[Adopted 5-17-1993 as Ch. 8.16 of the 1993 Code]
No person not a resident of the City shall make use, by depositing trash, rubbish, refuse, offal, or any material whatsoever, of any area used or set aside by the City as a public dump.
No person shall bring any trash, rubbish, refuse, offal or any material whatsoever from without the City limits into the City for the purpose of depositing it in any area used or set aside as a public or private dump.
Whoever knowingly violates this section shall be penalized by a fine of $200 for each offense, which may be recovered by indictment or on complaint before a district court and shall enure to the City, and will also forfeit rights to use the dump for a minimum of 30 days.
No person shall deposit in any dump, public or private, any animal or vegetable material or other material which shall become a breeding place for rodents, flies or vermin. No person shall deposit in any dump, public or private, any material which by reason of odor, dust or putrefaction, or otherwise, shall be deemed to be an obnoxious material by the Health Commissioner.
No person shall use as a dumping area for the disposal of rubbish, trash, refuse, fill or other material any area not approved as a dumping site pursuant to the provisions of MGL c. 111, § 150A.
No person shall use a registered motor vehicle, nor shall the owner permit the use of his registered motor vehicle, to carry material to be dumped in violation of §§ 293-3 through 293-6.
Evidence by the records of the Registrar of Motor Vehicles of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts of the owner of a registered motor vehicle used in carrying any material dumped in violation of §§ 293-3 through 293-7A shall be prima facie evidence of the identity of the violator.
Any person violating § 293-6 or 293-7A shall be penalized as provided by MGL c. 40, § 21D. The penalty for violation of said sections shall be $200 for each offense.
The penalty for knowingly falsifying information given on applications for dumping permits for the City shall be set at $200 for each offense, which may be recovered by indictment or on complaint before a district court and shall enure to the City.