No trailers shall be allowed to exist at any location within the Township of Howell, except as set forth herein.
The following are exempt from the provisions of this chapter:
Trailers located inside mobile home parks conducted, maintained and licensed in full and complete compliance with the Code of the Township of Howell.
Trailers which are in the process of being loaded or unloaded and which are registered with the New Jersey Division of Motor Vehicles or the equivalent agency of any other state and which are capable of traveling over a road or highway.
Recreational vehicles subject to the regulations set forth in Chapter 232 entitled "Property Maintenance."
Trailers offered for sale or rent or awaiting servicing which are located on premises owned or leased by a person in the business of trailer sales, rental or servicing.
Trailers used in conjunction with farming for the purpose of storage (i.e., feed and hay). Trailers shall not be habitable and shall not be used for habitation.
A trailer shall be permitted to be used temporarily in the following circumstances:
A trailer utilized for storage may be allowed upon a site wherein there is active construction of a nonresidential building, provided that prior Director of Land Use approval has been obtained and that such trailer shall be used only in connection with such construction and shall not remain upon the premises for longer than two weeks past the completion of said construction. In no event will any trailer used in connection with nonresidential development remain on said premises for more than two years from the date of initial construction.
A trailer utilized for storage shall be permitted to be used for a period of no longer than 60 days in connection with a commercial sale being undertaken by a commercial enterprise, provided that such trailer is located upon the premises of such commercial enterprise operating the sale. The provision, however, shall not be used by a single commercial enterprise more frequently than two times per calendar year and not more than once in any ninety-day period. The maximum number of trailers shall not exceed four, however, the number of trailers permitted at any site shall be at the discretion of the Director of Land Use based upon the size of the lot in question.
A trailer utilized for storage may be allowed upon a site wherein there is active construction of a residential development, provided that prior Director of Land Use approval has been obtained and that such trailer shall be used only in connection with such building and shall not remain upon the premises for longer than two weeks past the completion of the last residential unit. In no event will any trailer used in connection with a residential development remain on said premises for more than two years from the date of construction of the first residential unit.
A trailer or trailers may be allowed upon a premises as a sale and/or construction office when said trailer is part of the equipment of any person, persons, corporation or partnership that is in the business of constructing residential and nonresidential buildings, provided that the use of the trailer meets the requirements of the zoning provisions of the Development Review Ordinance and construction codes of the Township of Howell and that said trailer is not used for storing materials and that prior Director of Land Use approval has been obtained.
A trailer may be allowed upon a business site wherein there is an emergency defined as the loss or destruction of a building which would require the use of a trailer on the site for purposes of storage of goods, equipment, materials and/or sales. In an emergency wherein use of a trailer is requested, the Director of Land Use, upon application, shall determine whether approval is granted to use the trailer. This approval will be granted for a period of 90 days and is renewable at the discretion of the Director of Land Use for one additional ninety-day period.
Applications for the permitted use of a trailer may be obtained from the Department of Community Development and shall be submitted when completed by the party requesting use of a trailer to the Director of Land Use with a sketch showing the location of the trailer on the site, and detailing the distance of trailers from other buildings, fire hydrants, Fire Department connections and/or utilities and side and rear yard setbacks.
In the instance of construction trailers, the Director of Land Use shall approve the location of trailers. Separate applications shall be submitted for each trailer requested to be used by the applicant. The Fire Bureau will also review the application and will approve or reject the request for a trailer after its review of a complete application and location sketch. If the application is approved by the Fire Bureau and the Director of Land Use, the permit will be issued allowing for the use of the trailer. In addition, the applicant shall place on each approved trailer a placard supplied by the Bureau of Fire Prevention which shall designate the contents of the trailer. The application permit fee is set forth in § 139-50 of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Howell.
No trailer located within the Township shall contain toxic or hazardous materials.
All trailers shall be inspected by the Fire Official/Inspector of the Fire Bureau on an intermittent basis to ensure compliance.
Any trailer located within the Township of Howell without approval pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to the penalties as set forth below.
The Director of Land Use, Code Enforcement Officer. Bureau of Fire Prevention or law enforcement officer shall have jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
Any trailer placed in violation of this article or which is not removed at the end of the time for which it may lawfully remain in place, or immediately upon the direction of the Director of Land Use, Code Enforcement Officer, Bureau of Fire Prevention or a law enforcement officer for removal of such temporary structure for safety reasons, shall be punishable, upon conviction thereof, by a fine not to exceed $2,000 for each violation committed hereunder.
The owner of the subject property shall be afforded a fifteen-day period to cure or abate such violation. Every day that a violation continues after service of written notice by certified and/or regular mail on the owner of the subject property as shown in the latest tax duplicate shall be deemed a separate offense. The court may also order the removal of the violation by the Township, and the cost of such removal, together with the cost of administration of its removal, may be assessed against the property on which the temporary storage structure was located and may be filed as a lien against such property by the Township Clerk. Such lien shall be superior in dignity to all other liens or encumbrances upon the property, including the lien of a mortgage, and shall be equal in dignity to the lien of ad valorem taxes.