Editor's Note: R.O. 1996 Article V, Federal Old-Age And Survivor's Insurance (§§ 115.150-115.190), was removed by the City during the 2019 recodification project.
[R.O. 1996 § 115.300; Ord. No. 4538 § 1, 4-6-2015]
The use of the term "City Administrator" in this Article shall be deemed to also include and confer authority upon the Deputy City Administrator in the absence of the City Administrator, and upon the Assistant City Administrator in the absence of the City Administrator and Deputy City Administrator, to execute such contracts on behalf of the City.
[R.O. 1996 § 115.301; Ord. No. 4538 § 1, 4-6-2015; Ord. No. 4668, 6-19-2017; Ord. No. 5050, 10-4-2021]
The City Administrator is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City contracts for services, goods or equipment not to exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) annually, provided that funds have been appropriated within the budget by the City Council and all other provisions of the City's Code, ordinances, resolutions and polices, including any conflict of interest restrictions, have been complied with. Contracts authorized for City Administrator execution include the following:
To make application for and to accept on behalf of the City any property or funds subject to the civil forfeiture provisions of applicable Federal law;
Change orders, amendments, or addenda for any contract when:
The original contract was approved by the City Administrator and the cumulative amount of the contract including all change orders, amendments, or addenda does not exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00); or
The original contract was approved by the City Council, the cumulative change orders, amendments, or addenda do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the contract price, and:
The change order, amendment, or addenda does not materially alter the purpose of the contract; and
Sufficient funds are available in the current year's budget to pay for the change orders;
Contracts or memoranda of understanding with State or Federal agencies, or State or Federally funded organizations, for payment or reimbursement of employee compensation of City employees, expenses, equipment costs and other expenses incurred by the City in connection with joint investigations with or law enforcement assistance or services provided to such organizations by members of the City Police Department. Such contracts may not require a City monetary match as a condition of the reimbursement;
Contracts with persons and entities selected by the City Council to receive Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds in the amount authorized by the City Council in the CDBG Annual Action Plan;
Except where authority has been delegated to a particular City Official, agent or employee, and unless the use of a facility or property or activity has been prohibited by City ordinance, all necessary consents for the use of City-owned facilities and property on a temporary basis under rules and regulations promulgated by the City Administrator, and charge a fee therefor as authorized under the City Code or the City Council;
Contracts dealing with the disposal of surplus City property, except real estate, including but not limited to supplies, materials, spoil piles and structures, without further legislative action of City Council, provided an open market competition to the most responsive bidder as measured by price, City priorities, goals and/or programs and needs is followed. The City Administrator may reject any bid if in their judgment it does not contain or provide a fair consideration;
Contracts for emergency work, demolition and repair on public improvements and publicly or privately owned property of any kind without competitive bidding, provided appropriated funds are available for such work. "Emergency work and repair" shall mean non-recurring situations threatening the integrity, structure, safety, or operation of a public improvement or property and that without immediate action is likely to result in failure or further damage or loss of integrity, or pose a danger to the public or City employees, officers, agents or licensees, or result in the risk of substantial financial loss to the City without immediate action;
Contracts for the abatement, prevention, eradication or control of nuisances and public health hazards determined as such by the City's Code and ordinances, based on costs of labor and materials and other costs as determined by the administrator as permitted by law;
Contracts for concessions and advertising at City facilities;
Contracts for ordinary or routine maintenance and services for software and data systems.
This Section shall not apply to the selection of auditing services.
[Ord. No. 5247, 8-21-2023]
Declaration Of Surplus Property. City Council may determine it is in the best interest of the City to dispose of City-owned real property by first declaring the property as surplus property. City-owned real estate shall be declared surplus, and the procedure spelled out for the disposal of that surplus property, by an ordinance passed by the City Council. This ordinance shall include establishment of a minimum sale price, which shall be used in the advertisement of the sale.
The City Administrator shall be authorized by the ordinance to proceed with a competitive bid process. The process shall include the following:
The sale shall be advertised in the local newspaper and on the City's website.
The sealed bids shall be considered within thirty (30) days of the first date of advertisement.
If no acceptable bids are received, offers to purchase the property will be received. Offers exceeding the minimum bid and any other offers deemed in the best interest of the City shall be forwarded to the City Council within a recommendation.
Any tract with an estimated value of greater than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) shall be appraised by a competent real estate appraiser.
Federally Funded Surplus Property. The surplusing and disposal of any real estate acquired with participating Federal funding shall be in conformance with the rules and regulations of the government agency which provided the funding.
