[Ord. No. 210 §1, 8-3-1987; Ord. No. 687 §1, 7-2-2001; Ord. No. 713 §1, 12-16-2002]
For the purposes of this Chapter, the following terms shall be deemed to have the meaning indicated below:
An incinerator which complies with all current regulations of the responsible local and State air pollution control agencies.
Non-putrescible solid wastes consisting of combustible and/or noncombustible waste materials from dwelling units, commercial, industrial, institutional, or agricultural establishments which are either too large or too heavy to be safely and conveniently loaded in solid waste transportation vehicles by solid waste collectors, with the equipment available therefor.
The City of Scott City, Missouri, or, in the event the City contracts for the collection and disposal of solid waste, the contractor.
Removal of solid waste from its place of storage to the transportation vehicle.
Waste materials from the construction or destruction of residential, industrial or commercial structures.
Director of Public Works or, with the Director's permission, the authorized agent for the contractor removing solid waste.
Carts or other receptacle as may be provided by the contractor.
Any room or group of rooms located within a structure, and forming a single habitable unit with facilities which are used, or are intended to be used, for living, sleeping, cooking and eating.
Putrescible animal or vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, serving, or consumption of food.
Including but not limited to: pathological wastes, explosive wastes, pesticides, pesticide containers, toxic or radioactive materials.
A housing facility containing more than one (1) dwelling unit under one (1) roof.
Any person who, alone or jointly or severally with others, shall be in actual possession of any dwelling unit or of any other improved real property, either as owner or as a tenant.
Any individual, partnership, co-partnership, firm, company, corporation, association, joint stock company, trust, estate, political subdivision, or organization of any kind, or their legal representative, agent or assigns.
Incinerating, composting, baling, shredding, salvaging, compacting and other processes whereby solid waste characteristics are modified or solid waste quantity is reduced.
Tin cans, aluminum cans, aluminum foil, other aluminum, newspapers, other paper products and cardboard materials.
Solid waste.
Unwanted or discarded waste materials in a solid or semi-solid state, including but not limited to garbage, ashes, street refuse, rubbish, dead animals, animal and agricultural wastes, yard wastes, discarded appliances, special wastes, industrial wastes, and demolition and construction wastes.
Commercial solid waste: Solid waste resulting from the operation of any commercial (excluding mobile home parks), industrial, institutional or agricultural establishment, and multiple housing facilities with more than two (2) dwelling units.
Residential solid waste: Solid waste resulting from the maintenance and operations of dwelling units, excluding multiple housing facilities with more than two (2) dwelling units.
Carts or receptacles supplied by the contractor used by persons to store solid waste during intervals between solid waste collections.
The process of discarding or getting rid of unwanted material. In particular the final deposition of solid waste by man.
The entire solid waste system of storage, collection, transportation, processing and disposal.
Keeping, maintaining or storing solid waste from the time of its production until the time of its collection.
The transporting of solid waste from the place of collection or processing to a solid waste processing facility or solid waste disposal area.
Grass clippings, leaves, tree trimmings.
[Ord. No. 210 §2, 8-3-1987; Ord. No. 312 §1, 8-6-1990; Ord. No. 366 §1, 3-2-1992; Ord. No. 713 §2, 12-16-2002]
The owner of every dwelling unit and of every institutional, commercial or business, industrial or agricultural establishment producing solid waste within the corporate limits of the City shall receive and use carts or receptacles provided by the contractor for the storage of all solid waste, except bulky rubbish and demolition and construction waste, to serve each such dwelling unit and/or establishment and to maintain said solid waste carts or receptacles at all time and in good repair.
The occupant of every dwelling unit and of every institutional, commercial, industrial, agricultural or business establishment shall place all solid waste to be collected in proper solid waste containers, except as otherwise provided herein, and shall maintain such solid waste containers and the area surrounding them in clean, neat and sanitary condition at all times.
Residential solid waste shall be stored in carts or receptacles provided by the contractor and shall contain such leakproof, waterproof and fly-tight lids as may be provided by the contractor.
Commercial solid waste shall be stored in solid waste containers as approved by the Director. The containers shall be waterproof, leakproof and shall be covered at all times except when depositing waste therein or removing the contents thereof; and shall meet all requirements as set forth by Section 250.070.
