Each department head, subject to the direction and supervision of the Manager, shall:
Exercise and discharge such functions, powers and duties as may be allocated and assigned to the department by or pursuant to the Charter, this code or any ordinance.
Direct and supervise the work of his department.
Organize the activities of the department and allocate and assign functions to its employees.
Have such powers of appointment and removal of subordinates within the department as may be delegated to him by the Manager pursuant to the Charter and this code.
Have and exercise such other powers of a department head as may otherwise be provided by this code.
Creation; Clerk to head Department. There shall be a Department of Administration, the head of which shall be the Clerk.
[Amended 10-13-1992 by Ord. No. 2375]
Deputy Village Clerk generally. Within the Department of Administration there shall be a Deputy Village Clerk. The Deputy shall assist the Clerk as directed, and in the event of the absence or temporary disability of the Clerk, the Deputy shall have, exercise and discharge the functions, powers and duties of the Clerk until the Clerk shall return or the disability shall terminate, as the case may be.
Office of the Clerk. Within the Department there shall be the Office of the Clerk, the head of which shall be the Village Clerk. The Office shall:
[Amended 10-13-1992 by Ord. No. 2375]
Exercise and discharge the functions, powers and duties of the Municipal Clerk as prescribed by law or ordinance.
Install, maintain and preserve personnel procedures, records and services.
Install and supervise such management procedures, reports and controls as shall be approved or required by the Manager.
Purchasing Agent. Within the Department of Administration there shall be a Purchasing Agent. He shall administer the purchasing provisions of the Charter, this code and other ordinances.
Public information center; system for receiving and adjusting complaints. The Department shall provide a public information center to assist residents and visitors in need of Village services. The Department shall also install and maintain a system for receiving and prompt adjustment of citizen complaints as to Village services. Whenever a Councilman receives such a complaint, he shall refer it to the Manager for appropriate action.
Secretarial services. The Department of Administration shall provide secretarial services as required by the Council and Councilmen for official business.
Creation; Director. There shall be a Department of Finance, the head of which shall be the Chief Financial Officer, as defined in N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1 et seq., and who shall be appointed by the Village Manager. In addition to supervising the various divisions of the Department, the Chief Financial Officer shall:
[Amended 10-10-1989 by Ord. No. 2226]
Exercise effective control over the financial resources of the Village.
Coordinate and synthesize financial and management data so as to interpret the composite financial results of operations to the Manager and Council.
Advise on developing, coordinating and carrying out financial policies, procedures and plans.
Review, analyze, evaluate and report upon program accomplishments in financial terms, as may be required or requested by the Village Manager.
Advise and assist the Council, Manager and other management officials by supplying financial management advice required to make management decisions and to establish organizational goals and objectives.
Division of Budget and Accounts. Within the Department there shall be a Division of Budget and Accounts, the head of which shall be the Chief Accountant. Subject to the direction and supervision of the Director, the Division shall:
Prepare, install and maintain or supervise a uniform system of accounts and accounting procedures for all departments and other agencies of local government supported in whole or in part by Village appropriations.
Furnish estimates of revenues and expenditures as required for the preparation of the Village annual budgets for operating and capital purposes.
Maintain the general accounts, books and records of the Village and properly record therein all financial transactions of the Village and make such reports thereof as are required by law or as may be requested by the Manager or Council.
Install and maintain an encumbrance system of budget operation to assure that all expenditures and commitments will be confined within the limits of available appropriations.
Provide for a proper preaudit of each claim and demand upon the Village government prior to payment.
Maintain and follow such other practices and procedures as the Manager may require for the proper administration of Village affairs, including clear, concise and accurate reports of the financial condition of the Village government at least monthly.
Have custody of investments and invested funds of the Village or in possession of the Village in a fiduciary capacity, except as otherwise provided by law, and keep such funds safely invested under the supervision and approval of the Manager.
Have the safekeeping of all bonds and notes of the Village and the receipt and delivery of all Village bonds and notes for transfer, registration or exchange.
Operate and control a central mail facility for the receipt, delivery, dispatch and distribution of Village mail and the shipping and receiving of merchandise for the Village government.