No competitive bid process required for the sale of land in the following circumstances:
To any person to whom the property has a unique or enhanced value because of its accessibility, configuration, location, size or use, as determined by the City Council;
To any adjacent property owner at fair market value, as determined by an appraisal;
When use of the property is limited to public purposes specified by the City Council;
When the sale, trade or lease is part of a settlement in a condemnation proceeding; or
When the City Council determines that it is in the public interest to sell, trade or lease the property to a particular person.
These provisions do not apply to disposal of property pursuant to the Unified Development Code relating to vacating public ways.
[R.O. 1996 § 115.302; Ord. No. 4538 § 1, 4-6-2015; Ord. No. 4668, 6-19-2017]
The City Administrator is authorized to establish policies and procedures for the advertising, solicitation and receipt of bids and proposals, including the disposal of surplus property and supplies, utilizing the internet and third-party vendors so long as such policies and procedures are consistent with State law, City Council adopted ordinances and this Article. Competitive bidding shall not be required when the contract is for specialized professional services where prior experience, skills, education, local knowledge or unique knowledge are considerations when selecting the contractor, or the contractor is a sole source for the service or product.
The City Administrator shall establish purchasing policies that they deem are prudent and appropriate for the City, which are sufficiently definite and specific so as to protect the City's interests and funds. Council shall approve such policies by resolution. Such policies may delegate contracting authority through approval of the policy.
[R.O. 1996 § 115.303; Ord. No. 4538 § 1, 4-6-2015]
The City Administrator is authorized, without additional legislative action by the City Council, to accept gifts, donations and sponsorships from private, public or other governmental sources to the City, for municipal purposes, in cash or in-kind. Any such gift, donation, or sponsorship accepted by the City Administrator on behalf of the City shall be used for the intended purpose of the gift, donation or sponsorship as expressed by person or entity, providing same.
[R.O. 1996 § 115.304; Ord. No. 4538 § 1, 4-6-2015]
The City Administrator, on behalf of the City, is authorized to apply for, accept and execute contracts for grants for law enforcement activities, services, or equipment.
The City Administrator, on behalf of the City, is authorized to apply for grants as they become known and available for application.
[R.O. 1996 § 115.305; Ord. No. 4538 § 1, 4-6-2015]
Approval of the City's annual budget shall constitute authorization to renew any Federal or State grant for public safety purposes which has been previously approved by the City Council when revenues from a renewed grant are included in an approved City budget applicable for the time period of the renewed grant. The authorization previously granted to the City Administrator, or other specifically designated City official, to execute grant applications, contracts, or other instruments shall constitute continuing authorization to execute any and all applications, contracts, or other instruments necessary to effectuate such renewal.
[R.O. 1996 § 115.306; Ord. No. 4538 § 1, 4-6-2015]
The City Administrator shall provide the City Council a written report on a monthly basis of any contract executed, grant applied for or received, and any donation or gift accepted with a price, cost, or revenue potential to the City or value of over five thousand dollars ($5,000.00).
[R.O. 1996 § 115.307; Ord. No. 4538 § 1, 4-6-2015]
No contract made under this Article may be for a term longer than five (5) years including any renewals except for continuations of programs, grants and inter-local governmental contracts where funds to be expended or received are approved in an annual budget covering the time period of the program, grant or contract.
[R.O. 1996 § 115.308; Ord. No. 4538 § 1, 4-6-2015]
No contract or order purporting to impose any financial obligation on the City shall be executed, nor shall the same be valid and binding upon the City, unless it be in writing, and unless the director of finance, their designee or the budget office shall first certify in writing thereon that such contract or order is within the purpose of the appropriation to which it is to be charged and that there is an unencumbered balance to the credit of such appropriation sufficient to pay therefor.
[R.O. 1996 § 115.309; Ord. No. 4538 § 1, 4-6-2015]
No contract for the purchase of goods or services over the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) shall be entered into, or be valid or binding on the City, unless it is approved as to form by the City Attorney and such approval is shown by signature, electronic or paper, on said contract. No contract shall be binding on the City unless it is on a form approved by the City Attorney's office.
[R.O. 1996 § 115.310; Ord. No. 4538 § 1, 4-6-2015]
No contract may be split or divided for the purpose of evading any provision of this Article.
[R.O. 1996 § 115.311; Ord. No. 4538 § 1, 4-6-2015]
The City Administrator is authorized to set fees and charges for services and programs provided by the various departments of the City, unless such fees and charges are otherwise set by ordinance. Any fees and charges set by the City Administrator shall take into account the cost of providing the services or programs and shall be sufficient to meet the revenue projections of the annual budget adopted by the City Council for such services or programs.