[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
The Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall be the ultimate policy making authority for the City of Maysville in matters pertaining to personnel administration. Changes in the personnel policies, compensation and classification plan or fringe benefits shall not be effective unless approved by the Board of Aldermen by ordinance.
Upon adoption by the Board of Aldermen, these policies and procedures shall supersede all personnel policies, procedures, rules and regulations previously adopted. Amendments to this Manual shall become effective upon adoption by the Board of Aldermen, or on such date as designated by the governing body.
The Mayor and the Board of Aldermen are responsible for the employment of all salaried and hourly personnel. All individuals appointed by the Board of Aldermen shall be appointed by motion, which upon being passed shall be entered in the minutes of the Board. The salaries of all employees shall be approved by the Board of Aldermen by motion duly entered in the minutes. The salaries of elected officials shall be fixed by ordinance as per Section 79.270, RSMo.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
All data relating to employee status, performance and qualifications will be kept in appropriate confidential files as well as other employee information that the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen shall deem necessary. These files shall be considered the "official personnel records" of the City.
An employee may arrange to view his/her personnel file at any time during normal working hours. Such review shall be in the presence of one (1) of the following: Mayor, Alderman, City Clerk and/or the Public Works Director.
Any change in the employee's status, e.g., change of address, telephone number, number of dependents, martial status, educational achievements, etc., should be reported in writing to the City Clerk within two (2) weeks of the occurrence.
The Mayor, Alderman or City Clerk may verify the dates of employment with the City and the latest or last position title held. No other information concerning an employee shall be released to prospective employers, collection agencies, credit bureaus, etc., unless the employee has designated, in writing, the prospective employer, collection agency, credit bureau, etc., as his/her [the employee's] representative. The City of Maysville does comply with the Missouri Sunshine Law.[1]
Editor's Note: See RSMo. § 610.010 et seq., and Ch. 120 of this Code.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
Any employee regularly scheduled less than forty (40) hours weekly will be considered to be a part-time employee. Any employee regularly scheduled forty (40) hours or more will be considered to be a full-time employee.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
Employment of relatives as full- or part-time employees shall be governed by the following provisions: Two (2) members of an immediate family shall not be employed under the same department, neither shall two (2) members of an immediate family be employed at the same time, regardless of the administrative department, if such employment will result in an employee supervising a member of his/her immediate family. This policy applies to promotions, demotions, transfers and new appointments. "Immediate family" is defined as wife, husband, and mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren, stepmother, stepfather, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle and aunt. Provided that no present employee who was employed by the City of Maysville prior to 1992 shall be discharged because of a prior violation of this Section. The penalty for violation is loss of position or employment as stated in the Missouri Constitution Article VII, Section 6. This rule applies to City employees, but not to private contractors hired by the City.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
All employees are expected to conduct themselves so as to provide a favorable reflection of the City, and to demonstrate tact, be courteous and use good judgment at all times. No employee in the service of the City shall grant a special consideration, treatment or advantage to any citizen beyond that which is available to every other citizen. Employees shall observe all State laws regarding the prohibition of financial or other private interest in any proposed City legislation or sale of any material, supplies, equipment or services to the City.
Customer Service.
To improve the quality of service provided to our customers and ensure greater customer service is provided to all customers, both internally and externally. Customers are our priority, and the quality of service provided by employees should leave them with a feeling of having had a pleasant experience. All customers should be welcomed and made to feel they are important. Most people will visit City Hall and its employees at least one (1) time during their lifetime as a resident. City employees get one (1) chance to make a good impression.
Be Present. Be engaged in your work and be present for each other and the customers. Focus on the customer. Remember, customers are not an interruption of our time; they are the reason we are here. Your voice and body mannerisms inform the customers how we feel about handling their request. Try not to act preoccupied or bothered or let frustrations carry over.
Make Their Day. Engage your customers (internally and externally) in ways which create energy and goodwill. Stop what you are doing, smile and make eye contact.
Choose Your Attitude. There is always a choice about the way you perform your job. Be friendly, hospitable and courteous.
Answer all customers' questions.
Always introduce yourself by giving your name and in some cases even shake their hand.
Politely ask necessary/appropriate questions of the customers in order to clarify their request and respond with the proper information.
If you are unable to assist the customers, find/direct them to the proper source: the correct person or department.
Don't point to requested material. Get up and retrieve the material for a customer.
Give the customers what is asked for and go the extra; offer more than is expected. Ask, "What else can we help you with today?"
Customer service isn't limited to a face-to-face transaction. When the telephone rings, our good customer habits need to be in place.
Have a goal of answering the telephone within three (3) rings.
The first few seconds makes an impression on our customers. Answer with enthusiasm and with a smile in your voice.
Your tone of voice makes a difference. You should not be rough, sharp or discourteous.
Customers should never feel that they or their inquiries are a nuisance.
When answering calls, never leave the customer on hold continuously; go back to the customer within a couple of minutes to let them know you have not forgotten them. This usually makes the customer feel better about remaining on hold.
If you take a message, always assure the customer their call will be returned within a reasonable time or date. Write it down.
