All surfaces in a workstation which come in contact with a client or which become contaminated or which may reasonably have become contaminated shall be cleaned with water and soap or other appropriate cleaning compound immediately following the conduct of body art upon a client.
The workstation, including but not limited to the client's chair, table, tray, procedure surface and similar surfaces, shall be thoroughly sanitized with an approved disinfectant immediately before and immediately after the conduct of body art upon a client therein/thereon.
A body art practitioner shall clean his/her hands and forearms thoroughly by washing with antibacterial soap and warm water and promptly dry the same with single-use paper towels or like material prior to conducting any body art activity.
A body art practitioner shall wear new, clean, single-use examination gloves while assembling all instruments and other supplies intended for use in the conduct of body art and during the conduct of body art upon a client. New, clean, single-use nonlatex examination gloves shall be used during the preparation for and the conduct of any body art activity upon a client with a known or a suspected latex allergy.
If an examination glove is pierced, torn or contaminated through contact with any part of the client not subject to the conduct of body art or such other surface so as to present the possibility of contamination, any person other than the client, or otherwise exposed to an unsanitary or nonsterile surface, both gloves must be promptly removed and discarded into an appropriate waste receptacle. The body art practitioner shall don new gloves before proceeding with the conduct of body art.
If the gloves of a body art practitioner are removed at any time during assembly of instruments or supplies, or the conduct of body art, the body art practitioner must clean his/her hands and don new gloves in accordance with this section.
The use of single-use examination gloves does not preclude or substitute for the above hand washing requirement.
Every body art practitioner shall use linens, properly cleaned in accordance with these regulations, or new single-use drapes, lap cloths, and aprons for each element of body art conducted upon a client.
Every substance used in the conduct of body art shall be dispensed from containers so as to prevent contamination or the possibility of contamination of the unused portion. Immediately before tattooing a client, a sufficient quantity of the ink, dye or pigment to be used therefor shall be transferred from its original bottle or container into sterile, single-use disposable cups, caps or containers.
Upon sanitization of the workstation, the instrument tray shall be covered with an uncontaminated single-use paper towel, tray cover or similar material.
Every instrument required for the conduct of body art upon a client shall be placed and arranged on the instrument tray in a manner so as to prevent contamination of sterilized instruments. All sterilized instruments shall remain in sterile packages until opened in front of the client.
Sharps containers shall be easily accessible to the body art practitioner and located as close as is feasible to the immediate area where the sharps will be used.
The conduct of body art shall occur only upon a client or minor client in a workstation under sterile conditions.
Only the client, the parent or legal guardian of a minor client, the guide or service animal of a client, the body art practitioner conducting the body art and an assistant or apprentice to the body art practitioner, with the express permission of the client, shall be permitted in the workstation during the conduct of body art.
All instruments used in the conduct of body art shall be without contamination and shall be properly cleaned, sanitized and sterilized in accordance with this chapter.
All instruments and other equipment or supplies used in the conduct of body art that are designed or intended for single use shall only be used once.
All sharps shall be properly disposed of immediately following use in a sharps container.
All product applied to the skin, including body art stencils, shall be single use and shall be used only once.
Products used in the application of body art stencils shall be dispensed and applied to the area of the client upon which the body art activity is to be performed with sterile gauze or other sterile applicator so as to prevent contamination of the container and contents of the product in use. The gauze or other applicator shall be used only once.
Only single-use disposable razors shall be used in the conduct of body art activities, and such single-use disposable razors shall not be used more than one time.
Disposable items such as gloves, wipes, cotton balls, Q-tips, water cups, rinse cups (used alone or in an ultrasonic cleaning unit), drapes, lap cloths, aprons and other single-use items that have come into contact with any person, client, workstation, instrument trays, counters, towels or linens used for the conduct of body art, or have otherwise become contaminated, shall be promptly discarded during or upon completion of the conduct of body art into an appropriate waste receptacle in accordance with this chapter.
The following shall be deemed to be multiple body art activities on a single client, each requiring proper washing, cleaning, sanitization and sterilization of instruments, workstations and other equipment and areas as set forth under these regulations:
Creating two or more tattoos on different areas of the body of a single client;
The use of more than one needle or scalpel during the conduct of body art upon a single client; or
Creating one tattoo and the use of one needle or scalpel on a single client.