The purpose of this article is to ensure the provision of off-street parking facilities that are sufficient in number, adequately sized and properly designed to meet the range of parking needs and demands that are associated with land uses now in place in the Township or with land uses allowed by this chapter.
Where required. In all zoning districts, off-street parking facilities for the storage and parking of self-propelled motor vehicles for the use of occupants, employees, and patrons of the buildings hereafter erected, altered, or extended after the effective date of this chapter, shall be provided as herein prescribed. Such space shall be maintained and shall not be encroached upon so long as said main building or structure remains, unless an equivalent number of such spaces are provided elsewhere in conformance with this chapter.
Existing off-street parking at effective date of chapter. Off-street parking existing at the effective date of this chapter which serves an existing building or use shall not be reduced in size to less than that required under the terms of this chapter.
Required greenbelt and setbacks.
Off-street parking, including maneuvering lanes, shall not be located within the required front greenbelt in accordance with § 530-117F, Greenbelts, unless the following circumstances apply:
An existing lot is less than the minimum lot width requirements of the chapter and thus results in a restricted building site. Under these circumstances, the Planning Commission may consider a reduced front yard greenbelt/setback, which in no case shall be less than 50% of the required front yard setback.
When no more than 20% of the required parking is provided between the building and the front property line, the Planning Commission may consider a reduced front yard greenbelt/setback which in no case shall be less than 10 feet.
Off-street parking may be permitted within the required side or rear yard setbacks of lots abutting non-residentially zoned or used parcels, provided a minimum ten-foot setback is maintained between off-street parking and the side and rear lot lines of all adjoining properties.
Screening. Off-street parking and loading which abuts residentially zoned or used property shall be screened in accordance with § 530-117, Landscaping and screening.
Parking duration. Except when land is used as storage space in connection with the business of a repair or service garage, a twenty-four-hour time limit for parking in nonresidential off-street parking areas shall prevail, it being the purpose and intention of the foregoing that the requirement of maintaining vehicle storage or parking space is to provide for the public safety in keeping parked cars off the streets, but such requirement is not designed to or intended to provide, and it shall be unlawful to permit the storage or prolonged parking on any such parking area in any such district wrecked or junked cars, or for creating a junkyard or a nuisance in such areas.
Units and methods of measurement. For the purpose of determining off-street parking requirements, the following units of measurement shall apply:
Floor area. Where floor area is the unit for determining the required number of off-street parking spaces, said unit shall mean the gross floor area, except that floor area's within the principal building used for parking, incidental service and storage, housing of mechanical equipment, heating systems and similar uses need not be included.
Employees. For requirements stated in terms of employees, the calculation shall be based upon the maximum number of employees likely to be on the premises during the largest shift.
Places of assembly. In stadiums, sports arenas, churches and other places of assembly in which those in attendance occupy benches, pews, or other similar seating facilities, each 24 inches of such shall be counted as one seat. In cases where a place of assembly has both fixed seats and open assembly area, requirements shall be computed separately for each type and added together.
Fractional requirements. When units or measurements determining number of required parking spaces result in requirement of a fractional space, any fraction shall require one parking space.
Location of parking.
One- and two-family dwellings. The off-street parking facilities required for one- and two-family dwellings shall consist of a parking strip, driveway, garage or combination thereof and shall be located on the same lot or plot of ground as the building they are intended to serve, but shall not be considered a parking lot under the provisions of this article.
Multiple-family residential. The off-street parking facilities for multiple-family dwellings shall be located on the same lot or plot of ground as the dwellings they are intended to serve, and shall consist of a parking lot as set forth in this article. In no event shall any parking space be located nearer than 10 feet to any main building.
Other land uses. The off-street parking facilities required for all other uses shall be located on the lot or within 300 feet of the permitted uses requiring such off-street parking, such distance to be measured along lines of public access to the property between the nearest point of the parking facility to the building to be served.
Restriction on parking on private property. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to park any motor vehicle on any private property without the authorization of the owner or agent of such property.
Amount of required off-street parking spaces. The amount of required off-street parking spaces for new uses or buildings, additions thereto, and additions to existing buildings shall be determined in accordance with the schedule set forth in § 530-145. Parking requirements listed in § 530-145 shall not include off-street stacking spaces for drive-through facilities set forth in § 530-148.