[Added 3-25-1975 by Ord. No. 1563]
Division of the Treasury. Within the Department of Finance, there shall be a Division of the Treasury, the head of which shall be the Treasurer. Subject to the direction and supervision of the Director, the Division shall:
Have custody of the funds of the Village and pay and disburse therefrom upon proper vouchers and warrants, as otherwise provided by the Charter and this code.
Maintain and operate a central payroll covering all employees paid from Village appropriations, and including review and approval of each payroll by the Manager.
Have custody of bank records of deposits and withdrawals of Village funds and reconcile bank statements of Village accounts.
Division of Collections.
Within the Department of Finance there shall be a Division of Collections, the head of which shall be the Tax Collector. He shall be appointed for the term prescribed by law. Until such time as the appointment of a separate tax collector shall be authorized by the Council, the Director may be appointed to serve as Tax Collector. The Division, subject to the direction and supervision of the Director, shall:
Have, perform and exercise all of the functions, powers and duties provided by law relating to Village tax collectors.
Receive and collect all taxes levied and assessed by the Village and all money due from any source to the Village or to any department, board, office or agency thereof, except as may be otherwise ordered by the Manager.
Enforce the payment of delinquent taxes by such means as are provided by law as soon as the same become delinquent, and serve as Municipal Collector of Assessments and as Municipal Tax Search Officer.
Deposit to the credit of the Village in an authorized public depository, to the credit of the proper account, all receipts and collections of the Division.
Operate and maintain a central switchboard for telephone service to all Village offices other than the Police Department, and a central duplicating service for the various offices.
[Added 3-25-1975 by Ord. No. 1563]
Water rates and charges; statements of account. Subject to the direction and supervision of the Director, the Division of Collections shall receive and collect rates and charges for water supplied from the water distribution system of the Village, as prescribed by ordinance or contract. The Division shall render periodic statements of account to each consumer or owner of premises liable therefor, based upon meter readings provided by the Division of Water Utility or as otherwise authorized by ordinance, but the failure of the Division to render or deliver a statement shall not release or abate any such water rate or charge.
Fees and charges for use of Village recreational facilities. Subject to the direction and supervision of the Director, the Division of Collections shall receive and collect lawful fees and charges for the use of Village recreation facilities, including Graydon Pool, and may issue receipts, tickets, permits or badges upon payment therefor, in accordance with the requirements of this code and other ordinances.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 145, Fees.
Parking meter fees. Subject to the direction and supervision of the Director, the Division of Collections shall receive, collect and account for parking meter fees deposited in parking meters on public streets, parking lots and other public places.[2]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection E, Division of Assessments, added 11-12-1973 by Ord. No. 1504, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 9-13-2006 by Ord. No. 3016. For current provisions, see § 3-38, Department of Community Services.
Division of Assessments. Within the Department of Finance there shall be a Division of Assessments, the head of which shall be the Tax Assessor.
[Added 7-15-2015 by Ord. No. 3483]
The Tax Assessor shall be appointed for a term prescribed by law. He/she shall perform and discharge all functions, powers and duties prescribed for Tax Assessors in Title 54 of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated.
Under the administration and direction of the Chief Financial Officer, the Division shall provide assistance to other departments and the public in matters relating to assessments, and information on real property in the Village.
Creation; Director. There shall be a Department of Public Works, the head of which shall be the Director.
Division of Engineering. Within the Department of Public Works there shall be a Division of Engineering, the head of which shall be the Village Engineer. Prior to his appointment, the Village Engineer shall be a licensed professional engineer of the state. Subject to the direction and supervision of the Director, the Division shall:
Provide professional engineering advice and assistance to the Council, Manager and all departments, as required and within the limits of available appropriations.
Provide staff assistance to the Village Planning Board for the review of subdivision applications and plats, master planning studies and capital budget preparation and analysis.
Have custody of all maps, charts, profiles and other delineations of public improvements and facilities and related public utility improvements and facilities within the Village.
Maintain the Village Official Map, Tax Map and the Village Zoning Map in a current legal status at all times.
