[Ord. No. 2016-18 § 1, 8-9-2016]
Part-time employees of the City of Bel-Ridge shall not be entitled to the same work-related benefits as full-time employees if they are not regularly employed at least thirty-two (32) hours a week by the City.
[Ord. No. 2017-15 § 1, 7-11-2017]
All probationary employees of the City of Bel-Ridge shall be entitled to the same health insurance benefits as other full-time employees after they complete ninety (90) days' employment.
[R.O. 1995 § 125.010; Ord. No. 93-21 § 2, 8-12-1992; Ord. No. 94-11 § 2, 3-31-1994]
The following days shall be observed as paid holidays for full-time employees of the City:
New Year's Day
Dr. Martin Luther King Day
President's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day — July 4th
Labor Day
Thanksgiving and the Friday following Thanksgiving
If the holiday would fall on Sunday, it will be observed on Monday. If a holiday would fall on Saturday, it will be observed on Friday. Holiday pay shall be equal to the employee's base rate of pay multiplied by the number of hours in the employee's regular work shift.
An employee in the Police Department who is required to work on a holiday will receive holiday pay in addition to payment at his/her regular hourly rate for time worked. Any other employee of the City who is called in to work on a holiday shall receive holiday pay in addition to one and one-half (1 1/2) times his/her regular hourly rate for time worked.
[R.O. 1995 § 125.020; Ord. No. 93-21 § 3, 8-12-1992; Ord. No. 94-11 § 3, 3-31-1994; Ord. No. 2009-01 § 1, 2-11-2009; Ord. No. 2016-21 § 1, 8-16-2016]
Personal leave days are not considered sick days. Personal leave days are not bound by the constraints of the sick leave policy and therefore are not counted towards the fifty (50) accumulated sick days.
No employee shall be entitled to sick leave until he/she has completed at least three (3) months of employment with the City.
Thereafter, one (1) sick leave day will accrue for every month of employment and employees may accumulate up to fifty (50) sick days. At fifty (50) sick days, the employee will have the following options for every sick day accrued beyond fifty (50):
The employee may save the day as a sick day.
The employee may turn the day into a personal leave day.
The employee may turn the day in for pay on the next scheduled pay period.
Employees may request up to twelve (12) days of accumulated sick days be paid to the employee on the second-to-last pay period of the year, provided the deduction of the twelve (12) days does not take him/her below fifty (50) accumulated sick days.
For every full year an employee works without using a sick day, the employee will have the option to change two (2) sick days into personal leave days.
Sick leave days shall be available to employees only for those days on which an employee is suffering from a qualifying illness or injury, which is an illness or injury that:
Substantially interferes with the employee's ability to perform his/her duties; or
Presents a risk of infection or harm to other employees or the public.
Any Police Department employee desiring to use a sick leave day shall notify the on-duty shift supervisor at the Police Department at least two (2) hours prior to the beginning of his/her scheduled shift. Any other City employee shall notify his/her department head at least two (2) hours prior to the beginning of his/her scheduled shift, and if the department head is not available, said employee shall then notify the on-duty police shift supervisor. Failure by any employee to notify either the police shift supervisor or the department head as required herein shall result in the employee's forfeiture of the claimed sick day and any compensation to which the employee otherwise might have been entitled for such day, unless the employee's department head finds that good cause exists for such failure to notify.
Sick leave shall not be available or used for care of family members or others by the employee without approval of the Board of Aldermen. If employees are too ill to be able to attend work, it shall be assumed that they are unable to engage in other pursuits and that they will remain at their homes other than to seek medical attention. Any Police Officer leaving home while on sick leave for the purpose of obtaining medical attention shall, prior to leaving, notify the supervisor required to be given notification of illness pursuant to Subsection (D), above, to advise the supervisor where the employee is going and for what purpose. Upon returning, the Police Officer shall promptly notify the supervisor of that fact. Employees found to have abused sick leave by taking such leave while not suffering from a qualifying illness or injury may be subject to disciplinary action.