Similar uses and requirements. When a use is not specifically mentioned, the requirements of off-street parking for a similar use shall apply.
Collective provisions. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent collective provisions of off-street parking facilities for two or more buildings or uses, provided such facilities collectively shall not be less than the sum of the requirements for the various individual uses computed separately in accordance with § 530-145 of this article.
Parking exemption. As of the effective date of this chapter, buildings and uses located within the CBD Central Business District shall be exempt from providing off-street parking, except in the case of residential dwellings, hotels and motels, religious institutions, private and public schools and universities, hospitals, congregate care facilities, senior housing, convalescent or nursing homes. Parking spaces for such uses shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of § 530-145 of this chapter.
Flexibility in application.
The Planning Commission recognizes that, due to the specific requirements of any given development, inflexible application of the parking standards set forth in § 530-145 may result in development with inadequate parking or parking far in excess of that which is needed. The former situation may lead to traffic congestion or unauthorized parking on adjacent streets or neighboring sites. The latter situation may result in excessive paving and stormwater runoff and a waste of space, which could be left as open space.
The Planning Commission may permit deviations from the requirements of § 530-145 and may require more or allow less parking whenever it finds that such deviations are more likely to provide a sufficient number of parking spaces to accommodate the specific characteristics of the use in question.
The Planning Commission may attach conditions to the approval of a deviation from the requirement of § 530-145 that bind such approval to the specific use in question. Where a deviation results in a reduction of parking, the Planning Commission may further impose conditions, which ensure that adequate reserve area is set aside for future parking, is needed.
The amount of required off-street parking space for new uses or buildings, additions thereto, and additions to existing buildings shall be determined in accordance with the following table:
Per Each Unit of Measure as Follows
Residential Uses
Single- and two-family dwellings
Per each dwelling unit
Multiple-family dwellings
2 1/2
Per each dwelling unit
Senior citizen housing and senior assisted living
Per each dwelling unit, plus
Per each 10 dwelling units
Per each employee
Should units revert to general occupancy, then 2 1/2 spaces per unit shall be provided. If ancillary commercial uses are provided, parking shall meet the standards below.
The above minimum parking requirements for 1, 2, and 3 or more bedroom units includes 1/2 space per unit for visitor parking. This shall be exclusive of any community center, swimming pool, recreation facility, or community building parking. Parking facilities for recreation areas, community centers, swimming pools, or community buildings shall be provided separately on the basis of 1 parking space for each 5 dwelling units in the development, and shall be located within 200 feet of the facility. Each parking space in any garage may be counted for required parking on the basis of 1 space for each area of at least 10 by 20 feet.
Mobile home parks
Per each mobile home, plus
Per each employee of the mobile park, plus
For every 5 mobile home sites
Institutional Uses
Churches and temples
Per each 3 seats based or 6 feet of pews in the main unit of worship. In the absence of seats, pews or chairs, the Fire Chief shall set the capacity of the building. Parking is to be determined by 1 space for every 3 people up to the maximum set by the Fire Chief.
Private clubs and lodges
Per each 3 individual members allowed within the maximum occupancy load as established by fire and/or building codes
Convalescent homes, nursing homes, homes for the aged and children's homes
Per each 5 beds, plus
Per each staff doctor, plus
Per each employee
High schools, trade schools, colleges and universities
Per each teacher, plus
Per each 10 students, plus
Per each employee
Elementary and middle (junior) schools
Per each teacher, plus
Per each 25 students, plus
Per each employee
Child-care centers and nursery schools
Per each 5 students, plus
Per each employee (minimum 3 employees), plus stacking space for at least 5 cars, size of space 10 feet by 20 feet
Day-care homes
Per each employee and/or caregiver
Libraries and museums
Per each 500 square feet of floor area.
Theaters and auditoriums
Per each 3 seats, plus
Per each 2 employees
Recreational Uses
Private tennis, swim and golf clubs, or other similar uses
Per each 2 memberships, plus amount required for accessory uses, including but not limited to a restaurant or cocktail lounge
Per employee, plus
Additional space for each 3 persons allowed within the maximum occupancy load shall be provided for clubhouses
Stadiums, sports arenas, and auditoriums
Per each 3 seats or 6 feet of benches.
