As used in this article, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
Any and all property, structures or other areas owned or
leased by the Allendale Board of Education or Northern Highlands Regional
Board of Education or operated by employees and agents of and/or persons
authorized by the Allendale Board of Education and used for official
business of the Allendale Board of Education.
All areas between a floor and a ceiling, extending to the
outer perimeter walls of a structure.
All structures, improvements, property and enclosed areas
owned, leased rented and/or operated by the Borough of Allendale and/or
occupied by employees and agents of and/or persons authorized by the
Borough of Allendale used for official business of the Borough of
Allendale. This definition shall not include any area adjacent to
the Borough Municipal Buildings that may from time to time be designated
as a Borough of Allendale staff smoking area.
All public parks, including the Fyke Nature Center (Celery
Farm), playgrounds, sport fields publicly owned or leased by the Borough
of Allendale and all such property within the boundaries of the Borough
of Allendale upon which the public is invited or upon which the public
is permitted and where individuals gather for recreational activities.
This definition excludes public parking lots, sidewalks and public
streets within the Borough of Allendale.
Any product made from the tobacco plant for the purposes
of smoking, chewing, inhaling and other personal use, including but
not limited to cigars, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, snuff, e-cigarettes
and cigarettes in any form.
Any person(s) observed to be in violation of this article shall
be issued a summons and may be subject to, at the discretion of the
court, the following penalties:
A. A warning by the court or a fine of not less than $100 for conviction
of a first offense;
B. A fine of not less than $250 for conviction of a second offense;
C. A fine of not less than $500 for conviction of a third and/or any
subsequent offense.
D. For any conviction, the court shall assess court administration fees
and costs and may sentence the offender to community service, for
a period of time and type of service to be determined by the court.