When transferring a telephone call, ensure first that you cannot take care of the problem. Then before hanging up when transferring, ask the department if they can handle the call. If the answer is "no," take the person's name and number and have the proper department call them back.
When dealing with an upset customer:
Let the customer finish complaining. Do not stop them or interrupt their conversation.
Try to calm them down by explaining or repeating the problem to ensure you completely understand their frustration.
Explain what can or cannot be done to solve the problem.
When you discuss a problem and show you are concerned about the problem, the customer will calm down and usually will come to an agreement with you.
Employee Standards Of Behavior. The proper and ethical operation of the City of Maysville requires that employees to be independent, impartial and responsible to all the people. In small towns, citizens and employees often encounter each other in various social settings outside of City Hall. It is important that staff remember that each and every member of the community shall be treated in the same fashion.
Demonstrate the highest standards of personal integrity, truthfulness, honesty and patience in all our public activities in order to inspire public confidence and trust.
Serve in such a way that no undue personal gain from the performance of our official duties is received.
Avoid any interest or activity that is in conflict with the conduct of our official duties.
No alcohol or drug use while on duty. Offenses of this type will not be tolerated and employees are subject to immediate dismissal.
Use of alcohol is a personal choice; however, all employees must strictly adhere to all local, State and Federal laws when drinking in public when off duty.
The City of Maysville currently has coverage for counseling and other services should an employee request assistance.
Serve the public with respect, concern and courtesy and responsiveness, recognizing that service to the public is beyond service to oneself.
No foul language or gestures on or off duty to other community members.
No threats of violence against particular members of the community.
No acts of violence against particular members of the community.
No gossip regarding employees or other members of the community.
Any form of proven retaliation against other staff or members of the community will not be allowed. Any employee of the City of Maysville found to be engaged in this behavior could be subject to immediate dismissal.
Acknowledge there are two (2) sides every problem and/or issue. Respect the other members' of the community right to voice their concerns, complaints or questions without fear of retribution.
Strive for personal professional excellence and encourage the professional development of our associates.
Approach our organization and operational duties with a positive attitude and constructively support open communication, creativity, dedication and compassion.
Respect and protect the privileged information to which we have access in the course of official duties.
Maintain an open mind and remain current on emerging issues and administer the public's business with professional competence, fairness, impartiality, efficiency and effectiveness.
Respect, support, study and when necessary, work to improve Federal and State constitutions and other laws that define the relationship among public agencies, employees, and all citizens.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
City employees are expected to dress and groom themselves appropriately for their required duties and responsibilities, and as described by departmental policies. Office employees are expected to dress professionally; however, the Board of Aldermen recognizes the office employees are often called upon for other tasks outside the office. The following is not considered proper office attire: shorts, bare midriffs, overalls, or any clothing appearing "dirty" or exhibiting holes and torn areas. Clothing shall not promote alcoholic, tobacco products or any other item considered promiscuous. Also, all body piercing and tattoos must be covered at all times. Should office employees not comply with this dress code they will be sent home at their own expense to change and return to work.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
An employee shall not accept any gifts, gratuities or loans from organizations, business concerns or individuals with whom an official relationship exists. These limitations are not intended to prohibit employees from accepting social courtesies, which prompt good public relations. Employees in direct contact with the public must guard against any relationship which might be construed as evidence of favoritism, coercion, unfair advantage or secret agreement.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
No employee of the City shall have any financial interest in or receive profit from any contract, service or other work performed by the City. Nor shall any employee personally profit, directly or indirectly, from any contract, sale or service between the City and person or company. No employee shall accept fees on performed services from his/her municipal employment from an outside firm or person.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
All City equipment will be stored at designated City storage areas. No City employee shall, without proper authorization, use any property, equipment, vehicles or any other City owned materials for private gain, use or convenience. An employee authorized to drive a City vehicle must have a valid and current Missouri operator's license and is required to observe all traffic laws. If employee's license is revoked or suspended, the employee must notify the Mayor or Aldermen immediately.
Internet access is provided for legitimate business use in the course of your assigned duties and employees should restrict their use of the Internet and e-mail to official purposes. Employees should be aware that the Mayor or Aldermen may monitor employee use of the Internet and e-mail or review the contents of stored e-mail records at any time to ensure the integrity of the systems, and such communications should not be considered private. Inappropriate use may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
Inappropriate use includes, but is not limited to:
Unauthorized attempts to access another person's e-mail.
The transmission of sensitive or proprietary information to unauthorized persons or organizations.
Accessing or transmitting material or information from obscene or indecent websites.
The transmission of obscene or harassing messages or material to any other individual.
Any illegal or unethical activity or any activity that could adversely affect the City.
Employees are strongly discouraged from using the City Internet and e-mail systems for personal use. Excessive personal use of the company's electronic communications systems may subject employee to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
Any employee leaving the City's service for any reason, whether resignation, dismissal, layoff or termination, will be responsible for returning City property which he/she may have in his/her possession on his/her last day of employment.
[Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1, 8-5-2010]
No employee is allowed to use any City accounts and or services for his or her personal use. A written warning will be issued for the first violation of this policy. If there is a second violation of this policy, the employee will be terminated.