If a department head suspects abuse of sick leave by an employee, or if an employee is absent from work for a period of at least three (3) days in succession for an alleged illness, the employee may be requested and shall furnish to his/her department head and/or the Board of Aldermen a physician's certificate concerning his/her qualifying illness or injury.
Employees using sick leave for maternity purposes may be allowed to use up to fifty (50) work days of accumulated sick leave after a normal delivery (without complications). If additional time is necessary due to documented complication, appropriate extensions may be authorized by the department head; and if sick leave accumulations are exhausted, the department head may authorize vacation, holiday/personal time or leave without pay.
[R.O. 1995 § 125.025; Ord. No. 99-19 § 1, 7-29-1999]
Family And Medical Leave Provisions.
All employees of the City who have worked a minimum of one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) hours during the prior twelve-month period shall be entitled to request use of family and medical leave as provided in the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993[1] for any of the following reasons:
Because of the birth of a child of the employee and in order to care for such child within twelve (12) months after such birth, or because of the placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care within twelve (12) months after such placement;
To care for the employee's spouse, son or daughter, or parent who has a serious health condition; provided, however, that a child must be either under the age of eighteen (18), or if over eighteen (18), incapable of self care; or
For a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform his/her job.
Editor's Note: See 29 U.S.C. § 2601 et seq.
All requests for use of family and medical leave pursuant to this Section and the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 shall be made to the Mayor of the City on forms to be provided for that purpose by the City.
An employee must provide thirty (30) days' advance written notice when the leave is foreseeable. If thirty (30) days' notice is not given in advance and the City determines that such leave was foreseeable, the City may deny use of family and medical leave until thirty (30) days after such notice was given.
An employee requesting leave for a serious health condition shall submit medical certification to support the request for such leave. The City may require that a second (2nd) and/or third (3rd) opinion be obtained at the City's expense to support a request for such leave.
In cases where an employee has requested leave for a serious health condition involving the employee, medical clearance to return to duty must be submitted prior to return to work. The City may require that a second (2nd) and/or third (3rd) opinion be obtained at City's expense for medical clearance to return to duty.
Requests for use of such leave may be denied by the City if the above requirements are not met.
During the period of such leave, the employee shall provide periodic updates on the employee's status and intention to return to work as directed by the Mayor of the City.
The Mayor of the City is assigned responsibility for administration of medical and family leave provided under this Section.
For purposes of computing the twelve-month period in which the twelve (12) weeks of leave entitlement is to occur under the Act, the City shall use the twelve-month period measured forward from the date any employee's first such leave begins.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section or other regulations of the City to the contrary, if an eligible employee requests intermittent leave or leave on a reduced leave schedule as permitted by the Family and Medical Leave Act that is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, the Mayor of the City may require that such employee be transferred temporarily to an available alternative position offered by the City for which the employee is qualified provided that equivalent pay and benefits are provided and the position better accommodates the recurring periods of leave than the regular employment position held by the employee.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section or other regulations of the City to the contrary, an eligible employee must utilize during medical or family leave any other leave to which the employee is otherwise entitled by the policies of the City. Use of sick leave during any family or medical leave is restricted to serious health conditions being experienced by the employee and does not extend to care for serious health conditions involving a spouse, child or parent. Nothing herein shall be construed to require the City to pay benefits in any such situation in which the City would not normally provide paid leave.
During the period of such family or medical leave, the City shall continue payment of premiums for any group health, dental and/or life policies provided by the City to its employee at the same rates as the City would have paid if the employee were actively at work; provided, however, that should the employee not return to work after expiration of the family and medical leave provided herein, the employee shall be liable for reimbursement of such premiums to the City and the time period in which such benefits were provided shall be included within the COBRA extension period provided by law.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section or other regulations of the City to the contrary, any eligible employee on family or medical leave shall not be entitled to the accrual of any benefits during the period of such leave including vacation or additional sick leave benefits.
