[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Leetsdale 11-14-2013 by Ord. No. 645.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed Ord. No. 617, adopted 6-10-2010, which created the office of Borough Manager.
The office of Borough Manager is hereby created.
The Council shall appoint the Manager. The Council, by resolution, shall have the authority to enter into contracts with the Manager which may stipulate terms of employment and compensation, including severance pay, subject to the limitations of § 1142 of the Borough Code.
The Manager shall be chosen on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications, with a minimum of five years of municipal administrative experience and/or a college degree in public administration or its equivalent from an accredited university.
During the time that he or she is Borough Manager, he or she shall not hold any elected governmental office.
The Council can remove the Manager at any time, or decline to reappoint the Manager, with or without cause, subject to the provisions of the employment contract then in effect.
Before entering upon his or her duties, the Manager shall give a bond to the Borough with a bonding company as surety, in the amount of 25% of the Borough's annual operating budget, the premium for said bond to be paid by the Borough. The Manager shall provide for such bond annually.
The Manager shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Borough. The Manager shall be responsible to the Council for the administration of all municipal affairs placed in his or her charge. The powers and duties of administration of all municipal business shall be vested in the Manager, unless expressly imposed or conferred by statute upon other municipal officers. The Manager shall have the following specific duties and the commensurate powers to carry out those duties, subject to recall or revision by ordinance:
Direct and administer all executive and nonlegislative activities of the Borough, except as otherwise provided by statute or ordinance.
Supervise and oversee the activities of all municipal departments and employees, with the exception of the Police Department, unless such responsibility is specifically delegated to the Manager by the Mayor as prescribed in the Borough Code.
Hire and, when necessary, discipline, suspend or discharge any administrative service employee under his or her supervision in accordance with collective bargaining agreements, employment agreements, and any Borough policies or procedures adopted and promulgated by Council. The Manager shall report at each meeting of Council any action taken pursuant to the authority of this subsection.
Participate in all personnel actions affecting department heads; periodically perform employee evaluations; and make recommendations to the Council regarding wage rates or salaries of Borough employees.
Prepare the agenda for all committee and related meetings of the Council and supply facts pertinent thereto.
Attend all meetings of the Council, unless excused by Council, at which meetings he or she shall have the right to participate in discussions, but shall not have the right or privilege to vote on any matter.
Prescribe such internal rules and regulations as are deemed necessary or expedient for the conduct and operation of administrative units and may revoke, suspend or amend any such rule or regulation of the administrative service.
Have the power to designate from the administrative service such committees and the officers thereof as he or she shall find necessary for the proper consideration of administrative problems. Such committees shall meet at the request of the Borough Manager and shall make such recommendations on matters referred to them as they shall find necessary for the best interests of the Borough.
Promote the public good will and represent the Borough before civic associations, business, professional or governmental groups, the press and interested citizens concerning the general affairs and administrative functions of the Borough.
Assemble estimates of the financial needs and resources of the Borough for each ensuing year and prepare a program of activities within the financial power of the Borough, embodying in it a detailed, balanced budget document with proper supporting schedules and analyses. Such budget shall be submitted in sufficient time to allow for its study and adoption within the time limitations of the Borough Code. In preparing the recommended budget, the Manager shall obtain from the head of each department, agency, board or office estimates of revenues and expenditures and such other supporting data as is deemed necessary. The Manager shall review and revise such estimates prior to submission of the recommended budget to Council.
Submit with the proposed budget a narrative, explanatory budget message. The budget message shall provide information concerning the fiscal plan emphasizing any significant changes in revenues and/or expenditures, and any specific programs or projects in the budget.
Develop long-range fiscal plans for the Borough, in conjunction with the preparation of the annual budget, to be presented to Council annually for its review and adoption.
Administer the budget after its adoption by Council and prepare monthly financial statements of all revenues and expenditures with appropriate recommendations to Council.
Submit to Council, as soon as possible after the close of the fiscal year, a complete report on the financial and administrative activities of the municipality from the preceding year. Where Council elects to have a complete audit performed on the Borough's finances or programs, the Manager will cooperate fully and completely with the auditors in providing them information necessary for the completion of the audit.
Implement and monitor that the provisions of all franchises, leases, contracts, licenses, permits and privileges granted by the Borough are fully observed and report to the Council any violation thereof.
To enter into contracts or authorize purchases, on behalf of the Borough, for amounts equal or less than $1,000, and report the same to the Council in a timely manner.
Hold such other municipal offices or head one or more of the municipal departments as Council may, from time to time, direct.
Have general supervision, for administrative, recordkeeping and insurance purposes, over all Borough property and equipment and its use by the public or by Borough employees.
Oversee the publication of all notices, ordinances, or other documents required by law to be published, and to prepare or cause to be prepared all reports which the municipality or any of the officials thereof are required by law to prepare.
Make such recommendations to the Council concerning Borough policy as he or she shall deem desirable or when instructed by the Council to do so. He or she shall keep the Council fully informed as to the conduct of municipal affairs and advise the Council as to the needs of the Borough.
Serve as the primary Borough contact to the Borough Solicitor, Engineer, auditors, inspectors and other professional consultants.
Be responsible to monitor the enforcement of all ordinances and regulations of the Borough and make reports, as directed by Council, regarding same.
Assess both the short- and long-term problems and affairs of the Borough and recommend plans and courses of action to the Council.
Participate in the intergovernmental programs, monitor legislative activities and keep abreast of current advances in management and technology.
Perform such other duties as are required by the Council.
If the Manager becomes ill or needs to be absent from the Borough for any period of time, he/she shall designate a qualified member of his/her staff who shall perform the duties of Manager during his/her absence of disability. Council, by a majority vote may, at any time, revoke such designation and appoint a qualified employee to serve as Acting Manager.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, members of the Council will not interfere with the Borough Manager or prevent him or her from exercising his or her own judgment in the management of Borough affairs under his or her jurisdiction. Except for the purpose of inquiry or routine information, and necessary contact by Council committee members, the Council and its members will deal with the administrative service solely through the Borough Manager. All complaints about Borough matters, received by Councilpersons or other Borough officials or employees, will be immediately forwarded to the Manager for review, reply and disposition, excepting complaints involving police matters, which shall be directed to the Police Chief for resolution by the Manager.
The Manager shall refrain from the following:
Engaging in federal, state, county or local politics.
Hiring or firing any department head without first notifying and consulting with Council.
Fill any position or take any action reserved to the governing body or Mayor by the Borough Code.
Other than making recommendations and presenting alternatives to the governing body or commission, the Manager shall refrain from any attempt to influence decisions of a legislative or quasi-judicial nature, including but not limited to zoning changes, consideration of subdivision, or development plans and purchase of open space or parklands.
Accepting any gifts or gratuities from any individual or corporation which sells, supplies or markets equipment, goods or services to the Borough or who, at any time hereafter, may sell or supply equipment, goods or services to the Borough, unless de minimus and disclosed promptly to Council.