[Ord. No. 1147, 4-1-2019]
The City Council of the City of Scott City, Missouri, has found it to be in the best interest of its citizens to preserve the quality of its housing inventory and to protect its neighborhoods from neglect and deterioration which act as a threat to health, safety and the welfare of its people and places.
[Ord. No. 1147, 4-1-2019]
As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall have these prescribed meanings:
Any visual inspection of a rental property performed by appropriate City staff that occurs primarily from the road or street directly in front or adjacent to the relevant rental property.
Any person living or sleeping in a building or having possession of a space within a building.
Any person who has charge, care or control of a structure or premises which is let or offered for occupancy, including the owner of any lot or real estate on which the housing unit, such as a mobile home, mini home or other structure intended as a residence is placed.
[Ord. No. 1158, 8-5-2019]
See "Property Owner."
An individual, corporation, partnership or any other group acting as a unit.
A lot, plot or parcel of land including any structures thereon.
Any person, agent, operator, firm or corporation having a legal or equitable interest in the property; or recorded in the official records of the State, County or municipality as holding title to the property; or otherwise having control of the property, including the guardian of the estate of any such person and the executor or administrator of the estate of such person if ordered to take possession of real property by a court.
Any premises that is not occupied by the owner including those premises that are subject to agreements providing for contracts for deed.
A person, corporation, partnership or group, whether or not the legal owner of record, occupying a building or portion thereof as a unit, including the owners of any mobile homes, mini homes or other buildings intended for use as a residence located on lots or parcels of real estate leased to said person.
[Ord. No. 1158, 8-5-2019]
[Ord. No. 1147, 4-1-2019; Ord. No. 1233, 4-5-2021; Ord. No. 1332, 10-16-2023]
All rental units identified for compliance herewith must conform to Housing Quality Standards (HQS) established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as from time to time amended, in effect upon adoption of this Chapter. Those standards are found in the Federal regulations at 24 CFR § 982.401.
All rental units identified for compliance herewith must also conform to the Building Code as adopted by the City in Code Section 500.010.
[Ord. No. 1147, 4-1-2019]
Type 1. Newly constructed units shall be those rental units constructed within the most recent five (5) year time period.
Type II. Rental units shall be those rental units constructed and in rental service for a period greater than five (5) years.
Units which are subject to contracts for deeds shall be treated as Type II rental units.
[Ord. No. 1196, 8-3-2020]
Notwithstanding Section 540.040 above, the following units may be exempted from the provisions of the rental property minimum housing quality standards, including inspections under the following circumstances:
The unit is occupied by a family member of the owner and no rent is paid to the owner; or
Legal title to the unit is in the process of being transferred to the occupant by the owner, which transfer shall occur within ninety (90) days.
If the City Administrator determines a unit may be exempted under Subsection (A) above, he/she may waive compliance with Chapter 540, provided the owner executes a release and hold harmless agreement releasing and holding the City harmless from any claims for personal injury or property damages occasioned by any defect in the unit, which a City inspection would have revealed.
Any person aggrieved by the decision of the administrator may request a review by the Council, whose decision will be binding.
[Ord. No. 1147, 4-1-2019]
Inspections of rental property shall be conducted by designated City staff to insure compliance with the Housing Quality Standards (HQS).
The City Administrator is directed to develop appropriate forms, applications and listings in order to accommodate this Chapter and the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) herein referenced.
[Ord. No. 1147, 4-1-2019]
For purposes of this Chapter, the following designators shall mean:
To accommodate the purposes of this Chapter, property owners shall be required to pay an inspection fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) per unit. Property owners will not be charged for a second inspection to verify that deficiencies discovered during the first inspection have been corrected. Property owners will be charged fifty dollars ($50.00) for all subsequent inspections that are needed as a result of uncorrected deficiencies discovered during the initial inspections.
In the event a unit fails to pass the drive-by inspection in keeping with the Guidelines of the Housing Quality Standards or in keeping with the existing City ordinances of the City of Scott City, the unit shall be subject to a full interior inspection at any time.
The owner thereof shall have thirty (30) days within which to make minor corrections necessary to qualify the unit. Major corrections shall be deemed those violations that represent health and safety issues and which require immediate correction. Failure to remedy violation notices shall result in the filing of a complaint. Convictions on said charges will result in such fines and imprisonment as allowed by the Code. An occupancy permit shall only be issued by the Building Inspector upon the property's compliance.