In any case in which a husband and wife are employed by the City, the aggregate number of work weeks of leave to which both may be entitled shall be limited to twelve (12) work weeks in any twelve-month period except for leave resulting because of the birth of a child of the employee and in order to care for such child, or because of the placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care, or to care for a parent due to a serious health condition.
Eligible employees for family and medical leave who work a part-time or variable schedule shall be entitled to a medical or family leave on a pro rata or proportional basis by comparing the employee's new schedule with the employee's normal work schedule or average work week for the twelve (12) weeks immediately preceding the beginning of such leave.
An employee returning from family or medical leave shall be entitled to reinstatement to the job which the employee occupied prior to commencement of leave or to an equivalent job with equivalent pay, benefits and other conditions; provided, however, that the City may deny reinstatement to any key salaried employee as defined by the Act when such reinstatement will cause substantial and grievous economic injury to the City.
Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the City from filling a position with a temporary or replacement worker during the period of leave.
Discretionary Unpaid Leave Of Absence.
Full-time employees may apply for a leave of absence for personal reasons not otherwise provided for by other provisions of these rules of up to ninety (90) days, without pay, with the approval of the Board of Aldermen. Only one (1) extension for an additional period of ninety (90) days may be granted, without pay, with the approval of the Board of Aldermen. An unpaid leave of absence under this provision will be granted only when it is to the advantage of and in the best interest of the City, as opposed to solely benefiting the employee and shall be at the sole and complete discretion of the Board of Aldermen.
Upon their return to service, full-time employees on a personal leave of absence under this provision are entitled to vacation benefits, sick leave benefits and all other benefits of full-time employees, provided that the requirements of the personnel code are met. Employees on an unpaid leave of absence will not accrue additional sick leave, vacation credit or benefits for the time of the unpaid leave. The City will continue to provide health and life insurance benefits to employees on an unpaid leave of absence.
[R.O. 1995 § 125.030; Ord. No. 93-21 § 4, 8-12-1992; Ord. No. 94-11 § 4, 3-31-1994]
The following shall be established as earned vacations:
After one (1) year of work, one (1) week.
After two (2) years of work, two (2) weeks.
After five (5) years of work, three (3) weeks.
After ten (10) years of work, four (4) weeks.
After twenty (20) years of work, five (5) weeks.
Vacation pay will be paid in advance of employee's leave for earned vacation time only. No employee shall work during vacation time in order to receive double pay. A maximum of one (1) week of earned vacation may be accumulated by an employee and carried over to the following year if it has not been utilized by the employee by the date of his/her anniversary of employment. Employees on vacation will be paid at the employee's base rate of pay.
[R.O. 1995 § 125.040; Ord. No. 93-12 § 5, 8-12-1992; Ord. No. 94-11 § 5, 3-31-1994]
Funeral leave entitles an employee up to a maximum of twenty-four (24) work hours leave with pay (if scheduled to work) for each death in the immediate family. The "immediate family" is defined as and limited to the employee's spouse, mother, father, child, sibling, grandchild, grandparent and parent-in-law. Funeral leave is available to full-time employees and shall be available beginning with the first (1st) day of employment. Funeral leave will be paid at the employee's base rate of pay. The amount of funeral leave authorized for payment will be at the department head's discretion, based on the employee's overall attendance and work records, the distance the employee must travel for the funeral, and other circumstances related to the death. If necessary, additional accumulated paid leave or leave without pay may be authorized by the department head.
An employee may be allowed up to eight (8) hours of paid leave (if scheduled to work) to attend the funeral of a son/daughter-in-law, step/foster parent, or step/foster child. Authorization for such leave is to be given by the department head in the same manner as primary funeral leave as described above.
If a death or funeral does not necessitate the employee's absence from work, this form of paid leave will not apply.
[R.O. 1995 § 125.050; Ord. No. 93-21 § 6, 8-12-1992; Ord. No. 94-11 § 6, 3-31-1994]
Employees will be paid on a periodic basis in accord with administrative procedures established from time to time.