Prepare plans and specifications for public works authorized by the Council and make such field surveys as may be required therefor.
Make such inspections of the work of public contractors as may be necessary or desirable, supervise the performance of public works contracts and certify the amounts due and payable thereunder.
Provide such operating standards and maintain such engineering data and records as may be necessary or desirable for the proper and efficient administration of the public works facilities of the Village other than the water system.
Division of Street Services. Within the Department there shall be a Division of Street Services, the head of which shall be the Superintendent. Subject to the direction and supervision of the Director, the Division shall:
Maintain and repair the public streets, curbs and gutters of the Village in a safe condition for travel by pedestrians and vehicles.
Install and repair the drainage facilities, storm sewers and catch basins of the Village.
Sweep and clean the streets of the Village as required, and remove therefrom all accumulations of debris, dead animals, snow and ice.
Division of Parking and Traffic. Within the Department there shall be a Division of Parking and Traffic, the head of which shall be the Superintendent. Subject to the direction and supervision of the Director, the Division shall:
Operate and maintain public off-street parking facilities of the Village.
Install, repair and maintain parking meters of the Village.
Inspect, install, repair and maintain traffic signals, lines and markers as authorized.
Inspect, install, maintain and repair fire alarm boxes and equipment.
Have such powers and duties with respect to Village-owned radio equipment as shall be delegated by the Manager.
Maintain and repair all Village-owned buildings and structures in a good and workmanlike manner, whether by force account or under public contract.
[Added 7-15-2015 by Ord. No. 3483]
Provide office cleaning and maintenance services for all of the various municipal offices of the Village.
[Added 7-15-2015 by Ord. No. 3483]
Provide custodial and janitorial services as required for all Village buildings and structures, within the limits of available appropriations.
[Added 7-15-2015 by Ord. No. 3483]
Division of Central Garage. Within the Department there shall be a Division of Central Garage, the head of which shall be the Supervising Foreman. Subject to the direction and supervision of the Director, the Division shall:
Operate and maintain the central Village garage for vehicular storage and repairs.
Provide for the maintenance and repair of all Village-owned motor vehicles, trucks and equipment.
Provide for the maintenance and repair of all Board of Education motor vehicles, trucks and equipment.
Maintain accurate and complete records of services performed and parts supplied, and the cost thereof, by vehicle and by service, in such form as shall be approved by the Manager, and make periodic reports and summaries thereof to the Manager.
Division of Water Pollution Control. Within the Department there shall be a Division of Water Pollution Control, the head of which shall be the Superintendent. Subject to the direction and supervision of the Director, the Division shall:
Operate, maintain and repair the Village sewer treatment plant and pumping stations through the public streets and rights-of-way of the Village and through easements granted to the Village.
[Amended 9-8-1998 by Ord. No. 2640]
Operate, maintain and repair the Village sewage collection system, including interceptors, mains, pipes and valves within Village streets, rights-of-way and through Village property. Property owners shall be responsible to install, maintain and repair service connections from their buildings to the mains or other connecting pipes of the system itself. Installation, repair and maintenance by the property owner shall be subject to rules and regulations set forth in the Code of the Village of Ridgewood or in accord with the directives of the Division of water Pollution control as approved by the Village Manager.
[Amended 9-8-1998 by Ord. No. 2640]
Provide sewage service to other municipalities in accordance with intermunicipal agreements.
Administer and enforce the Village ordinances regulating the use of public and private sewers and the discharge of waters and waste into the public sewerage system.
Operate and maintain the drainage facilities, storm sewers and catch basins of the Village with the public streets, rights-of-way and easements of the Village.
[Amended 9-8-1998 by Ord. No. 2640]
Editor's Note: Former § 3-38, Department of Community Services, added 9-13-2006 by Ord. No. 3016, was repealed 7-15-2015 by Ord. No. 3483.
Creation; Director. There shall be a Department of Parks and Recreation, the head of which shall be the Director.