Baseball, softball facilities or other similar uses (without seats or benches)
Spaces, at least
Miniature "Par 3" golf courses
Per each 1 hole, plus
Per employee
Bowling alleys
Per bowling lane, plus amount required for accessory uses, including but not limited to restaurants or cocktail lounges
Golf courses open to the general public, except miniature or "Par 3" courses
Per each 1 golf hole, plus
Per each employee
General Commercial Uses
Retail stores, except as otherwise specified herein
Per each 100 square feet of floor area
Supermarkets, drugstores or other self-serve retail establishments
Per 150 square feet of floor area
Convenience stores and video stores
Per 100 square feet of floor area
Planned commercial and shopping centers (without a theatre)
Per 100 square feet of usable floor area for first 15,000 square feet, plus
Per 150 square feet of floor area in excess of 15,000 square feet
Planned commercial and shopping centers (with a theater)
Per 100 square feet of usable floor area for first 15,000 square feet, plus
Per 150 square feet of floor area in excess of 15,000 square feet, plus
Per 3 seats within the theater
Furniture, appliances, hardware, household equipment sales, plumbers showroom, decorator, electrician or other similar uses
Per each 400 square feet of floor area, plus
Per each employee
Self serve laundry and dry cleaning
Per each 2 washing machines or dry-cleaning machines
Motels and hotels
Per each guest bedroom, plus
Per employee, plus spaces required for accessory uses, including but not limited to restaurants or cocktail lounges
Funeral homes/mortuary establishments
Per each parlor or
Per each 50 square feet of parlor space, whichever is greater, plus
Per each fleet vehicle
Fast-food restaurants
Per each 125 square feet of floor area, plus
Per each employee
Sit-down restaurants
(no outdoor seating)
Per each 3 seats, based on maximum seating capacity, plus
Per each employee. In no instance shall less than 10 spaces be provided.
Sit-down restaurants
(indoor and outdoor seating)
Per each 3 indoor seats, based on maximum seating capacity, plus
Per each employee, plus
Per each 3 outdoor seats or
Per each 25 square feet designated for outdoor seating
Restaurants (no seating)
Per each 100 square feet of total building area, plus
Per employee. In no instance shall less than 10 spaces be provided.
Outdoor cafes
Per each 3 outdoor seats, or
Per 25 square feet designated for outdoor seating, plus
Per 3 of shelf space for stand up eating, plus
Per employee
Bars, cocktail lounges and taverns
Per each 3 persons allowed within the (other than fast food restaurants) maximum occupancy load as established by fire and/or building codes, plus
Per each employee
Garden stores and building material sales
Per each 800 square feet of lot area used for said business provided for herein
Movie theater (commercial)
Per each 4 seats based on the maximum seating capacity, plus
Per each employee
Wholesale stores, machinery sales, or other similar uses
Per each 1,000 square feet of floor area, plus
Per each employee
Dance halls, assembly halls, and exhibition halls (without fixed seats)
Per each 3 persons allowed within the maximum occupancy load as established by local, county or state fire, building or health codes
Automotive Uses
Auto sales/service establishments
Per each 200 square feet of showroom floor area, plus
Per each employee, plus
Per each service stall
Automotive repair facilities
Per each service stall, plus
Per each employee, plus
Per each service vehicle
Auto service stations without convenience stores
Per each pump unit, plus
Per each service stall, plus
Per each employee
Auto service stations with convenience stores
Per each pump unit, plus
Per each service stall, plus
Per each employee, plus
Per each 100 square feet of floor area devoted to retail sales and customer service
Auto washes (self-serve)
Per each wash stall, plus
Per each vacuum station, plus
Per each employee
Auto washes (automatic)
Per 200 square feet of floor area of customer waiting and service areas, plus
Per each vacuum station, plus
Per each employee
Collision and bump shops or other similar uses
Per each stall or service area, plus
Per each employee
Office and Service Uses
General and specialty hospitals
Per each 4 beds, plus
Per staff doctor, plus
Per each employee at peak shift
Medical and dental offices and other similar uses
Per each 100 square feet of floor area in waiting rooms, plus
Per each examining room, dental chair or similar
Business and professional offices
Per each 200 square feet of floor area
Financial institutions
Per each 100 square feet of floor area
Barber and beauty shops
Per chair
Industrial Uses
Industrial, manufacturing and establishments
Per each employee, or
Per each 800 square feet of floor area (whichever is greater)