[R.O. 1995 § 125.060; Ord. No. 93-21 § 7, 8-12-1992; Ord. No. 94-11 § 7, 3-31-1994]
For purpose of scheduling, a week shall commence on each Friday at 5:00 P.M.
All work schedules and assignments shall be set forth and determined by the respective department superintendents.
[R.O. 1995 § 125.070; Ord. No. 110 §§ 1 — 5, 6-22-1953]
It is hereby declared to be the policy and purpose of the City of Bel-Ridge, Missouri, to extend, at the earliest date, to all eligible employees and officials of said City who are not excluded by law or by this Section, and whether employed in connection with a governmental or proprietary function of said City, the benefits of the system of Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance as authorized by the Social Security Act Amendments of 1950,[1] and by Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 3 of the 66th General Assembly of the State of Missouri and amendments thereof, as the same may be now and hereafter in effect.
Editor's Note: See 42 U.S.C. § 301 et seq.
The Mayor of the City and the City Clerk of the City of Bel-Ridge, Missouri, are hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of this City, to prepare, execute and submit to the Office of Administration, Division of Accounting, as State Agency of the State of Missouri, a plan and agreement for extending said benefits to said eligible employees and officials of the City of Bel-Ridge, Missouri, in the form prepared by the State Agency and hereby approved and adopted by the Board of Aldermen of this City, which plan and agreement are to become effective upon approval thereof by the State Agency, and are further authorized and directed to execute agreements and modifications and amendments thereof with said State Agency, providing for the extension of said benefits to said employees and officials as set forth in said plan and agreement, as provided for in Subsection (A) hereof, said plan and agreements to provide that said extension of benefits is to be effective on July 1, 1953.
Commencing on the first (1st) day of the month following the date of the approval of the plan and agreement of this City by the State Agency, there shall be deducted from the wages of all employees and officials of the City of Bel-Ridge, Missouri, to whom the benefits of said system of Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance are extended, by virtue of the plan and agreement hereinbefore provided for, the amount of each of said employees' and officials' contributions, as determined by the applicable State and Federal laws and by said plan and agreement, the aggregate amount of said deductions to be paid into the Contributions Fund created by Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 3 of the 66th General Assembly of the State of Missouri; provided, however, that from the first (1st) payment of wages made to each of said employees and officials, there shall be deducted a sum equal to the amount which would have been due and payable from each of said employees and officials had said extension of benefits been provided and effective on July 1, 1953.
Commencing on the first (1st) day of the month following the date of the approval of the plan and agreement of this City by the State Agency, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated from the General Fund of the City of Bel-Ridge, Missouri, and there is, and shall be, appropriated, the sum or sums of money necessary to pay the contributions of the City of Bel-Ridge, Missouri, which shall be due and payable by the virtue of the extension of the benefits of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance System to the eligible employees and officials of said City, said sum or sums of money to be paid into the Contributions Fund created by Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 3 of the 66th General Assembly of the State of Missouri; provided, however, that in making the first (1st) payment to said Contributions Fund, after the benefits of said system have been extended to such employees and officials, said first (1st) payment shall include a sum equal to the amount which would have been due and payable had said extension of benefits been provided and effective on July 1, 1953. The fund from which said appropriation is made will, at all times, be sufficient to pay the contributions of the City by this Section directed to be paid to said Contributions Fund.
The City of Bel-Ridge, Missouri, from and after the approval of the plan and agreement of this City by the State Agency, shall fully comply with, and shall keep such records, make such reports and provide such methods of administration of said plan and agreement as may be required by all applicable State and Federal laws, rules and regulations, now and hereafter in effect with respect to the extension of the benefits of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance System to the employees and officials of this City. For the purpose of administering said plan and agreement the Treasurer of this City shall be the official who shall make all required reports, keep all records, and be responsible for the administration of said plan and agreement on behalf of this City, and any and all notices and communications from the State Agency to this City with respect to said plan agreement shall be addressed to "City of Bel-Ridge, 8765 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, Missouri, 63121."