The contractor may refuse to pick up any solid waste placed outside a residence which is not contained in a cart or container provided by the contractor as set forth in Subsection (C) of this Section. In the event the solid waste for a single pickup exceeds the amount which may be placed in the cart or container, the excess solid waste may be disposed of as follows:
The person with the excess solid waste may rent a dumpster up to sixty (60) days on a temporary basis from the contractor for pickup of the excess sold waste.
[Ord. No. 1183, 4-20-2020]
The excess solid waste may be hauled to a sanitary landfill or transported to a transfer station by the person who accumulated the excess solid waste or by a third party with whom he contracts.
Said solid waste may otherwise by disposed of by the owner in a manner not prohibited by Federal, State or municipal law.
Yard wastes shall be stored in containers so constructed and maintained as to prevent the dispersal of wastes placed therein upon the premises served, upon adjacent premises, or upon adjacent public rights of way. The weight of any individual container and contents shall not exceed seventy-five (75) pounds.
Solid waste containers which are not approved will be collected together with their contents and disposed of.
[Ord. No. 210 §3, 8-3-1987; Ord. No. 312 §2, 8-6-1990; Ord. No. 380 §1, 11-2-1992; Ord. No. 687 §§2 — 4, 7-2-2001; Ord. No. 713 §3, 12-16-2002; Ord. No. 961 §1, 1-22-2013]
The City shall provide for the collection of solid waste as follows.
Collection of residential solid waste. The City shall provide for the collection of all residential solid waste in the City.
Other collections. It shall be the duty of each establishment to provide for collection of all commercial solid waste produced upon any such premises in a manner approved by the City.
Collection of residential recycling materials. The City shall provide for the collection of materials able to be recycled in the City.
All solid waste and bulky rubbish from premises to which collection of services are provided by the City shall be collected and all solid waste collected shall, upon being loaded into transportation equipment, become the property of the contractor, or if there is no contractor, the property of the City.
Tree limbs and yard waste as described in Sections 250.020 (E) and (F) respectively, shall be placed at the curb for collection.
[Ord. No. 1226, 2-1-2021; Ord. No. 1241, 6-7-2021]
Bulky rubbish shall be collected as provided in Section 250.035.
The City is hereby authorized to enter upon private property for the purpose of collecting solid waste therefrom as required by this Chapter. City solid waste collectors shall not enter dwelling units or other residential buildings for the purpose of collecting residential solid waste. Commercial solid waste may be removed from within commercial establishments upon agreement by the owner and the City.
The following collection frequencies shall apply to the collections of solid waste within the City:
[Ord. No. 1241, 6-7-2021]
All residential solid waste, other than bulky rubbish, shall be collected on a regular basis once per week. All commercial solid waste shall be collected at such intervals as agreed upon by the owner and the City, provided, that such collections shall be at such intervals necessary for the preservation of the health and/or safety of the public.
Except when placed curb side, residential solid waste containers shall be stored upon the residential premises off any rights-of-way and front yards unless adjacent to the residence or other outbuilding. Residential solid waste containers shall be placed curbside no sooner than sixteen (16) hours prior to the scheduled pickup and shall be removed off the right-of-way and front yards no later than sixteen (16) hours after pickup. Commercial solid waste containers shall be stored upon private property, unless the owner shall have been granted written permission from the City to use public property for such purposes. All storage sites shall be well drained, fully accessible to collection equipment, public health personnel and fire inspection personnel.
[Ord. No. 380 §2, 11-2-1992; Ord. No. 687 §§5 — 6, 7-2-2001; Ord. No. 761 §1, 7-6-2004; Ord. No. 798 §§1 — 4, 2-6-2006; Ord. No. 811 §§2 — 3, 10-2-2006]
Definitions. For the purposes of this Section, the following terms shall be deemed to have the meaning indicated below:
Non-putrescible (decaying) solid wastes consisting of combustible and/or non-combustible waste materials from dwelling units, which are either too large or too heavy to be safely and conveniently loaded in solid waste transportation vehicles by solid waste collectors. Bulky rubbish shall include the following:
White goods: Unwanted or discarded appliances including stove, ice box, washing machines, dryers, hot water heaters, dishwasher and other appliances used in a dwelling unit.
Dwelling unit furniture including: Couch, table, recliner, set of four (4) non-reclining chairs, bed, mattress, box springs, end table, dresser, chest of drawers, television or other residential furniture.