Warehouses and storage buildings
Per each employee, or
Per each 2,000 square feet of floor area (whichever is greater)
Mini-self storage establishments
Per every 150 storage units or fraction thereof shall be located adjacent to the office; a minimum of 3 spaces shall be provided
Contractors office/establishments
Per each employee, plus
Per each vehicle stored on the premises
Utility substations
Per each employee
Auto wrecking and junkyards
Per each employee, plus
Per operating vehicle on the premises, plus
Per each acre of land
The construction of any parking lot shall be in accordance with the requirements of the provisions of this chapter and such construction shall be completed and approved by the Zoning Administrator before use of the property as a parking lot and before a certificate of occupancy is issued. Unless incorporated in a site plan prepared and approved in accordance with § 530-12, Site plan review, plans for the development of any parking lot must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator, prepared at a scale of not less than 50 feet equals one inch and indicating existing and proposed grades, drainage, pipe sizes, parking of all dimensions, type of curbing, drive and aisle dimensions, lighting, adjacent main buildings, sidewalks, landscaping, surfacing and base materials to be used and the layout of the proposed parking lot. Two sets of plans must be submitted.
All such parking lots, driveways, or loading areas required for uses other than single- or two-family residential shall be hard-surfaced with asphalt or concrete pavement in accordance with specifications approved by the Township Engineer. The parking area shall be surfaced within one year of the date the permit is issued.
Parking areas shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of surface water which might accumulate within or upon such area, and shall be completely constructed prior to a certificate of occupancy being issued. All parking areas drainage for parking lots shall conform to the standards set forth in § 530-121, Stormwater management.
Illumination. All illumination for all such parking lots shall meet the standards set forth in § 530-116, Glare and exterior lighting.
Ingress/egress. Adequate ingress and egress to the parking lot, by means of limited and clearly defined drives, shall be provided for all vehicles.
Wheel stops. Where necessary to prevent encroaching upon pedestrian walkway or damaging required landscaping/screening, wheel stops shall be provided. No portion of a parking space and/or maneuvering aisle shall obstruct or encroach upon a public sidewalk.
Construction standards. Wherever the off-street parking is required, such off-street parking lots shall be laid out, constructed and maintained in accordance with the following standards and regulations:
No parking lot shall be constructed unless and until a permit is issued by the Building Inspector. Applications for a permit shall be submitted in such form as may be determined by the Building Department and shall be accompanied with two sets of plans for the development and construction of the parking lot showing that the provisions of this section will be fully complied with.
Plans for the layout of off-street parking facilities shall be in accord with the following minimum requirements:
Maneuvering Lane Width
Parking Pattern
Parking Space Width
Parking Space Length*
0º to parallel
30º to 53º
54º to 74º
75º to 90º
The parking space length may be decreased when abutting a sidewalk which provides an additional two feet for vehicle overhang.
All spaces shall be provided adequate access by means of maneuvering lanes. Backing directly onto a street shall be prohibited.
Adequate ingress and egress to the parking lot by means of clearly limited and defined drives shall be provided for all vehicles. Ingress and egress to a parking lot lying in an area zoned for other than single-family residential uses shall not be across land zoned for single-family residential use.
Each entrance and exit to and from any off-street parking lot located in an area zoned for other than single-family residential use shall be at least 25 feet distant from any adjacent property located in any single-family residential district.
The off-street parking area shall be provided with a continuous and obscuring wall, fence, or berm in accordance with § 530-117E(2). When a front yard setback is required, all land between said wall and the front property line or street right-of-way line shall be kept free from refuse and debris and shall be landscaped with deciduous shrubs, evergreen material and ornamental trees. The ground area shall be planted and kept in lawn. All such landscaping and planting shall be maintained in a healthy, growing condition, neat and orderly in appearance.
