[R.O. 1995 § 635.060; Ord. No. 93-15 § 1, 5-13-1993; Ord. No. 2016-11 § 1, 4-12-2016]
For any month when there is a change of user of residential rate (rate 001) or non-residential (rate 043) electric service within the City of Bel-Ridge, Ameren Missouri Company or its successors in interest shall notify the City of Bel-Ridge of the changes, indicating the address and apartment number or unit number in whose name the service is connected or billed.
[R.O. 1995 § 635.070; Ord. No. 93-15 § 2, 5-13-1993]
Ameren Missouri shall submit annually to the City an invoice for its cost of this notification service. The initial annual cost of service to the City shall not exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00). Future cost increases, if any, will only reflect the annual cost incurred by Ameren Missouri to provide the service. The City shall pay to Ameren Missouri the amount of the invoice within thirty (30) days of receipt.
[R.O. 1995 § 635.080; Ord. No. 93-10 § 2, 4-22-1993; Ord. No. 95-16 § 2, 5-11-1995]
The Ameren Missouri Company shall, on the last day of each month of each year, pay to the City an amount equal to two percent (2%) of its gross receipts during the prior calendar month within the corporate limits of the City of Bel-Ridge, less any other taxes imposed by the City and paid by Ameren Missouri on the business of selling electricity or upon the proceeds of sale or upon the privilege of engaging in such business within the City limits. "Gross receipts" means all receipts from sales of electricity, excepting:
Sales to the City or any governmental entity located therein; and
Sales to customers having an average monthly use in excess of twenty-five thousand (25,000) kilowatt hours.
The Ameren Missouri Company shall also file with the City Clerk, simultaneously with their monthly payment, a statement noting:
Gross receipts for the prior calendar month; and
Any other taxes imposed by the City and paid by Ameren Missouri during such period as noted above. Provided, however, that beginning with the effective date of the ordinance amending this provision (May 11, 1995) and continuing until otherwise directed by the City of Bel-Ridge, the collection of the two percent (2%) fee on gross receipts shall be limited to gross receipts from the sale of electricity to non-residential consumers only, and any obligation on the part of Ameren Missouri Company to levy, collect or disburse to the City any fee under the provisions of this agreement which would otherwise be derived from the sale of electricity to residential consumers shall be suspended.