[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Quincy as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Police Department — See Ch. 25, Art. I.
Fire Department — See Ch. 25, Art. II.
[Adopted 5-17-1993 as Ch. 8.04 of the 1993 Code]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any device such as a smoke or heat detector, pull station or sprinkler flow switch that causes the alarm to sound.
A fire protection device that requires no manual operation during activation.
The electrical and electronic center of a system that detects alarm conditions, sounds signals and provides power and supervisory features.
A commercial firm that specializes primarily in the installation and service of fire alarm devices.
A Quincy firefighter having knowledge of fire safety rules and regulations, and having the ability and knowledge to properly sound an alarm, who tours the property being protected in the event of fire.
A fire alarm pull station or other device that requires manual activation for operation.
An individual having extensive knowledge in the repair and maintenance of fire alarm systems, such as an electrician who specialized in signaling systems.
The electrical circuit that connects and operates all fire alarm system horns, bells or other sounding devices.
A self-contained fire protection device equipped with all features of a system within a small housing unit, such as a battery-operated smoke detector (i.e., detector, power supply and signal).
An emergency power supply in case of loss of commercial power to the fire alarm control panel.
Any fire alarm circuit that passes a small current through a device and detects a fault on that circuit such as a ground, open or short.
A total fire alarm system that includes detecting devices, annunciator, signals, power supply and control panel that sounds the local signals at the structure being protected.
[Amended 6-1-2020 by Order No. 2020-012]
The same as Type I system, except no direct connection to the Fire Department is required.
All buildings that are required to be equipped with a Type I or Type II fire alarm system as determined and described by the Massachusetts State Building Code Regulations, Massachusetts Fire Prevention Regulations or City of Quincy ordinance shall have all fire alarm system devices tested in accordance with the Massachusetts State Building Code and the Massachusetts Comprehensive Fire Safety Code.
[Amended 6-1-2020 by Order No. 2020-012]
Where required. Lodging homes having 13 or more tenants shall be equipped with a Type I system. Lodging homes having 12 or fewer tenants shall be equipped with a Type II system.
Devices to be tested are all alarm actuating (automatic or manual), signaling, supervisory circuits, standby battery supplies, and other system and single station units within the structure installed for the purpose of fire protection.
The Chief of the Quincy Fire Department, his representative, or the Quincy Wire Inspector shall determine the qualifications of the fire alarm service organization or individual.
Recordkeeping; inspection. The building owner shall be responsible for maintaining proper written records of the tests, indicating dates, time, and signature of the qualified tester, and such records shall be available to be viewed by any public safety representative employed by the City.
Maintenance contract required; contents; information posting.
The owner shall have written proof of a maintenance contract or agreement with a qualified fire alarm service company, and such agreement or contract shall indicate that the service company is on twenty-four-hour call and will respond within 24 hours for maintenance or repair of the fire alarm system.
The name and emergency telephone number of both the owner and the qualified service organization shall be posted in a conspicuous place, preferably on the fire alarm control panel.
System repair. Should a fire alarm system require maintenance or repair, it is the responsibility of the owner or his representative that such system be repaired and placed back into service within 24 hours of the discovery of the fault by the owner, service company or Quincy public safety official. Notification of such fault to the owner or his representative may be written or verbal.
Structures where life hazard exists. Should the system provide protection for a structure where a life hazard exists, including but not limited to apartments (six units or more), hotels, motels, lodging houses, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, day-care centers or nurseries, it is the responsibility of the owner to have the system in proper operation within the twenty-four-hour period or, at his expense, provide a Quincy firefighter during the nighttime hours or when a life hazard exists. Those failing to comply shall be considered in violation of this article. The Chief of the Fire Department shall determine when a life hazard exists. When such conditions exist, the Chief or his representative shall determine when the fire watch will be removed.
Evacuation of physically challenged residents during emergency.
[Added 7-26-1993 by Order No. 93-093]
All owners of residential structures of six or more units shall provide a diagram of the floor and apartments and indicate on said diagram where physically challenged individuals reside. This diagram, which shall be approved by the Chief of the Fire Department, or his designee, shall be filed with the Fire Department. Such information shall remain confidential and is intended for Fire Department use only, to assist in an evacuation during an emergency situation.
This subsection shall apply forthwith to all new construction. All other existing structures shall comply with the provisions of this subsection within 12 months of its effective date.
Violations and penalties. Any owner to be found in violation of this article shall be fined the sum of $300 per day for each day of violation until the fire alarm system is placed in service to the satisfaction of the Chief or his representative.
[Amended 6-1-2020 by Order No. 2020-012]
All residential structures of five units or fewer are exempted from the requirement to procure a formal maintenance contract. However, it is the responsibility of the owner of such structure to properly maintain and keep in good working order all fire protection and fire alarm devices.