Division of Parks. Within the Department there shall be a Division of Parks, the head of which shall be the Superintendent. Subject to the direction and supervision of the Director, the Division may:
[Amended 10-9-1990 by Ord. No. 2280]
Care for, trim, plant and cultivate greens, shade trees and ornamental plantings in the parks and upon other public property owned or leased by the Village.
Maintain, improve and conserve the public grounds, parks and outdoor recreation areas of the Village.
Maintain and care for the public school grounds under such agreement as may be in effect with the Board of Education.
Maintain, operate and repair the physical facilities of Graydon Pool.
Division of Recreation. Within the Department there shall be a Division of Recreation, the head of which shall be the Superintendent. Subject to the supervision of the Director, the Division shall:
Plan, develop and administer public recreational areas and facilities of the Village.
Administer and operate the Graydon Swimming Pool Complex and other athletic, sports and leisure time programs and activities of recreational interest for children and adults.
Provide programs of special interest for senior citizens and for teenagers.
Utilize such buildings, facilities and services as may be made available by the Board of Education or by nonpublic owners for public recreational programs and activities.
Recommend to the Village Manager regulations for the use of parks, playgrounds, open spaces and other community facilities the Village may have or acquire for purposes of public recreation or conservation, including, without limitation thereto, the music shell, fieldhouses and athletic fields.
[Amended 5-27-1975 by Ord. No. 1572]
Intergovernmental cooperation. Within the limits of available appropriations, the Department may cooperate and participate with other municipal, school, county, state and federal agencies in the development, administration, financing and operation of recreation, parks and conservation programs for the benefit of the residents of the Village.
Charges and fees. The Department may charge and collect for the use of the Village reasonable registration, admission and service fees for each person entering or using facilities, exhibitions, concerts, games or contests sponsored or provided by the Department, as authorized by the Council by ordinance.[1]
[Amended 10-13-1992 by Ord. No. 2375]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 145, Fees.
Rules and regulations. The Department may, from time to time, recommend to the Village Manager reasonable rules, regulations and bylaws, not inconsistent with statute or ordinance, for the conduct of persons using property under the jurisdiction of the Department, either as spectator or participant, to protect the health and safety of such persons and minimize the risk of injury to persons or property.
[Added 2-14-2007 by Ord. No. 3041]
There shall be a Department of Planning, the head of which shall be the Director, known as the “Village Planner.” Prior to his/her appointment, the Village Planner shall be a licensed professional planner in the State of New Jersey.
The Department of Planning shall:
Review and process development applications under the jurisdiction of the Village Planning Board and, where appropriate, the Village Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Attend evening meetings of the Village Planning Board and/or Zoning Board of Adjustment as requested by the Village Manager or to appropriately process, review and assist the respective boards with specific development applications.
Conduct the examination of the Village Master Plan as required by the Municipal Land Use Law and/or as determined to be necessary to satisfy all statutory requirements of the Village.
Provide professional planning advice and assistance to the Council, the Manager and all related departments, as required and within the limits of available appropriations.
Provide review, support and expertise on such other issues and projects as may be deemed necessary by the Director and/or the Village Manager.
The Village Planner shall receive such compensation as provided under such form of retainer agreement as the Council may approve. Such agreement shall be kept on file in the Office of the Village Clerk.
There shall be a Secretary to the Planning Board appointed, who shall report directly to the Village Planner. The Secretary to the Planning Board shall:
[Added 7-15-2015 by Ord. No. 3483]
Assist applicants in processing their applications to the Planning Board and maintain all records, correspondence, files and proceedings related to the Planning Board.
Prepare and distribute meeting packets to the Planning Board members.
Prepare and submit legal advertisements, related to the Planning Board, to the legal newspapers of the Village of Ridgewood, as necessary.
Attend evening meetings of the Village Planning Board and prepare minutes of the meetings for approval by the Planning Board.
Maintain escrow funds for the Planning Board applicants.
Perform other duties, as may be assigned by the Planner or the Village Planning Board.
Editor's Note: Former § 3-40, Department of Building and Inspections, as amended 3-20-1975 by Ord. No. 1563 and 10-13-1992 by Ord. No. 2375, was repealed 9-13-2006 by Ord. No. 3016, For current provisions see § 3-38, Department of Community Services.