Owners of all rental units, including those which are subject to agreements providing for contracts of deeds, shall, by July First (1st) of each year, submit a listing of all property, whether occupied or vacant, which discloses the address and location of each rental unit and whether it is a freestanding unit or one which is connected to other structures and the name(s) of each tenant(s) thereof. In the event the owner of the rental property fails to submit said listing to the Building Inspector or his/her designee on or before July First (1st) of each year, said owner shall be subject to such fines as allowed by ordinance. Owners shall register all individual tenants with the Building Inspector or his/her designee prior to said tenant's occupancy. In the event the owner fails to register tenants prior to occupancy, said owner shall be subject to fines and imprisonment as permitted by the Code.
[Ord. No. 1147, 4-1-2019]
The City retains the right to conduct Drive-by Inspections at the City's discretion or as a result of formal complaints.
[Ord. No. 1147, 4-1-2019]
Inspections shall be conducted as follows:
Type I. Rental units shall be exempt from inspections during the five (5) year exemption period set forth in Section 540.040 unless: (A) formal complaints are received by designated City officials which disclose conditions which subjects the owner of the premises to violation of the nuisance and/or substandard building codes, or (B) the property fails a drive-by inspection, or (C) the City receives a formal complaint by a tenant alleging that unsafe or unsanitary conditions exist at the said rental unit in said realty shall be reclassified as Type II rental property and be eligible for an immediate inspection. A Type I unit having exhausted the five (5) year exemption term shall be subject to an inspection at any time during the 12-month period beginning the day after the exemption term expires. Properties shall be inspected no later than twelve (12) months following expiration of the exemption term.
Type II. All non-exempted rental housing units shall be inspected every forty-eight (48) months.
Owners of units which fail to successfully pass the inspection shall be notified of such failure and shall have thirty (30) days within which to bring said unit to the standards required by the Guidelines of the Housing Quality Standards.
The time for performing work necessary to successfully pass an inspection may be extended by the office of the Building Inspector upon cause therefore being demonstrated.
Failure of an owner of a unit to correct any deficiencies found therein or thereon in either an examination or a drive-by inspection within thirty (30) days of notification shall result in the landlord being found in violation of this Chapter and subject to such fine as allowed by ordinance.
An occupancy permit shall only be issued by the Building Inspector upon the property's compliance with the Guidelines for Housing Quality Standards.
Enforcement of Section 540.080 shall not commence until January 1, 2020, unless the City of Scott City receives a formal complaint regarding a specific rental property, or a drive-by inspection reveals the need for an immediate inspection.
Notification to the owner of non-compliance by personal service, regular or certified mail.
[Ord. No. 1147, 4-1-2019]
Type I and II rental housing units may not have public utility connections until they have successfully passed inspection by the Building Inspector.
[Ord. No. 1158, 8-5-2019]
This Chapter shall be binding on all owners of real estate who lease real estate for placement of a mobile home, mini home or other building intended for use as a residence. The owner of the real estate, not the tenant owning the mobile home, mini home or other building, is subject to all provisions placed upon owners under Chapter 540 relating to rental property minimum housing quality standards.
[Ord. No. 1147, 4-1-2019; Ord. No. 1332, 10-16-2023]
The Property Owner of a Rental Property may file a request for an appeal of a decision of the inspector by filing a written request with the City Clerk within forty (40) days of the date of notification of non-compliance. The appeal will be reviewed by the City Council at its next regularly scheduled meeting or at a special meeting called by the Mayor or two (2) members of the Council.
The City Council shall conduct a full and adequate hearing upon the question of whether the rental property in fact complies with the standards stated herein and the inspector complied with the provisions of this Chapter.
The owners of the property, or their representative or agents of the subject property, shall be given the opportunity to present evidence to the City Council in the course of the hearing.
The City Council may overrule, modify, or sustain the decision of the Building Inspector upon a vote of the majority of the members of the Council. Should the evidence support a finding that the Rental Property does not conform to the Compliance Standards, the City Council shall issue an order making specific findings of fact, based upon competent and substantial evidence, which shows the conditions that fail to comply and ordering their repair prior to the premises being eligible for rental to a Tenant. If the premises are occupied, notice of the decision shall be issued to Tenant advising they have thirty (30) days to vacate the premises.
[Ord. No. 1147, 4-1-2019]
The owner aggrieved by the decision of the City Council as set forth in Section 540.100 may, within thirty (30) days from receipt of the order of the City Council, appeal such decision to the Circuit Court of the County where the land is located, pursuant to the procedures established in Chapter 536, RSMo.