[R.O. 1995 § 125.080; Ord. No. 96-13 § 1, 7-11-1996]
Missouri law requires all employees of Cities in this State to be employees at will and subject to removal or disciplinary action without cause, and such law also mandates that the Board of Aldermen have authority, at any regular or called meeting, to instantly remove from office any Chief of Police, Assistant Chief of Police or Policeman for wanton neglect of duty. The City of Bel-Ridge, is subject to these statutory requirements. Any employee of the City, anything in these or any other personnel regulations of the City to the contrary notwithstanding, shall be subject to disciplinary action and/or removal from City service in accord with these principles. Any provisions relating to notice, hearings, appeals and procedures for personnel actions shall not give rise to any right or interest on the part of any employee contrary to or in derogation of either:
Employee at will status; or
The prerogative of the City Board of Aldermen to instantly remove police personnel for wanton neglect of duty.
While the City appreciates the important service rendered by seasonal, temporary and volunteer employees, provisions of any regulations regarding notice, hearings and appeals shall not apply to seasonal or temporary employees whose employment is terminated because the City no longer requires the seasonal or temporary service of the employee, nor shall they apply to the removal of volunteer or reserve personnel. The Board of Aldermen may, in its sole discretion, consider complaints by such employees who assert they have been aggrieved in a substantial way by the termination of their service to the City.
Subject to these constraints, all employees appointed to service with the City of Bel-Ridge shall continue to serve as City employees at the will of the Board of Aldermen, and such employees need not be reappointed to their positions thereafter.
[R.O. 1995 § 125.090; Ord. No. 99-18 § 1, 7-29-1999]
Any employee serving with the Military Reserve or National Guard shall be entitled to leave of absence from the City without loss of time, pay, regular leave, impairment of efficiency rating or any other rights or benefits to which otherwise entitled for all periods of military service during which they are engaged in the performance of duty or training in the service of this State at the call of the Governor and as ordered by the Adjutant General without regard to length of time, and for all period of military service during which they are engaged in the performance of duty in the service of the United States under competent orders for a period not to exceed a total of fifteen (15) calendar days in any calendar year for training only.
Before any payment of salary is made covering the period of leave, the employee shall file with the City an official order from the appropriate military authority as evidence of such duty for which such military leave pay is granted, which order shall contain the certification of the employee's commanding officer of performance of duty in accordance with the terms of such order.
No member of the organized militia shall be discharged from employment because of being a member of the organized militia, nor hindered or prevented from performing any military service which he or she may be called upon to perform by proper authority, nor otherwise be discriminated against or dissuaded from enlisting or continuing their service in the militia by threat or injury to them in respect to their employment.
[R.O. 1995 § 125.100; Ord. No. 2002-01 §§ 1 — 6, 1-10-2002]
The Board of Aldermen of the City of Bel-Ridge, Missouri, a "political subdivision," as defined in Sections 70.600 through 70.755, RSMo., 2000, as amended, hereby elects to become a participating political subdivision of the Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System[1] and to thereby provide retirement benefits to all its eligible general employees and Police Officers under Benefit Program L1.
Editor's Note: Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System is also known as "LAGERS."
The Board of Aldermen hereby elects that one hundred percent (100%) of prior employment be considered for "prior service credit" in calculating benefits and contributions to LAGERS, and further elects that employees eligible to become members of LAGERS are those employees employed in positions normally requiring one thousand five hundred (1,500) hours of work a year, provided such employees are not members of another governmental retirement plan or are otherwise excluded from membership in LAGERS by State law.
The Board of Aldermen hereby elects to have the "final average salary" of its employee members determined over a sixty-consecutive-month period.
The Board of Aldermen hereby elects to require employees who become members of LAGERS to pay four percent (4%) employee contributions to LAGERS.
The Board of Aldermen hereby elects the regular retirement age for all eligible employees.
The City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to deduct from the wages or salaries of each employee member the employee contributions, if any, required by Section 70.705, RSMo., 2000, and to promptly remit such contributions to LAGERS, along with the employer contributions required by Sections 70.705 and 70.730, RSMo., 2000, as amended.