Creation; Director. There shall be a Department of Water Supply, the head of which shall be the Director.
Within the Department there shall be a Division of Water Distribution and a Division of Water Treatment, the head of which shall be the Superintendent or Chief Operator of each division, respectively. Subject to the direction and supervision of the Director, or any other officer of the utility as designated by the director, the two Divisions shall:
[Amended 1-15-2014 by Ord. No. 3402]
Operate, maintain and repair the Village-owned water supply and distribution system.
Provide water service to other municipalities in accordance with intermunicipal agreements.
Install, repair, replace and maintain water meters, and provide for the reading of meters periodically as the basis of billing and collection of water rates and charges by the Department of Finance.
Division of Solid Waste Control. Within the Department there shall be a Division of Solid Waste Control. Subject to the direction and supervision of the Director, the Division shall operate and maintain the solid waste collection and disposal system of the Village.
Division of Public Works. Within the Department there shall be a Division of Public Works, separate and apart from the Department of Public Works/Division of Engineering. Within the Division there will be a Superintendent. Subject to the direction of the Supervisor or Director, this Superintendent will assist in overseeing operations in the following areas: Streets, Fleet/Central Garage, Solid Waste, Recycling, and any other divisions as determined by management.
[Added 4-13-2016 by Ord. No. 3524]
Creation; Director. There shall be a Fire Department, the head of which shall be the Director.
Composition of fire-fighting force. The fire-fighting force shall consist of the Chief of the Fire Department and so many full-time paid officers and fire fighters and part-time volunteers as may be authorized from time to time by or pursuant to ordinance. The force shall be organized according to such table of organization as shall be prescribed by the Director, subject to the approval of the Manager.
[Amended 12-28-1976 by Ord. No. 1615]
Three-platoon system. The Director shall allocate and assign the full-time officers and fire fighters so that their tours of active duty shall be scheduled according to a three-platoon system, subject to the approval of the Village Manager.
[Amended 12-28-1976 by Ord. No. 1615]
Schedule of active duty hours.
[Amended 12-28-1976 by Ord. No. 1615]
There will be three platoons of equal strength, with all platoon personnel working an average of 56 hours per week in a twenty-one-day cycle throughout the year. The system is one twenty-four-hour tour on duty followed by one twenty-four-hour tour off duty followed by one twenty-four-hour tour on duty followed by one twenty-four-hour tour off duty followed by one twenty-four-hour tour on duty followed by four twenty-four-hour tours off duty. This schedule then repeats itself. The twenty-four-hour tours are from 8:00 a.m. one day to 8:00 a.m. the following day.
Annual leave is granted on approval by the Director. One person from each platoon is permitted on leave at one time. During a designated summer annual leave period, which is established by the Director, two fire fighters or one fire fighter and one officer from each platoon may be on leave. Only one Captain may be on annual leave at one time.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever the occasion may require, whether due to illness, men attending training or schools with the approval of the Village Manager or the Chief of the Fire Department or in any emergency or cause sufficient in the judgment of the Director, the Director, with the approval of the Village Manager, may by order suspend or modify for as long a period as he may deem necessary the work-hour schedules or the assignment of officers, fire fighters or platoons as set forth in this section.
Functions generally. The Fire Department, under the direction and supervision of the Director, shall:
[Amended 12-28-1976 by Ord. No. 1615]
Provide, maintain and operate an efficient organization of personnel, apparatus, equipment and procedures to detect, control and extinguish fires and such other emergency and rescue work as may be necessary or advisable for the protection of life and property.
Protect and preserve property against the hazards of uncontrolled combustion, and rescue those endangered thereby.
Operate a training program to improve and increase the fire-fighting information and efficiency of the force.
Bureau of Fire Prevention. Within the Department there shall be a Bureau of Fire Prevention, which shall be organized and shall have such functions, powers and duties as hereinafter established in Chapter 151, Fire Zones, of this Code, as amended and supplemented from time to time.