Tree limbs or bundles of branches.
Any structure enclosing any room or group of rooms forming a single one (1) family dwelling, with facilities used that are intended for living, sleeping, cooking and eating.
Collection of Bulky Rubbish.
[Ord. No. 985 §1, 11-4-2013; Ord. No. 1037 §1, 11-2-2015; Ord. No. 1235, 4-5-2021; Ord. No. 1331 (Bill 1325), 10-16-2023]
Collection of white goods and dwelling unit furniture.
The City's Public Works Director shall provide for the collection of white goods and dwelling unit furniture as defined above. White goods and bulky unit furniture shall be delivered by City residents to a City-designated site upon application and payment of the service fee. The City may also proclaim certain days to be set as white goods and dwelling unit furniture months each year. The Council may also set a service charge for said bulky items during these days at its discretion if they choose a service charge to be different than set out hereafter.
Unless otherwise designated, white goods and dwelling unit furniture shall be delivered by City residents to 1011 Rose Con Road, Scott City, from 8:00 A.M. until 3:00 P.M. on a City-designated date in March and in October of each year.
No bulky rubbish shall be place curb side, unless said rubbish came from the dwelling unit immediately adjoin the curb. Any person who places his/her bulky rubbish along the curb of premises, other than his/her own, shall be guilty of littering under Chapter 155 of the City Code.
The Public Works Department shall not pick up any bulky rubbish item placed curb side, unless the resident has complied with all requirements of this Section.
Collection of tree limbs or bundles of branches.
Tree limbs and bundles of branches may be delivered by City residents to the Public Works Department during normal business hours, provided the City resident has obtained the necessary permit as hereinafter set forth.
The Public Works Department shall not accept any tree trunks, branches or limbs delivered by commercial tree service or an agent or straw party for a commercial tree service.
Collection of bulky rubbish caused by storm damage. Following a storm which causes tree damage along alley or street easements, the City shall provide assistance in the removal of damaged trees and limbs. However, any resident requesting the City's assistance shall notify the City's Public Works Director of the damage within two (2) weeks after the storm. All tree limbs and branches shall be cut by the resident to manageable lengths of six (6) feet or less.
Application And Service Charge.
Any resident requesting bulky rubbish removal shall make written application on a form prescribed by the City with the City Billing Clerk, at least one (1) working day prior to collection at said residence or delivery by the residents to the public works building. Said written application shall set forth each item requested to be removed and whether the resident is requesting curb side pickup or will deliver the rubbish to the public works building. Upon payment to the City Billing Clerk of the service charges for curb side removal as hereinafter provided, the Billing Clerk shall advise the resident and the Public Works Director of the date scheduled for removal of the resident's bulky rubbish. Upon payment by resident who will deliver bulky rubbish to the public works building, the City Billing Clerk shall provide said resident with a receipt to be delivered to the Pubic Works Director or his employee upon delivery of the bulky rubbish to the public works building.
Each resident desiring removal of bulky rubbish from curb side by the Public Works Director shall pay, at the time of application, a fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per item on white goods and dwelling unit furniture.
Each resident desiring to transport bulky rubbish to the Public Works Department shall pay, at the time of application, a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) per item on white goods. Demolition, remodeling or new construction debris will not be accepted as bulky rubbish. Public Works Department employees shall refuse to accept delivery of bulky rubbish unless the person delivers the receipt given to them by the Billing Clerk at City Hall. There shall be no charge for the removal of tree limbs and brush; however, a receipt from the Billing Clerk is still required.
No resident shall be issued a permit unless said resident is current in all City obligations, including, but not limited to, water and sewage fees, personal property taxes and fines.
[Ord. No. 985 §2, 11-4-2013]
Regulations Concerning Removal. On the date notified by the City Billing Clerk, the resident requesting the removal of bulky rubbish shall send all items to be removed by the City at the dwelling unit's curb or the resident will deliver the bulky rubbish to the public works building upon obtaining appropriate permits from the City Billing Clerk.
All tree limbs and brush requested for removal must be less than four (4) inches in diameter. All brush requested for removal shall be securely tied in bundles no larger than forty-eight (48) inches long by eighteen (18) inches in diameter and the weight for any individual bundle shall not exceed seventy-five (75) pounds. A permit is required, but no fee shall be charged.
