[Adopted by Order No. 94-227 (§§ 2.36.050 to 2.36.070 of the 1993 Code)]
The Mayor shall appoint a City Engineer[1] for the City whenever a vacancy occurs in the office or whenever deemed in the best interest of the City.
Editor's Note: Throughout this article, the title "Manager of Engineering" was amended to "City Engineer" 6-1-2020 by Order No. 2020-012.
The City Engineer shall have a master's degree in civil engineering from an accredited college and shall be a registered professional engineer in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The City Engineer shall have as a minimum 10 years of responsible supervisory experience in the design and construction of municipal infrastructural works.
The City Engineer shall:
Report to the Commissioner of Public Works.
Coordinate all policy matters, project scopes and implementation, budgets and other important issues with the Commissioner of Public Works.
In consultation with the Commissioner of Public Works, establish project priorities and make serious efforts to maximize the use of existing City personnel on all projects and activities.
Directly supervise a staff of engineers and other technical and support personnel to be determined by the Mayor and the City Council upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works.
Provide advice and staff support on technical aspects of problems and projects to the Mayor, the City Council, the Commissioner of Public Works, other City departments, municipal boards and other project/task leaders, as requested.
Be responsible for field survey/investigations, engineering studies, estimates, designs, drawings, specifications, construction (support/supervision/management), alterations and repairs, as applicable, on all City-sponsored/funded projects and the City-owned/controlled infrastructure and public facilities under the direction and control of the Commissioner of Public Works.
The City Engineer and staff shall:
Perform inspections, field surveys/investigations, data collection and analyses, project layouts, estimates, engineering reports, project designs, drawings, specifications, contract documents, construction and alterations on new and existing improvement projects, as directed.
Perform inspections, surveys, measurements, designs, sketches, estimates, evaluation reports and the subsequent support required by Department of Public Works operations personnel in regard to citizen complaints, or the Department of Public Works initiated construction, alterations and repairs on infrastructural systems and facilities, as directed.
Provide support and assistance to Department of Public Works operations personnel, other City departments, municipal boards, other project/task leaders and outside agencies, as applicable. The support may be in the form of field surveys, locus descriptions, site inspections, engineering studies, layouts, estimates, data collection/analyses, development plans, designs, reviews, comments, evaluation reports, construction, alteration and repairs, as applicable, on various private or City projects and proposals such as individual property or subdivision developments or community projects, determination of unsafe building premises, protection and restoration of public right-of-way, property and facilities, storm damage assessments, FEMA programs, and other assistance as reasonably determined by the Commissioner of Public Works.
Continuously update all record documents related to the City infrastructure, public facilities/amenities, rights-of-way, easements, lot/plot/house numbers, parks, wetlands and floodplains, etc., as applicable. All record documents shall be classified based on their respective statutory life and indexed. The classification, indexing, master listing, recordkeeping and archiving of all documents, including those originating from offices of the Mayor, the City Council, the City Clerk, Assessors, Commissioner of Public Works, and all other departments, boards, and agencies, shall be done to achieve an easy identification and retrieval of documents.
Appear for court testimony, answer all public inquiries and attend public hearings and meetings on technical matters with other City departments, municipal boards, general public, consultants/contractors and outside agencies, as directed.
The City Engineer, on or before January 31 of every year, shall submit an annual work plan for the Department for the coming fiscal year. This plan shall include all major engineering and construction work proposed with budget estimates for design, construction, and personnel services. The City Engineer, at the same time, shall also submit a detailed status report on projects and activities undertaken during the current work plan.