[Adopted 5-17-1993 as Ch. 3.16 of the 1993 Code]
The process for the purchase of any parcel of City-owned land shall be as follows:
Any party wishing to make an offer to purchase City-owned land shall submit an offer form to the Treasurer/Collector in such form and in as many copies as the Treasurer/Collector shall determine. Accompanying such offer shall be a deposit of at least 25% of the proposed purchase price, but not less than $100. The Treasurer/Collector shall not accept an offer of less than $100. Notification of each offer to purchase is to be given to the Clerk of Committees by the Treasurer/Collector.
The Treasurer/Collector shall verify the City's ownership and report the method and manner that the City obtained ownership in his report, which he shall forward to the Planning Board and City Engineer at his earliest convenience.
The City Engineer shall issue a report to the Planning Board which shall include a description of the property, any easements and restrictions which he feels should be retained by the City and his opinion, based on his best professional judgment, as to whether the parcel should be sold. The Planning Board and City Council shall not be bound by such opinion. If a subdivision plan is necessary, the applicant shall forward a copy of the plan to the City Engineer for his consideration.
After receiving the reports of the Treasurer/Collector and City Engineer, the Planning Board, acting through the Director of Planning and Community Development, shall determine whether a notice in the central register, established by MGL c. 9, § 20A, is necessary. If so, such a notice shall be published. Following the deadline contained in such notice or, if not required, at the next practical date, the Planning Board shall hold a hearing to determine its recommendation on the proposed purchase. The Planning Board's recommendation shall be forwarded to the City Council.
The City Clerk, upon receiving a positive recommendation from the Planning Board, shall draft an order including the description for the City Council's consideration. If the Planning Board's recommendation is unfavorable, the City Clerk need not draw the order until the Land Conveyance Committee indicates that it will recommend that the Council not adopt the Planning Board's recommendation.
Following a favorable vote by the City Council, and approval by the Mayor, the prospective purchaser shall pay the balance of the purchase price and prorated taxes as required by MGL c. 44, § 63A, to the Treasurer/Collector within 60 days. If such payment is not made within 60 days, the offer shall be deemed withdrawn and the deposit returned.
Upon receipt of total payment, the Treasurer/Collector shall so inform the City Solicitor, who shall prepare a deed to be forwarded to the purchaser. The responsibility for recording the deed shall be that of the purchaser.
All purchasers and other grantees of real property from the City of Quincy shall pay the full cost of any and all excise taxes required by MGL c. 64D, § 1, to be levied, collected and paid in respect of the conveyance.