[Adopted 6-15-2015 by Order No. 2015-104]
Upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works and with the approval of his Honor, the Mayor, the value of drain and stormwater management charges shall be set at the following:
Drain permit fees: $300 per change or connection.
Stormwater management permit fees:
Single-family residential lot: $300 (nonrefundable).
Subdivision: $300 or $0.0090 per square foot of the total parcel (whichever is larger), up to $1,500 (nonrefundable).
Commercial/industrial/institutional/exempt property: $300 or $0.0090 per square foot of the total parcel (whichever is larger), up to $1,500 (nonrefundable).
Multifamily project: $300 or $0.0090 per square foot of the total parcel (whichever is larger), up to $1,500 (nonrefundable).
Other projects subject to Article II of this chapter: $300 or $0.0090 per square foot of the total parcel (whichever is larger), up to $1,500 (nonrefundable).
Permit extensions/modifications: $50 (nonrefundable).
Engineering and/or consultant fees associated with stormwater management permits:
Initial fee: $5,000 (held in escrow).
Subsequent fees as required: actual cost (held in escrow).
Maintenance and inspection fees associated with:
Cost of inspection and maintenance based on operations and maintenance (O&M) plan: estimated cost for three years of inspections and maintenance as determined by the City Engineer (nonrefundable).
Private infrastructure analysis: cost of analysis of drain infrastructure and/or BMPs.
Private infrastructure repair: cost of repair, including labor, repair and materials.