No dwelling unit shall place curb side more than four (4) items of bulky rubbish.
Except as hereafter provided, each white good and item of furniture shall be considered as one (1) item for the purpose of this Section. However, a set of four (4) folding or non-reclinable chairs shall be included as one (1) item of bulky rubbish.
No white goods or other appliances containing coolant or gas systems shall be placed curb side for pickup by the Public Works Department, unless the resident removes from said appliance all compressors and coils and drains the freon therefrom.
No bulky rubbish shall be placed curb side, unless said rubbish came from the dwelling unit immediately adjoining the curb. Any person who places his/her bulky rubbish along the curb of premises, other than his own, shall be guilty of littering under Chapter 255 of the City Code.
The Public Works Department shall not pickup any bulky rubbish item placed curb side, unless the resident has complied with all requirements of this Section.
The Public Works Department shall not accept any tree trunks, branches or limbs delivered by commercial tree service or an agent or straw party for a commercial tree service.
[Ord. No. 210 §3, 8-3-1987]
All transportation vehicles shall be maintained in a safe, clean and sanitary condition, and shall be so constructed, maintained and operated as to prevent spillage of solid waste therefrom. All vehicles to be used for transportation of solid waste shall be constructed with watertight bodies and with covers which shall be an integral part of the vehicle or shall be a separate cover of suitable material with fasteners designed to secure all sides of the cover to the vehicle and shall be secured whenever the vehicle is transporting solid waste, or, as an alternate, the entire bodies thereof shall be enclosed, with only loading hoppers exposed. No solid waste shall be transported in the loading hoppers.
Permits shall not be required for the removal, hauling or disposal of earth and rock materials from grading or excavation activities, however, all such material shall be conveyed in tight vehicles, trucks or receptacles, so constructed and maintained that none of the material being transported shall spill upon the public rights of way.
Transportation and disposal of demolition and construction wastes shall be in accordance with Sections 250.050 and 250.060.
[Ord. No. 210 §4, 8-3-1987]
Solid wastes shall be deposited at a processing facility or disposal area complying with all requirements of the Missouri Division of Health.
The Director may classify certain wastes as hazardous wastes which will require special handling and shall be disposed of only in a manner acceptable to the Director and which will meet all local, State and Federal regulations.
[Ord. No. 210 §6, 8-3-1987]
No person shall engage in the business of collecting, transporting, processing, or disposing of solid waste within the corporate limits of the City, otherwise than pursuant to a written contract duly approved by the City and containing such terms, conditions and provisions to comply with and implement this Chapter.
In order to insure compliance with the laws of this State, this Chapter and the rules and regulations authorized herein, the Director is authorized to inspect all phases of solid waste management with the City. No inspection shall be made in any residential unit unless authorized by the occupant or by due process of law.
[Ord. No. 210 §7, 8-3-1987]
The Director shall make, amend, revoke, and enforce reasonable and necessary rules and regulations, governing, but not limited to:
Preparation, drainage, and wrapping of garbage deposited in solid waste containers.
Specifications for solid waste containers, including the type, composition, equipment, size and shape thereof.
Identification of solid waste containers and of the covers thereof, and of equipment thereto appertaining, if any.
Weight limitations on the combined weight of solid waste containers and the contents thereof, and weight and size limitations on bundles of solid waste too large for solid waste containers.
Storage of solid waste in solid waste containers.
Sanitation, maintenance and replacement of solid waste containers.
Collection points of solid waste containers.
Collection, transportation, processing and disposal of solid waste.
Handling of special wastes such as toxic wastes, sludges, ashes, agriculture, construction, bulky items, tires, automobiles, oils, greases, etc.
The City Clerk or such other City Official who is responsible for preparing utility and other service charge billings for the City, is hereby authorized to make and promulgate reasonable and necessary rules and regulations for the billing and collection of solid waste collection and/or disposal service charges, as hereinafter provided for.
A copy of any and all rules and regulations made and promulgated under the provisions hereof shall be filed in the Office of the City Clerk of the City.