[Amended 12-28-1976 by Ord. No. 1615]
Discipline and efficiency. Subject to the approval of the Manager, the Director shall promulgate and from time to time revise and enforce a manual of fire department discipline, practices and procedures for the better administration of the work of the Department and for the discipline and efficiency of the personnel of the Department.
[Amended 12-28-1976 by Ord. No. 1615]
Disciplinary hearings. Whenever the Chief is Director of the Department, the Manager shall have power to hear and determine any charge or charges filed against a member of the Fire Department pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-1 et seq.
[Amended 4-18-1991 by Ord. No. 2318; 9-10-2008 by Ord. No. 3142; 5-13-2009 by Ord. No. 3188; 3-10-2010 by Ord. No. 3243; 2-9-2011 by Ord. No. 3277; 3-5-2014 by Ord. No. 3408; 2-14-2024 by Ord. No. 3988]
Creation; Chief of Police. There shall be a Police Department in the Village of Ridgewood as an executive and enforcement function of the Village. The head of the Department shall be the Chief of Police.
Police force composition and organization. The police force shall exist in a manner consistent with the Council-Manager form of government as provided in the Faulkner Act (N.J.S.A. 40:69A-81 et seq.). Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118, the Village Manager is hereby designated as the "appropriate authority." The appropriate authority is hereby authorized and directed to adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the government of the police force and for the discipline of its members.
Police Chief functions. The Chief of Police shall be the head of the police force and directly responsible to the appropriate authority for the efficiency and routine day-to-day operations thereof. The Chief shall, subject to the policies established by the appropriate authority:
Administer and enforce rules and regulations and special emergency directives for the disposition and discipline of the force and its officers and personnel.
Have, exercise and discharge the functions, powers and duties of the force.
Prescribe the duties and assignments of all subordinates and other personnel.
Delegate such of his authority as he may deem necessary for the efficient operation of the force to be exercised under his direction and supervision.
Report at least monthly to the appropriate authority in such form as shall be prescribed by such authority on the operation of the force during the preceding month, and make such other reports as may be requested by such authority.
Personnel. The Ridgewood Police Department shall consist of the following positions: In addition to the Police Chief, there shall be not more than two Captains, not more than four Lieutenants, not more than five Sergeants and as many officers/detectives as may be authorized from time to time by or pursuant to ordinance, with strong consideration given to at least one officer/detective to be assigned as a "School Resource Officer" whose duties would be established by the Police Chief in consultation with the Village Manager and Superintendent of the Ridgewood Public Schools. In the event that there exists a vacancy in the position of Lieutenant which cannot be promptly filled and where such vacancy significantly impacts the operations of the Police Department and/or the cost of maintaining adequate staffing, the number of Sergeants may be temporarily increased to not more than six Sergeants until such time as the vacancy in the Lieutenant's position is filled, in order to minimize the impact upon the operations and financial cost to the Police Department. Upon the filling of such vacancy in the position of Lieutenant, there shall not be more than five Sergeants. The Police Chief and the Village Manager shall confer in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118(e) and no less frequently than annually, the Village Manager shall report to the Village Council regarding those discussions and any recommendations for additional or subtractive Police Department staff or rank needs.
Disciplinary hearings. The Village Manager, as the appropriate authority, shall have the power to hear and determine any charge or charges filed against a member of the police force.
[Added 7-15-2015 by Ord. No. 3483]
Director. There shall be a Department of Human Resources, the head of which shall be the Director.
Employee benefits administration. Within the Department of Human Resources, there shall be employee benefits administration, which shall be the responsibility of the Accounting Assistant. The Accounting Assistant shall report to the Director of Human Resources for this function.
Payroll administration. Within the Department of Human Resources, there shall be responsibility for payroll administration to the extent that all FLSA regulations, policies, and contractual obligations are consistently followed and carried out in accordance with applicable law.
[Added 7-15-2015 by Ord. No. 3483]
Director. There shall be a Department of Building and Inspections, the head of which shall be the Director who shall also have the certification of Construction Official.
The Construction Official shall be appointed for a term prescribed by law.
Under the administration and supervision of the Director, the Department of Building and Inspections shall:
Administer and enforce the State Uniform Construction Code in the Village.
