor client, the minor client and his/her parent or legal guardian to contact the Department with any questions or concerns regarding safety, sanitization or sterilization procedures;
The name of the body art practitioner who is to conduct the body art upon the client or minor client and that practitioner's Department registration number;
The manufacturer codes, if any, the identity of the manufacturer, and lot numbers of any dye/ink or pigment to be used in the body art activity;
Signature of client;
In the case of a minor client, the signature of client's parent or legal guardian. The parent or legal guardian shall sign the consent form in the presence of the body art practitioner;
The signature of the body art practitioner;
The date(s) of all signature(s); and
The date(s) of the body art procedure, including a daily estimate of progress for the conduct of body art requiring multiple days to complete.
A client shall inform the body art practitioner of any known chronic medical or communicable conditions, including but not limited to the following:
History of hemophilia (bleeding).
History of skin disease, skin lesions or skin sensitivities to soap, disinfectants, etc.
History of allergies or adverse reactions to pigments, dyes or other skin sensitivities.
History of epilepsy, seizures, fainting or narcolepsy.
The taking of medications such as aspirin or other anticoagulants, which thin the blood and/or interfere with blood clotting.
History of or suspicion of adverse reaction to latex or products containing latex.
A client shall inform the body art practitioner of a known pregnancy or possibility of pregnancy.
The body art practitioner shall require the client to sign a release form confirming that the above information was obtained or attempted to be obtained and the client refused to disclose the same.
No person shall receive any form of body art activity who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
All clients shall obtain and read and follow the Department-approved aftercare instructions appropriate for the form of body art conducted upon such person.
Aftercare instructions shall be approved by the Department and shall include, at a minimum, the following:
Responsibilities and proper care following the procedure;
Restrictions, if any, upon the client;
Signs and symptoms of infection; and
Instructions to contact a physician if possible signs of infection occur.
No minor client shall receive a tattoo.
No minor client shall be branded.
No minor client shall be scarred.
No minor client shall have his or her genitalia pierced.
No client under 14 years of age shall be pierced with the sole exception of ear piercing.
The skin area or mucosa of a client to receive any form of body art activity shall be free of rash, any lesion or from any visible sign of infection.