[Ord. No. 210 §8, 8-3-1987; Ord. No. 624 §1, 3-1-1999; Ord. No. 687 §7, 7-2-2001]
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
Deposit solid waste in any solid waste container other than his own, without the written consent of the owner of such container and/or, with the intent of avoiding payment of the service charge hereinafter provided for solid waste collection and disposal;
Interfere in any manner with solid waste collection and transportation equipment, or with solid waste collectors in the lawful performance of their duties as such;
Burn solid waste, except as provided in Section 250.085;
Dispose of solid waste at any facility or location which is not approved by the Missouri Division of Health;
Engage in the business of collecting, transporting, processing or disposing of solid waste within the corporate limits of the City without a written contract from the City.
It shall be unlawful for any person to place recycling materials in any containers other than a bin, bag or box containing one (1) category of recycling materials, being either tins, aluminum products, papers or cardboard, except nothing contained in this Section shall prohibit a person from placing recycling material in a solid waste container with other solid waste.
Editor's Note — Ord. no. 726 adopted May 19, 2003 superseded this section 250.085 "Burning of refuse prohibited — exceptions", which derived from ord. no. 624 §2, 3-1-1999. New provisions on the same subject have been set out in Section 205.170 of this code.
[Ord. No. 230 §§2 — 3, 7-25-1988; Ord. No. 267 §2, 7-3-1989; Ord. No. 664 §2, 9-5-2000; Ord. No. 687 §8, 7-2-2001; Ord. No. 832 §§1 — 2, 12-17-2007; Ord. No. 960 §§1 — 2, 11-5-2012]
There is hereby imposed, for the collection and disposal of solid waste for the improvement of the general public health and environment, a service charge for each dwelling unit to which such service shall be provided under the provisions of this Chapter. The service charge for collection of solid waste shall be as follows:
[Ord. No. 1241, 6-7-2021; Ord. No. 1301, 1-17-2023]
Residential solid waste within corporate City limits for one (1) receptacle shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00) per calendar month and for two (2) receptacles shall be thirty dollars ($30.00) per calendar month.
For households outside the corporate limits, which contract with the City of the disposal of their solid waste, twenty dollars ($20.00) for one (1) receptacle and forty dollars ($40.00) for two (2) receptacles per calendar month. However, the City may refuse to provide collection services to households outside City limits if the travel distance to said households, in the opinion of the Director, would interfere with the City' s ability to service its own residents.
If a resident requests a second residential receptacle at a residence, said resident shall pay a fifty dollar ($50.00) deposit therefor. The deposit shall be refunded in such manner and such time and subject to such conditions as water deposits are refunded.
The service and service charge shall be terminated upon presentation of satisfactory proof to the Director that any such dwelling unit or establishment is unoccupied, and shall be commenced upon renewed occupancy thereof.
The system of services established by the provisions of this Chapter hereof is designed as an integral part of the City's program of health and sanitation, to be operated as an adjunct to the City's system for providing potable water and the City's system for providing sewerage disposal. The City may enforce collection of such charges by bringing proper legal action against the occupant of any premises which has received such services, to recover any sums due for such services plus a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the Court, plus the cost of such action.
The service charge herein provided for is hereby imposed upon the occupant of each occupied dwelling unit and the billing therefor shall be made to the person contracting for City water and/or sewerage service or for other water service or otherwise providing water service to each such dwelling unit. In the event a dwelling unit is not serviced by City water and/or sewerage service, billing therefor shall be made to the owner. Service charges shall be payable to the department empowered to collect service charges imposed by the City.
The adjustments to the service charges set forth in Section 250.020 of this Chapter shall not effect any party who presently has a valid contract with the City for the collection and disposal of solid waste, until the expiration of the term of said contract.
In the event fuel charges incurred by the City in the operation of its solid waste program increase by ten percent (10%) or more, the City shall add an additional surcharge to its solid waste customers. The surcharge shall be twelve percent (12%) of the percentage increase of the City's fuel charges. The surcharge shall be removed upon the City's actual fuel prices dropping by ten percent (10%) from the time the surcharge was imposed.
Editor's Note — Ord. no. 888 §1, adopted March 1, 2010, repealed section 250.100 "penalties" in its entirety. Former section 250.100 derived from ord. no. 210 §10, 8-3-1987. It is the City's intent to refer to the general penalty in section 110.010 of this code.
[Ord. No. 372 §1, 7-6-1992]
All non-residents who reside within one-half (½) mile of the City of Scott City, Missouri, who wish to receive City trash service for residential refuse only, shall be offered City trash service upon signing a written contract with the City for said services. Such contract forms shall be on file in the City Clerk's office.