In all cases where a wall extends to an alley which is a means of ingress and egress to an off-street parking area, it shall be permissible to end the wall not more than 10 feet from such alley line in order to permit a wider means of access to the parking area.
The Planning Commission, upon application by the property owner of the off-street parking area, may modify the yard or wall requirements where, in unusual circumstances, no good purpose would be served by compliance with the requirements of this section, and only where other methods of screening are more conducive or applicable.
On the same premises with every building or part thereof, erected and occupied for any uses involving the receipt or distribution of trucks and/or delivery vehicles, material or merchandise, adequate space for loading and unloading shall be provided in accordance with the following:
Such loading and unloading space, unless completely and adequately provided for within a building, shall be an area 10 feet by 50 feet, with fourteen-foot height clearance, and shall be provided according to the following schedule:
Gross Floor Area of Building
(square feet)
Required Loading and Unloading Spaces
0 to 2,000
2,000 to 20,000
1 space
20,000 to 100,000
1 space plus 1 space for each 20,000 square feet in excess of 20,000 square feet
100,000 to 500,000
5 spaces plus 1 space for each 40,000 square feet in excess of 100,000 square feet
15 spaces plus 1 space for each 80,000 square feet in excess of 500,000 square feet
Double count. Off-street loading space areas shall not be construed as, or counted toward, the supplying of area required as off-street parking space area.
All businesses which provide drive-through facilities for serving customers within their automobile shall provide adequate off-street stacking space and lanes which meets the following requirements:
Each stacking space shall be computed on the basis of 10 feet in width and 20 feet in length. Each stacking lane shall be a minimum of 12 feet in width.
Clear identification and delineation between the drive-through facility and parking lot shall be provided. Drive-through facilities shall be designed in a manner which promotes pedestrian and vehicular safety.
For all drive-through facilities which have a single stacking lane, an escape lane shall be provided which allows other vehicles to pass those waiting to be serviced.
The number of stacking spaces per service lane shall be provided for the following uses. When a use is not specifically mentioned, the requirements for off-street stacking space for the similar use shall apply.
Stacking Spaces Per Service Lane*
Photo service
Dry cleaning
Fast-food restaurants
Car washes (self-service)
Car washes (automatic)
Additional stacking spaces and other uses deemed in need of stacking spaces may be required at the discretion of the Planning Commission.
In all Residential Districts, a recreational vehicle may be parked or stored, subject to the following conditions:
Storage or parking shall not be permitted on vacant lots or parcels, except as approved by the Zoning Administrator.
Unless within a completely enclosed building, a recreational vehicle shall be parked or stored in one of the following manners:
Within the side or rear yard, but no closer than 10 feet from any side or rear lot line; or
In those instances where the side or rear yard is not accessible or has insufficient clearance for the passage of a recreational vehicle, the Zoning Administrator may allow the parking or storage of a recreational vehicle in the front yard. In those instances where a recreational vehicle is to be parked or stored in a front yard, only the driveway portion of such yard shall be utilized, and in no instance shall such recreational vehicle be parked or stored in a manner which obstructs pedestrian or vehicular visibility.
No recreational vehicle shall be used for living, sleeping, or housekeeping purposes on the premises, except for occasional living purposes to accommodate visitors not to exceed a maximum period of two weeks.
No recreational vehicle shall be stored on a public street or right-of-way or private road easement.
A recreational vehicle stored outside shall be in a condition for the safe and effective performance of its intended function.
Where parking is provided, the following number of barrier-free/accessible parking spaces will be provided:
Total Parking Spaces Provided
Required Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces
1 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 1,000
2% of total
More than 1,000
20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000
Van spaces: For every fraction of eight accessible parking spaces, at least one shall be a van-accessible parking space.
Barrier-free/accessible parking spaces: width/length. Accessible parking spaces are required to be a minimum width of 96 inches with an adjacent access aisle of a minimum of 60 inches in width. Total length to be 20 feet at passenger loading zones, and be parallel to the vehicle pull-up space. Van-accessible parking spaces require a minimum clear height of 98 inches, as well as an access aisle with a minimum width of 96 inches for clearance of operation of van-mounted wheelchair lifting devices and vans with raised roofs.
For other requirements on barrier-free design, refer to the most recent Michigan Building Code.