Enforce the Land Use and Development ordinances of the Village (See Chapter 190, Land Use and Development.);
Enforce the Property Maintenance ordinances of the Village (See Chapter 223, Property Maintenance.);
Make building and other inspections, as required, to administer and enforce the provisions of any municipal housing code or heating code, for which there shall be such additional officers and employees as otherwise provided by ordinance (See Ch. 175, Housing Standards.);
Make plumbing inspections for the Division of Health;
Conduct and administer such other inspections and enforcement proceedings as are authorized by the ordinance and laws under its administration;
Maintain all records, correspondence, files and proceedings of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. If the Director or Zoning Officer serves as Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, he/she shall serve without additional compensation.
Cooperative inspections. Where certain departments and divisions are authorized and directed to provide for cooperative inspection and enforcement of the various regulatory inspection requirements of Village ordinances relating to buildings and structures and their use, so far as practicable, the Department of Building and Inspections shall coordinate all such cooperative inspections to the fullest extent that such coordination is permitted by law.
[Added 7-15-2015 by Ord. No. 3483]
Supervisor. There shall be a Division of Health, the head of which shall be the Supervisor.
Under the administration and supervision of the Supervisor, the Division shall:
Have all of the functions, powers and duties of a local Board of Health under Title 26 of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated, except that as required by the Charter, the Village Council shall have and exercise all local legislative powers under the Title.
Plan and administer a comprehensive public health program or agreement approved by the Village Council, including, without limitation thereto, environmental sanitation, communicable disease control, child and adult health clinics and health education, prevention and control of drug and narcotics abuse, pest and rodent control, lead poisoning investigations, blood-borne pathogen training, and other services as may be authorized by the Charter or ordinance.
Administer and provide comprehensive duties of a registered environmental health specialist, including, but not limited to, inspection of and adherence to all sanitary requirements for retail establishments which serve or sell food or drink products or ice; day-care centers, nursery school and public and private school facilities; public pools; camps; and one-day and special event permits.
Administer and enforce the Local Health Ordinance of the Village.
Administer and enforce the Animal Control Ordinances of the Village.
The Village Manager shall appoint a Registrar of Vital Statistics and may appoint a Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics, pursuant to the Charter and particularly N.J.S.A. 26:8-1 et. seq., which offices shall operate under the supervision and administration of the Supervisor of the Health Division.
[Added 12-14-2022 by Ord. No. 3931; amended 3-8-2023 by Ord. No. 3942]
Village of Ridgewood municipal officials and employees have a responsibility to maintain and safeguard public records that contain or consist of confidential information, without having to physically intervene to protect a record.
The responsibility for the maintenance and safeguarding of records, reports, documents, digital data, and information in municipal offices may make the said records, reports, documents, digital data, and information not readily and immediately available since they may contain personal information, telephone numbers, social security numbers, dates of birth and other confidential information.
To maintain the security of these records and the integrity of the information, the Village of Ridgewood complies with the New Jersey Open Public Records Act, N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1. A requestor is entitled to the records requested, once they have been redacted, as required by law.
The designated secure areas shall be identified by signage stating they are secure and not open to the public for the purposes of obtaining records, such as all materials that are subject to the New Jersey Open Public Records Act, N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1, which may include, but are not limited to, personally identifiable information that is protected by the statutes of the State of New Jersey and the federal laws of the United States. As part of the effort to secure these records, consisting of documents, digital data and other written, copied or printed materials, that are not subject to the Open Public Records Act, and to maintain the integrity of the information, outsiders/non-Village employees/trespassers shall be prohibited from walking into or entering into designated secure areas of Village of Ridgewood-owned and/or Village-operated offices, properties, and facilities.
The Village of Ridgewood shall have signage posted outside of Village offices and Village -owned and/or Village-operated properties and facilities which shall state: "Restricted Area – Authorized Employees Only."
Any and all persons that trespass into or onto posted, secure, protected Village-owned and/or Village-operated offices, properties and facilities shall be subject to prosecution under N.J.S.A. 2C:18-3.